Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 846: An inheritance to an illegitimate child?

   Yang Cheng was dizzy, but at the core, he remembered it clearly, as far as possible to separate the valuable things before marriage, at least to leave a bottom for himself, so as to avoid divorce, which will cause entanglement.

   After talking about the issue of property distribution, there is another issue of inheritance that has not been clarified.

In this regard, Raham said, “The issue of inheritance is very important. Before that, Mr. Yang, you have to determine one thing, whether you will let your children inherit the entire estate, or just guarantee the lives of your children in the form of a trust fund. , But will not let them inherit the company?"

  Raham’s problem is very real. In the Western world, from the rich in business to the ordinary people, parents are usually unwilling to let their children inherit their own property, and donate their property to charity without hesitation.

   They believe that the efforts of the parents cannot replace the life of the child. If the child loses the joy of labor and develops a habit of eating and lazy because of his own property, it will be a very bad thing.

  Especially in the United States, there are restrictions on children "eating" their parents' inheritance. In addition to the prescribed time limit, they also have to pay high inheritance taxes. Moreover, the rights and status of parents are also not inherited by children.

   A saying that American parents often talk about is: "No matter how rich you are, you can't get rich children."

   Therefore, it is not unreasonable for those rich people to resolutely oppose the abolition of the inheritance tax and donate their huge wealth to charity.

American parents encourage their children to be independent. Even if the conditions at home are better, they will not easily meet their children’s extra material needs. This is often shown in American dramas. Even children from wealthy families will use their wisdom and Work to earn money to buy toys, snacks, clothes, pay for school fees, buy cars, etc., no matter what difficulties they encounter, they try their best to solve them by themselves. Parents rarely help or even stand by.

  Of course, this is after an adult, usually at the age of 16, parents will give their children the first car in their lives. This is also a sign of an adult, which means that you need to walk on your own in the future.

   However, there are always exceptions to everything. Things that spoil children in the Western world often happen, but the proportion is very small.

In addition, American families usually have several children, and inheritance can easily lead to the breakdown of family relationships. After all, fairness in the true sense is difficult to achieve. Even if parents think it is fair, children don’t think so. Therefore, many American parents are willing Donating your property to charity instead of keeping it to your children is because you don’t want to complicate the simple relationship between your relatives.

In the eyes of Americans, family affection is much higher than material wealth. Parents will not easily allow material to override feelings. Therefore, American parents often say to their children: "The affection of relatives is the most precious wealth." Make a clear physical boundary with the child so that the child understands from an early age that the wealth of his parents does not belong to him.

   And let children fully enjoy the fun of labor, Americans believe that hard work can bring happiness to people. It is the precious wealth of life. Everyone enjoys the right to work, and no one has the right to deprive others of the joy of work.

   If parents hand over the wealth they have created to their children, it is easy for the children to take advantage of the existing wealth and give up labor. As a result, the children will not only be unable to create their own lives, but will also become parasites of society.

In addition, American society is changing rapidly. One second is rich, and one second may become poor. Therefore, it is a very dangerous thing to live on the property of parents. Therefore, American parents will never let their children fall into it. In such a situation, they always let their children work hard and let them enjoy the joy of labor.

And instill in children a truth from childhood: your life has nothing to do with your parents. Those children who often show off their power and their parents’ social status on campus can easily be treated as a laughingstock by their classmates and be isolated from the circle, slowly becoming Withdrawn and bored with society, the principal offenders in cases that often occur in the United States suffer from mental problems. Most of these people are in good family conditions, and because of similar reasons, they embark on a path of no return.

   Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Raham. He is a lawyer, and the meaning of his existence is to solve the problem for the employer. As for the meaning behind the problem, he is not responsible.

Yang Cheng thought for a long time, but still felt that the American education method was not suitable for his family. Their Yang family has stretched into his own generation for three generations. The saying that they are rich but three generations still makes sense, if not for the miracle that happened to him On the head, maybe the Yang family will go downhill from the Yang Cheng generation.

But now, everything is not a problem. He believes in himself and he is not a softhearted person. He can't do things that spoil his children. He believes that the children he has educated must have enough ability to inherit his own industry. Therefore, He prepared two paths to cultivate an excellent Let other children choose their own life path, and set up a trust fund to provide security for their future. This is what he can think of The best way to get the best of both worlds.

   If there are children who are dissatisfied with their own decisions, they should compete by their ability. Of course, brotherhood is absolutely not allowed.

   This kind of thinking is also in line with the idea of ​​the Orientals.

Informed Raham of the decision. Sure enough, Raham’s voice was very flat and he could not hear the emotions at all. "No problem, Mr. Yang, and I suggest you prepare a fund in advance in an offshore country. This is an accident. prepare."

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment. Raham said tactfully, and after a while, he heard the offending notes. That's right, with his urinary sex, he might have an illegitimate child. Prepare in advance to avoid being caught by Luo Yue. I found that it made the whole family unhappy.

   "Thank you, you are right to remind me, this matter is left to you, I hope you can be absolutely confidential."

  Raham said righteously, "Mr. Yang, please rest assured, before I die, only I know the meaning of this fund in the world."

Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, "I will set up this trust fund with 100 million U.S. dollars. Usually, I don’t need to make a big move. Just follow the 4D space to invest. No matter how many children I have outside in the future, they will pay every month. You will get fixed income from this fund. You are personally responsible for supervision. If they do anything illegal or threatening their loved ones, you have the right to cancel their rights to receive dividends."

   This power is very big, which represents Yang Cheng's trust in Raham.

  Raham certainly understands this, "Yes, Mr. Yang, I will live up to my trust!"

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