Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 860: Leave the rest to you

   Hearing Hansen’s report, Yang Cheng looked sluggish and headed south along Highway One? Wouldn't Miles want to drive all the way to Mexico?

This is not impossible. It is necessary to know that the length of Highway One is more than 1,000 kilometers. Although the biggest impression of people’s impression of Highway One is the most beautiful San Francisco-Los Angeles section, in fact, the southernmost point of Highway One goes directly to San Diego and At the border of Mexico, a distance of 2,300 kilometers from LAX, if you drive fast, you can leave the border in less than two hours.

   No wonder Miles has no fear, because if you want to stop him on the highway, you must go to war. Will Yang Cheng, who is about to wash his skin, be willing to take another trouble?

   The answer is definitely not willing, so Miles dared to flee unscrupulously in front of Yang Cheng.

   But Miles has counted a thousand fortunes, but missed one point, that is, Yang Orange has murdered him, and this will grow stronger as he goes away.

   "Hansen will continue to follow him, try not to be spotted as much as possible, and wait for him to stop~"

  Speaking of this, Yang Cheng suddenly shut up and lost the following, so that Hansen became familiar with Yang Cheng's mind, hesitated and tried, "Boss, I will let him disappear from this world."

   Yang Cheng still didn't speak, and if he didn't speak, it meant acquiescence.

   After waiting for another ten minutes, Miles finally told Yang Cheng the location of the hidden evidence through a private message. At this time, he had already passed Irvine and continued to run madly in the direction of San Diego.

Yang Cheng didn’t hesitate, and directly gave Andrew the address and asked him to send it to the team members who had arrived in West Hollywood. It didn’t take long before they reported that they had obtained the USB flash drive and confirmed the authenticity of the video inside. Yang Orange's strained nerves were relaxed.

   But his gaze became gloomy, and he said to the headset, "Hansen, I already got the USB flash drive. I will leave the rest to you."

   Hansen replied immediately, "Understood~ boss."

   took off the earphones and threw them to Andrew, waved his hand, "We go home, and Andrew is responsible for giving the USB flash drive to F~B~I, so that they can clear my suspicion as soon as possible.

   Andrew grinned, "yessir~"

  . . . . . .

   The next afternoon, Yang Cheng lay lazily by the pool, talking on the phone with Luo Yue after having lunch, with a smile on his face.

  The reason for being in a good mood is not just that I am having a good time chatting with Luo Yue, but also that Myers’ matter is completely resolved.

Poor Miles rushed all the way to the US-Mexico border. Not long after crossing the border, Hansen was blocked in a no-man’s land and sent him to a more distant world. The scene was made into a car accident. In an accident, the brake cable was aging and malfunctioning. I hit a rock on the side of the road. When I died, I was completely unrecognizable. I didn't have any identification documents on my body. According to the law of Lao Mo JC, this was an accident. Wait a few days for the body. After being unclaimed, they will be forcibly cremated.

And the US$3 million he carried with him was also brought back by Hansen a lot. Yang Cheng was never stingy with his own people and waved a big hand. The insider who participated in the operation that day was US$100,000, and Andrew took 200,000. , Hansen took 500,000, as for the remaining more than 1 million cash, he put it in the safe of the manor in case of emergency.

When a worry was resolved, Yang Cheng's mood was naturally very happy. F~B~I also confirmed the importance of the video, which can be used as evidence to remove Yang Cheng’s suspicion, but everything still needs to go through the process. No matter what, it's over to Raham, and he just waited for a few days to jing the game, take off the **** electronic shackles, and regain his freedom.

"what are you doing?"

   This seems to be the favorite problem of young couples in love. Facing Luo Yue's concern, Yang Cheng said very naturally, "Is thinking about what we eat at night."

   Luo Yue smiled, "Don't you want to work? Every day I think about what to eat for the next meal."

   Yang Cheng didn't care, "Don't people live for stuttering? By the way, Uncle Luo and Aunt Luo went back to Hawaii?"

   Luo Yue said, "I will go back the next day."

Yang Cheng changed his hand and held the phone, took a sip of the cool fresh squeezed fruit juice on the table, and suggested, "Wait for some time, you ask for a leave, let's go back to Hawaii together and go on vacation on my private island. "

   "Okay~ Lanai Island, right? This news has spread throughout Hawaii."

   "Yes, I haven't been there since I bought it. It just so happens that a crew of my film company is shooting on the island, and we will go to the spot to watch it."

"Okay, I haven't seen the filming scene yet." These days with Yang Cheng, Luo Yue's Chinese proficiency has increased rapidly. Not only has his fluency improved, his pronunciation has gradually become authentic, except for occasional pops. A few weird sentences emphasize that most of the time, they can communicate with Yang Cheng in standard Mandarin, which gives Yang Cheng a sense of success in training.

"Oh, I blame you, my work has been delayed, I won't tell you, see you tonight~" Luo Yue called out suddenly, with a hint of coquetry in the Cheng Hey, have a good time, "Well, go ahead and pick you up after work."

   hung up the phone, stood up and stretched his muscles, Hansen walked from behind, and said in a deep voice, "Boss, there is no news on Cruise Moore, do you want me to check it?"

   Yang Cheng's smile stagnated, and he secretly thought of negligence. If Hansen didn't mention it, he would have forgotten about it.

In order not to show off his feet, I frowned and thought for a long time before he said, "You can go and see, but the matter has been resolved. I don't want to be out of touch. You have to come back as soon as possible whether you can find it or not. "

Hansen didn’t think too much, except that Yang Cheng was unwilling to pursue Cruise Moore’s troubles because the matter was over. It was too late to be happy. How dare to question Yang Cheng’s change of attitude, he said quickly, “Please don’t worry, boss, I’m just Make sure of his position, don't let him run, and come back soon."

How can Yang Cheng rest assured, although this incident will definitely not be concealed in the end, he holds the ostrich mentality and can hide it for a while. In this way, how can he dare to let Hansen investigate it alone and use it with his ability? It won’t be long before the problem will be discovered and doubts will arise. Maybe he will become suspicious of the boss, and the trouble will be big.

So, "You take Andrew with you, that Timoshchuk is very capable, and Andrew is there to take care of him, don’t refuse, I’m not going anywhere recently, I’m playing around Hollywood, and there’s a bodyguard team. Nothing big can happen."

   Yang Cheng has said so, Hansen has no room to refuse, he can only nod with a wry smile, but secretly said in his heart, "I have to come back early, the boss can't live without people~"

   This honest and straightforward soldier, how can I think that this is Yang Cheng’s plan to slow down~

  .. m.

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