Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 840: Luo? (2)

The day before yesterday, Luo Yue received a call from his father suddenly from LA just after work. The voice on the phone was very serious. It seemed that he had encountered a great crisis. He hurried to the hotel by taxi, but got a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Marriage, Luo Yue, who was instilled in this idea by her mother since she was a child, did not make any noise. After her first love boyfriend was forced to break up, she knew that this day would come sooner or later, but she didn’t expect it so soon. She was only 25 years old. You are young, and you have to marry and be a wife before you start to enjoy the great life?

Luo Yue was not reconciled, but she didn't know how to refuse. She went home that night to talk to her good girlfriend, that is, the hot girl Lin Ximan who just came with Xiaoqiang. She is really a hot girl, from the land of abundance in country Z. People have been in a dormitory since university, they have learned the same knowledge, and they are all in the same company when they leave the society and enter the company. The relationship has reached the point where there is nothing to talk about.

Therefore, Luo Yue, who was full of distress, told Lin Ximan about part of the background of his family and the current difficulties. The two felt that it was best to let the man retreat, so that Luo Yue would not have to violate the meaning of the family, but also temporarily get rid of it. The fate of being fettered.

This is also the reason Lin Ximan just told Xiaoqiang not to talk nonsense. Luo Yue knew from his father that the man’s family was prominent and that he did not inherit the family business. Instead, he broke out into the sky. Although he did not specifically tell who the object was. Based on the above two points, he knew that his family was a high climber, which made Luo Yue dare not say anything badly to the other party. Besides, she was not that kind of person.

   Anyway, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and everyone has come downstairs to the company. It would be offensive if she doesn't meet, and she can't be too willful for family considerations.

After joking with two good friends, the heavy mood was relieved. I didn’t know what I was thinking of, so I suddenly buckled the laptop, took out the makeup case from the bag and simply touched up the makeup. Xiaoqiang took the opportunity to ridicule. , "What kind of makeup should we put on, we Yueyue are naturally beautiful, and a smile can fascinate those stinky men, and makeup is not for nothing?"

   Lin Ximan pinched his arm and said, "Why are you so nonsense? Make-up is a respect for each other! I found out that you have a good temper today, why? Are you unhappy when Yueyue went on a blind date?"

   Xiaoqiang's expression changed, and then he screamed with his teeth and claws, "Yes, yes, I am just upset, we are so good, why should we go on a blind date?"

   everyone in the company looked over at this sound. Fortunately, it was time for get off work and everyone didn't care.

Luo Yue simply patted her cheek with the powder and added some lip gloss. Then he said helplessly to the two good friends, "Okay, stop making trouble, hurry up and tidy up and we will go to dinner, let's say it first, and watch me later. Winking, as long as the situation is not right, we will immediately flash."

   Lin Ximan and Xiaoqiang repeatedly said yes, returning to their respective positions and quickly packing up.

   Yang Cheng waited downstairs for more than ten minutes. Seeing that all the people taking pictures had disappeared, his blind date had not yet seen the shadow, and his discomfort was about to accumulate and explode.

Under the big toad mirror is a frosty face, coupled with an already tough face, giving people a feeling of no anger and self-prestige. The body exudes an icy breath, which contrasts sharply with this sunny dress. He is already incomparable. If you regret it, you shouldn't agree to this meeting with a soft heart. I hope that girl will know something for a while and don't mess with herself, so as not to embarrass the two families.

At this time, a dilemma came out from the opposite rotation. The one in the middle was dressed plainly, dark blue denim hot pants showing a pair of round, straight, white and long thighs. The upper body was matched with a white knitted fishnet hole cardigan with white inner lining. The vest, the exquisite subclavian large white and greasy, is particularly dazzling in the sun.

This woman has a very good figure, which may be due to the large frame. She does not look petite. Although she is wearing a flat-bottomed blue retro AJ1, she is still not short. It measures 170cm. She looks fleshy but not at all. Appearing fat, well-proportioned body, white skin, if you have to score, the neck is perfect.

Until then, Yang Cheng looked up from the snow-white swan neck, a small V face that is standard for heartthrobs, round and stylish, with the facial features in their respective positions, and it does not look amazing at a glance. But after a blink of an eye, the more you look, the better you look. The countless Yang Cheng and even this face are very attractive. As they grow older, they will become more and more advanced, and they belong to the kind that grows proportionally to age.

The facial features on this face are not exquisite, but it is worth savoring. For example, her eyes, pupils are very dark, clean and clear, and make people feel mysterious. I really want to explore in depth. .

   Look at her lips again, they are evenly thin and thick, and the charming curve with red lip gloss is extra sexy.

Yang Cheng was surprised to find that he had discovered many temperaments from her alone, charming, sexy, handsome, literary, fresh, and quiet. She seemed to be a variety girl, but this dress was as simple as the girl next door. ,pure!

The short distance of more than 20 meters from her has brought Yang Cheng infinite curiosity. This is a girl who is difficult to see through at a glance. Some people say that Master Fan is beautiful, indeed, but Fan The beauty of the Lord can be seen at a glance and is impressive. It can bring the beauty of men's desire to conquer. But the girl in front of you is not amazing at first but looks more beautiful. When she stands in front of you, When showing a gentle, pleasant, fresh and natural smile, it seems that the whole world can be infected by this smile.

   At this time, the graceful sea breeze blew by, raising her long hair fluttering, the loose cardigan slipped slightly, and her small dew shoulders, there was a kind of romance from the Mediterranean.

   I don’t know why, Yang Cheng’s instinct told him that this girl is Luo Yue.

Sure enough, the girl stopped a few meters in front of her and looked around. It seemed that Yang Cheng was the only car parked on the street. After hesitating for a moment, she met Yang Cheng's eyes hidden behind her sunglasses. , Hesitated and stepped forward, Nuonuo asked, "Hello, is it Mr. Yang?"

A stone in Yang Cheng's heart fell to the ground. The unpleasantness before it seemed to have never happened before. He secretly gave his father a thumbs up, showing a sunny smile like a spring breeze, took off his sunglasses, and deliberately lowered his voice to let his voice listen. It looks more magnetic, "Hello, this is Yang Cheng, Miss Luo Yue, I am glad to meet you."

(PS: The heroine officially debuted. Although it was a bit late, it was planned, ^O^. As for the prototype, please refer to MSC. I personally think that such a girl is suitable for a wife, and a beautiful woman with a beautiful face is more suitable for it. lover!)


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