Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 849: Three million unconnected banknotes

   "No thanks, I said, I will treat you twice as good.

  Actually, I have a ranch for vacation near Santa Barbara, which is very suitable for living. You also know the charming scenery of Santa Barbara. "

Luo Yue’s big eyes suddenly burst into a wonderful light, “The Spanish colonial architecture of Santa Barbara is indeed very beautiful. When I was in college, the tutor took us to Santa Barbara to observe the scenery, and I like the leisurely life there. , There are several beautiful towns nearby. It would be nice to live in Santa Barbara."

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "That would be great. The ranch occupies a large area, and you have a lot of room to display your design talent."

Luo Yue curled up his mouth, smiling as fresh and intoxicating as the breeze in Santa Barbara, "I need to go and see for myself before making a decision, but it sounds like a good idea, but it's far from Los Angeles, even if the traffic is smooth. How many hours?"

   Yang Cheng thought for a while, “I’m afraid it’s more than that. Don’t forget the journey within the city. It will take about an hour and a half to go smoothly. Of course, it will be much faster if you take a helicopter.”

   Luo Yue gave Yang Cheng a white glance, "I don't want to go to work in a helicopter every day and be jokes by my colleagues~"

   Yang Cheng has nothing to say about this. If it’s the boss, it’s not too good for employees to go to work by helicopter every day.

   But his thoughts moved, "Do you have any idea to start your own design company?"

   Luo Yue hesitated, "Do you start your own company? I don't seem to have the talent for managing companies."

Yang Cheng smiled and took Luo Yue's shoulders and rubbed her big hands on her round and smooth shoulders. "Don't think it is so complicated. Starting a company is very simple. If you don't have the talent for management, then hire a manager. You can concentrate on being responsible. For design work, or if you don’t trust outsiders, you can find a close friend, such as your girlfriend?"

   "Manman? If it is her, it must be fine, shall I go back and consider it carefully?" Luo Yue was obviously a little moved, but still not determined.

   Yang Cheng couldn't help it, stopped and glanced left and right. After walking for so long, he finally remembered that it was time to eat lunch under the reminder of his gurgling stomach.

   Near Santa Monica Beach, the most popular restaurants are pizza and sushi. There is a pizza or sushi restaurant almost every tens of meters, followed by various grilled meat steak restaurants.

And what Yang Cheng took Luo Yue to was a barbecue restaurant located next to Pacific Park and facing the beach. To be precise, it was grilled ribs. The taste was superb. When the beach is the busiest every year, this restaurant is called "San Mo "Nika Crazy Ribs" restaurants will hold a big appetite competition, so they are particularly famous and can be regarded as the American version of Internet celebrity restaurants.

   When it comes to American cuisine, one must mention American barbecue.

   Usually the old American’s favorite flavours are heavy. The most famous one is the Kansas City barbecue. You usually go to authentic American restaurants to eat. Those who order Kansas City barbecue are connoisseurs, and the waiters in the restaurant will look at them differently.

Speaking of people who don’t know how to pretend, they often make jokes on Kansas City barbecue. Although Kansas City is called Kansas, it is in Missouri and not in Kansas. In addition to the most famous barbecue, there is also a Nelson Museum, which contains collections. There are a lot of top Chinese cultural relics, and many antique collectors will take Kansas City as one of the must-stops after traveling to the United States.

   Even many Americans will take Kansas City as a long weekend choice. Eat barbecue and visit museums, which will satisfy the taste buds and enrich the spiritual world. It will do two things with one stone!

   The secret of Kansas City barbecue, in addition to the secret sauce recipes of various companies, the wood used for barbecue is also very particular.

For example, this "Santa Monica Crazy Barbecue", the owner’s hometown is Kansas City, and the secret sauce for grilled ribs is also passed down to his family. After continuous improvement, this has fixed the taste and is popular in Los Angeles. Of course, The secret sauce is not enough. The carefully selected barbecue wood is also an important factor in determining its deliciousness. The combination of selected walnut wood and a special fruit wood makes the taste of "grilled ribs" crazy.

Luo Yue usually eats light vegetarian dishes and seafood dishes. There is no way. According to her words, she has a physique that is easy to gain weight. She has to drink three kilograms of fat to drink cold water. She can have the shapely body like this, she does not know how much she swallowed. Saliva to resist the temptation of food.

Yang Cheng still likes this fleshy physique. It is more comfortable to hold and feels better to the touch. Okay, this is not important. The important thing is that Luo Yue can't hold back the food at present. Under Yang Cheng's constant persuasion , One by one lu is on the ribs, of course, I did not forget the crazy intake of vegetable salad to relieve the greasy.

   Yang Cheng remembered that the last time he ate ribs like this, it seemed that he was meeting with some members of Girls' Generation in New York. Obviously, those girls were several times as powerful as Luo Yue.

In the end, a complete 5-pound rib was cleaned up. Finally, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue helped each other out of the restaurant’s door. The two unanimously decided that they would never touch it again in a short time. It’s good to be delicious. To eat, is to feel uncomfortable eating support.

  Eating too much, if you don’t exercise, you will grow meat.

   So on Luo Yue's suggestion, the two bought a cup of iced coffee, just like a real couple, they drank a cup of coffee hand in hand, and walked leisurely towards the dock.

   The long pier, groups of people basking in the sun, pacing or low-flying seagulls, casually walking and stopping on the beach, flying and falling.

From time to time there are street performers on the pier who are enthusiastic and unrestrained, interacting cordially with the pedestrians, or introverted and reserved. A person plays and sings by himself. Even if someone puts a few dollars in front of him, he can’t get a thank you. With the artist's temperament, standing on the dock, looking at the endless expanse of the peaceful Pacific Ocean, shining brightly in the sunshine.

The sea breeze was blowing and it was cool. The two of them were tired from walking. They simply sat down and took a rest, their legs hanging in the air and tapping, listening to the soothing and beautiful music played by street performers, enjoying the peaceful afternoon by the sea .

   Until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I felt almost digested, and then I returned to the parking lot to pick up the car and prepare for the return journey.

I don’t know if today’s unexpectedly beautiful date is considered the day of their love, anyway, on the way back, the warm smile on Luo Yue’s face has not diminished, and slowly began to show in front of Yang Cheng On the lively side, open his arms against the wind, squinting his eyes and shaking his head and shaking his head with the music, welcoming the attention of people passing by.

   The journey was not long, and I soon reached Luo Yue's downstairs. Yang Cheng parked the car, turned sideways and smiled, "I think today is a good start."

   Luo Yue nodded in agreement, "Thank you, I had a great time today, but I may say something disappointing~"

   Yang Cheng is unknown, so, "You said~"

Luo Yue bit his lip. "What happened yesterday was that Xiaoqiang was wrong. He was too irritating. I would beat him if he changed. But after all, he is my friend. Before I met you, he helped me a lot. You don’t expect you to forgive him and even accept him as your friend, but can I ask you not to sue him, you know, this will stain his files."

   Yang Cheng laughed. If Luo Yue didn't mention it, he would have forgotten about this thing. It's really a little kid that's not worth his effort. Leave the trouble to Raham. Just wait for the result.

   But now Luo Yue spoke. He didn't know what to do. He coughed awkwardly, "Well, with the efficiency of my lawyer, it's not good that the kid has received the lawyer's letter now."

   Luo Yue blinked her big eyes, as if she couldn't believe it, with her attractive pink lips, for a long while, she was discouraged, "Okay~"

   Yang Cheng asked tentatively, "Should I call the lawyer to withdraw it?"

   Luo Yue was startled, and then shook his head, "Forget it, what you say is like splashing water, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

   Yang Cheng sighed. This girl is empathetic. In that case, he can't be too much. Anyway, he beats and scolds. As long as the other party takes the initiative to apologize, the story will be turned over.

I don’t know if Li Qiang knows that Yang Cheng is so ", will he vomit blood? This is not too much? The left cheek is not enough, so I have to stretch my right cheek and let you hit? I have to apologize? Is there a king in the world?

Watching Luo Yue enter the revolving door, Yang Cheng was not in a hurry to start the car, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and clicked on the Twitter app. He heard the special tweet tone just when he was driving, but Luo Yue was not immediately present. Check, he can't wait now.

After    clicked on, an unread message appeared on the private message page, and the sender was the "person in the dark"

   The content is, "You finally replied, 3 million, I only need 3 million US dollars of unlinked banknotes, and I will send you a private message in the future, and I will notify you of the transaction location."

   The information is very simple, there is no need to read it a second time, but the tone seems very tough, so sure about it?

   Yang Cheng frowned and thought.

   patted the steering wheel, and Yang Cheng replied, "I need to confirm the authenticity of the evidence in your hand!"

   This is a question he asked yesterday, but the other party did not answer, and the other party asked for cash. It is bound to be impossible to trade on the Internet, and face-to-face transactions with money, which invisibly increased the risk and uncertainty again.

   This time, the other party didn't let Yang Cheng wait for too long. Following the new message's prompt, Yang Cheng opened to check the message immediately.

The new information has only one picture. It is a villa in the dark. The second-floor room of the villa is lit, and a vague shadow is climbing the outdoor terrace. Judging from the hidden leaves, it should be separated by a big tree. Candid photos.

   Yang Cheng recalled carefully, this villa should be the villa where he had participated in the party that night, so is this vague back figure Timošchuk?

  . Nine Heavens God Emperor

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