Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 857: To the airport

Hearing that Yang Cheng took the initiative to take care of Xu Lao Er's task, Yang Sen couldn't help being surprised, "What? Did you pinch Xu Lao Er's handle?"

Yang Cheng smiled meaningfully, "I can't talk about it, but this guy has two boats, and I will tell him that he will be punished for two purposes."

Yang Sen heard Yang Cheng's voice and asked with a frown, "Are you sure you want to stand in line?"

Yang Cheng shook his head quickly, "How is it possible? I will never be able to firmly support a certain faction. I will support whoever can bring me great benefits. This is a constant purpose.

I just don't agree with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce betting on a certain side on behalf of the Chinese. This kind of fate is not in the interests of the Chinese. Especially betting on a dang faction with a history of anti-Chinese is simply stupid. "

Yang Sen gave him a white glance, "Then you said that Xu Lao Er pedaled two boats with one foot, I think you stepped deeper than him."

Yang Orange smiled, "Yes, but I have the capital to talk to the two parties, does he have it?"

The media in the new era is his confidence. Nowadays, who dares to ignore the power of the media? Whoever dares to despise will get his due!

Yang Sen didn't answer the conversation, and quietly looked at Yang Cheng Xing.

"To be honest, if I were an ordinary Chinese living in the United States, I might be more in favor of the Elephant Party's concept of individual hard work. Of course, I would not completely agree with the Elephant Party's tendency to be too you and too conservative.

Facts have proved that die-hard elements will not live long. I cannot support the extremists in the Elephant Party anyway, but there is a reason to support the Elephant Party to a certain extent, because all the Zuo factions in the ball are hypocritical. The representative of capitalism, we are exactly one of them now, so I stand in a reasonable position. "

Yang Sen listened to Yang Cheng’s speech with a serious look. He understood that Yang Cheng’s meaning was very clear. His current identity is capital, and he should stand in the donkey party where most capital is located. This is in keeping with the times, because the general trend is irreversible. !

Yang Cheng continued, "Especially many Chinese believe that the Donkey Party represents the poor, the disadvantaged, the minority, and fights for their interests. This is why in the early elections, 80% or 90% of them had the power to perform. The ideal Chinese voted for the donkey party.

But when these people live and work in peace and contentment, the children have gradually grown up, their burdens have been reduced, and time has become richer, and they have begun to care about the life of ZZ in American society. Slowly, their circle of friends is expanding and their horizons are expanding. In the past few years, the enthusiasm for Chinese ginseng has been on the rise, and there are more and more Chinese who tend to like the party.

Especially after everyone has personally experienced how the Donkey Party only cares about votes and ignores everyone's interests. "

Yang Sen couldn't help wondering, "Then why are you still stepping into the donkey party camp at this time? Instead of following the trend of the Chinese to shift toward the elephant party?"

Yang Cheng stretched out his palm, "Because I can see the specific movements of the donkey party only when I am in it, and as my status rises, they cannot ignore my attitude, let alone my skin color, so no matter what How the donkey party treats civilians, at least my interests are guaranteed, this is my first consideration.

But I did not completely sever contact with the Elephant Party. "

Yang Sen was startled and asked anxiously, "Are you still in touch with the Elephant Party? You are too courageous."

Yang Cheng pressed his hand and signaled his dad to calm down, "Don't worry, I know this in my heart, this connection is very secret, the donkey party won't care even if it knows it."

Yang Sen looked at Liu Yun, then looked at Yang Cheng, and said with emotion, "You are old and you are very independent in your work. I won't give you advice. At least for now, you are on the right path. Then the family will be yours. I firmly support you behind me."

Yang Cheng's heart is warm, this is the importance of family, "Thank you, dad, don't worry, we will be fine, at least this time, we are absolutely safe."

The reason why he dared to say this is because he has "trusted" the person who will come to power in the future. With his big-mouthed character, he has offended many times inside and outside the party, and who is still in the mood to make trouble for himself.

What he needs to do now is to follow Richard Debin and try his best to use the donkey party's resources for his own benefit. When he truly grows into a towering tree, will he still worry that someone will be against him?

After breakfast, Yang Sen and his wife drove to the airport back to New York, while Yang Cheng quietly waited for midnight at home.

During the period, Yang Cheng deliberately went to the design company to pick up Luo Yue for lunch. Since they met, the two have to meet each other every day. Although it is not long, the warming of the relationship is obvious. At least Luo Yue is being caught by Yang. When Cheng held hands, her heart was not as resistant as she did at the beginning, and she even began to feel the temperature of Yang Cheng's palm as warm as the California sun.

After eating, the two went to Rodeo Avenue and simply strolled around. Yang Cheng didn’t blink her eyelids, and directly sent her fiancee Hermes’ latest 35 Kung Fu matte maroon alligator skin platinum bag at the Hermes store. , This limited edition color scheme just arrived in the store less than a day and a night, it was taken by Yang Cheng for $100,000 and gave it to Luo Yue on the spot, and in order to match this bag, what windbreaker, suit, and high heels were directly matched set.

I have to say that Luo Yue's figure is the representative of the clothes rack, and any style of clothes can be perfectly controlled. This stylish black slim ladies suit, carrying a maroon platinum bag in his hand, stepping on a blood red tip of nearly 10 cm With stiletto and high heels, the whole person looks heroic, and at the same time a bit more charming of a mature woman. Watching Yang Cheng's index finger move, he can't wait to tear her up on the spot, he wants to conquer this woman.

Luo Yue was originally reluctant. She didn't want to spend Yang Cheng's money, especially when she was not married.

When Yang Cheng's desire-filled eyes and all kinds of perversions convinced her, yes, anyway, she will become his person. Whether or not they love each other sincerely, the two will come together to be sure. In this way, give each other something Isn't the gift normal? Although the value of this gift has exceeded her annual salary, and the limited edition of Hermes that every woman dreams of can not be bought by anyone who wants to buy it. At first, the shopping guide did not agree, but Yang Cheng called the store manager down. The face was successfully won.

In the end, Luo Yue returned to the company with a very complicated mood. These petty bourgeois colleagues who enjoyed high-quality life all year round recognized the value of the bag that Luo Yue was carrying, and cast their enviable eyes. Lin Ximan even came over to joke, saying that Luo Yue caught the turtle and his son-in-law didn't recognize a good girlfriend.

I don’t know what kind of disturbance Luo Yue will cause in the company, and I don’t care, and I hope that such envy as much as possible. You must know that this is a Chinese-based design company. In a small number, it's just that everyone is still reserved and hasn't shown too much.

Now they don’t have a chance to behave. All fools know that men who can afford this bag are not comparable to their wage earners. They can only curse in their hearts that good cabbage has caused pigs to bow, and then they say something wrong. Congratulations to Luo Yue.

After Yang Cheng got home, Andrew was counting the cash with White. What he bought from David Ellison was the one that Ritz bought from the finance company urgently, and the one that Yang Cheng owns, which adds up to a total of 3 million US dollars. Cash, rolls and rolls in front of you, the impact is still very large.

A full 300 rolls of the green Benjamin were put into three black suitcases, each with 1 million U.S. dollars. From now on, three bodyguards will be kept close to themselves, and their wrists and suitcase handles will be connected together with handcuffs. Keys Put them in Andrew's place for safekeeping until the matter is completely resolved, otherwise you have to sleep with your arms around the box.

Andrew patted his chest, "Boss, everything is ready. Hansen has taken people to the airport to prepare. If there is an accident, they will pretend to be F~B~I to take down Miles and immediately exit the airport."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I hope it won't be so troublesome. If that kid sees well, I will accept it. I don't mind giving him a box of money."

Andrew grinned, "Anyway, he can't escape. Delta Air Lines has sent a message confirming the passenger list for the flight to Mexico City tonight. There is indeed Miles, and his ticket has been frozen. The flight crew will refuse him to go through the registration procedures on the grounds that there is a problem with the ticketing system."

Yang Cheng smiled, "This kid has been cautious for so long. I didn't expect to be careless at the last moment. Should I praise him for his cleverness, or I should laugh at him as an idiot."

No matter what, everything is ready and only owes the east wind. Yang Cheng logs on to Twitter again to check if Miles has sent new information, just in case things change. After all, this is likely to be his trial, and it is not a temporary change of the plan. impossible.

However, Yang Cheng thinks that this possibility is very It is beyond his expectation that a puppy can do this level. If it can bring him an accident, then Yang Cheng really needs to consider The murder is gone, and keeping this kind of person is a threat to him.

At night, LAX Airport, located in the southwest of Los Angeles, is full of people. As the third largest airport in the United States, the passenger throughput ranks fourth in the world. Tourists and business people from all over the world gather here. Busyness is synonymous with this airport from beginning to end. Even if it is late at night, the passenger flow in the waiting hall is still rare.

Yang Cheng didn’t know how long he hadn’t been in or out of the ordinary terminal. After he had a private jet, he fully experienced the convenience of the business jet terminal, saving time and effort. The flight delays that he worried about in the past would never happen to him. On the body, not to mention wasting golden time in waiting at the airport early.

Yang Cheng, who had just walked into the airport lobby, took his bodyguards and squeezed past a wave of passengers who had just disembarked, and walked near the check-in counter of American Airlines. After checking that it was early, he asked the accompanying bodyguards to buy a cup of coffee for refreshing. , I didn't sleep well for two consecutive days, and my eyelids became heavy.

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