Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 869: camping

When you come to Yosemite to visit, you must make good preparations and perfect preparations in advance. Like Yang Cheng and the others, it is relatively easy to go wrong. Fortunately, Lin Ximan's organizational skills are good and there is no way along the way. What happened, successfully checked into the hotel, and waited to head into the park early the next morning.

   The golden tourist season here is summer, and the weather is basically good from June to August. Except for the thunderstorms that come from time to time, it usually passes at once.

   It’s not very hot in summer here, it’s about 30 degrees during the day, and it’s cool at night. At high altitudes, it’s like spring. The grass is green and the snow almost melts.

But generally the water in the waterfall is almost dry in July, but at this time of the year, the children in the school are put into society, screaming and running in the park, which is also the most crowded time of the year in the park. The staff are also often exhausted at this time, and their attitude towards tourists’ problems is usually not good.

Therefore, if you want to avoid the flow of people, it is best to choose to come to Yosemite in autumn. Yosemite in autumn is a colorful world, like natural watercolor paintings. The crowds are dispersed and the weather is even more a year. At the best time of the year, the temperature during the day is pleasant, and although it is cold at night, it is also a beautiful time to look up at the starry sky. However, at this time, most of the waterfalls have run out of water, which is a small regret.

   Yang Cheng and his group, who got up early the next morning and drove into the park, booked the camping area in advance, so they walked fast all the way, and everyone decided to camp first and then consider visiting the mountains and water.

Ordinary camps only cost $20, but a location with a good view needs to be booked in advance, at most half a year in advance. Of course, Lin Ximan did not book the so-called "Feng Shui Treasure Land". There is not much difference between a dug fire pit and an iron shelf. As for the scenery, there is only a difference between water and water.

Following the large group of troops parked their cars at the pre-arranged campsite, the men were busy setting up their tents, while the girls began to tidy up their makeup and do whatever they could, such as picking up some dry branches to light a bonfire. Of course they brought a lot of them. The fast burning charcoal, and the campfire is to set off the atmosphere.

Yang Cheng’s memory contains a lot of outdoor survival knowledge, which was taught to him by his grandfather when he was young. Lao Mei has strong hands-on skills. Generally, he can repair a tool or even a small problem in a vehicle. Yang Cheng has been like this since he was a child. When he grew up in an environment, he was naturally proficient in manual work, and the trivial task of setting up a tent was almost easy.

   After three times and five times, he **** the two-person tent he and Luo Yue stayed in at night. Luo Yue's eyes were full of colors. Obviously, he didn't expect Yang Cheng to have this craft.

   "Why? Don't you believe I would do this kind of work?" Yang Cheng patted the ash on her hands, observed the tent, and asked with her arms akimbo.

I slept with Yang Cheng last night. Although nothing happened, Luo Yue felt the same as what happened in Luo Yue's heart. I felt that the distance between Yang Cheng and Yang Cheng was getting closer again, and the ridicule was completely Did not converge, "Well~ I thought you should open your mouth to stretch out your hand for a big young man like you, I didn’t expect~"

   Yang Cheng smiled stupidly, "There are so many things you can't think of, where is this?"

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the light was swept away, and I found that Lin Ximan was still surrounded by the three flies, and people rushed to set up a tent for her, but Lin Ximan ignored him, holding the instructions for himself, and fumbled a little bit. Set up a tent with his own hands.

   Yang Cheng puffed up at her and said to Luo Yue, "It seems that your girlfriend really fascinated the three male compatriots~"

   Luo Yue turned around to see this scene, obviously used to it, "Leave her alone, let's quickly help set up the barbecue grill, I guess it will be noon when we are done, everyone should be hungry~"

   "OK, listen to you~"

With the help of Yang Cheng, the barbecue grill was quickly set up. With the help of electronic ignition equipment, the bonfire ignited a high red flame. Everyone clapped and cheered. Fire is the origin of civilization, even if people live in In the modern electrical age, it is still inevitable to rely on fire. Just like now, with a bonfire, everyone feels warm and safe.

Yang Cheng saw that someone opened the fresh-keeping box containing fresh meat, and promptly reminded, "Put fresh meat in the bear-proof jar. Although this is a safety period established manually, after all, accidents can happen at any time in the wild. As winter is about to begin, wild bears are frantically hunting to store energy to prepare for hibernation. If not, lost bears may come here, so men must be vigilant."

His reminder was very timely. Several "old people" who had been in the United States for more than 20 years immediately realized the importance. Since the park has prepared bear-proof tanks near the campsite, it has proved the necessity of caution. It must have happened before. Some wild bears strayed into the campsite.

   So, everyone communicated with each other, their expressions were not as relaxed as before, and they had to scan around from time to time.

   Luo Yue looked at her fiancé with pride. If traveling is the best occasion to verify the relationship between the two, in a short time, she can discover the charm that is usually unknown.

   patted Luo Yue who was looking at him in a daze, and said with a strange smile, "Did you fall in love with me?"

   Luo Yue nodded instinctively, and reacted in less than a second. He glared at Yang Cheng in shame, "A ghost loves you~"

   After finishing speaking, she didn't give Yang Cheng a chance to defend her. She ran to help her good girlfriends, leaving Yang Cheng alone to deal with the barbecue stuff for a while.

It has to be said that the United States has done a good job in protecting the natural environment. In fact, Yosemite's predecessor was the Butterfly Valley Giant Sequoia Forest Nature Reserve, which officially became the second United States after Yellowstone Park in the 1880s and 1990s. National Park, and was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984.

"The majestic domes and canyons, the upwardly extending dark forest, the rows of magnificent white mountain tops reflect the sky, and each scene is burning with dazzling beauty, radiating around like the heat of flame~", This is the description of Yosemite by John Muir, the father of National Parks in the United States. It is known as the back garden of California and it is the sanctuary of nature.

Indeed, Yosemite is such a place for anyone to linger. It looks like a fairyland from any angle, with towering giant cedar trees, high mountains and running water, huge rocky cliffs carved by glaciers, and sparkling waves. On the surface of the lake, people in it are like being in a paradise;

It may be that the fragrant beef roasted by Yang Cheng and the others attracted the attention of wild hummingbirds. These naughty forest elves wanted to participate very much. They flew over the grill from time to time, but were frightened away by the fireworks, and they were not reconciled for a while. Fly back.

Yang Cheng, who was **** the clip, found it fun, so Luo Yue tore the bread into small pieces and threw it into the air. The nimble elves vibrated their wings and swiped the bread pieces with precision, as if they had cooperated with Luo Yue. Decades of general tacit understanding.

   Yang Orange didn't grill too much, just grilled a few chicken wings and sausages, picked it up on the plate and went to the creek side by side with Luo Yue. The grill was left for the next man who wanted to show off his female partner.

   "It's so beautiful here~" Luo Yue just chased the hummingbird, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he gasped and exclaimed.

Yang Cheng loves natural scenery, and of course he does not hesitate to agree, "Yes, it’s a pity that the water volume of the waterfall is not enough now. I can’t see it now, otherwise it would be more beautiful, especially the Bride’s Veil Waterfall. This hazy feeling caused by the petite amount of water, hence the name, hangs in the air like a bridal veil.

It is said that during the Ice Age, the main valley of Yosemite contained more ice and the valley was cut deeper. The Bride's Veil Falls is one of these many waterfalls flowing out of the hanging valley. It is very beautiful~ "

   Luo Yue's small eyes looked at Yang Cheng, "You know a lot~"

   Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and didn't dare to answer. Could it be that this is where he and his first girlfriend often come? This knowledge was told to him by his first love girlfriend.

   The two sat by the creek and ate barbecue food. The beautiful scenery was unobstructed, and the mood suddenly became brighter with the beautiful scenery.

   was chatting comfortably, there was a rush of footsteps behind, and Lin Ximan’s complaint came first before anyone arrived, "Ah~ so angry~"

   Yang Cheng and Luo Yue hurriedly turned their heads, Luo Yue cared about What happened? "

Lin Ximan sat down, picked up a sausage on the plate with his bare hands, took a bite, chewed and said, "I also booked a hotel in the park, thinking about people who don’t want to sleep outdoors at night. People can go to a hotel, but the people at the hotel just called and said they were going to increase the price and asked us whether to cancel or make up the money. It was annoying. How could they do it like this? There was no integrity at all~"

Yang Cheng laughed. The accommodation problem in Yosemite National Park has been criticized for a long time. I did not expect that it has not been improved yet. "All the hotels in the park are monopolized by a super trust called Delaware Northern Corporation. This company also occupies several hotels in national parks. There are countless black regulations. This is not the first time this happened to you. It is not surprising. It must be a large tour group preparing to book the venue, so it is used. The price increase forces you to cancel your reservation."

   Lin Ximan was dumbfounded, "What should I do? Do you really want to live in the wild?"

   Yang Cheng looked at her dubiously, "This is what you suggested, aren't we here to take the heavens and the earth as chuang?"

   Luo Yue shook Yang Cheng’s arm, "Well, don’t just watch the jokes. Besides, I don’t worry about living in the wild at night. It’s not safe, so think about a solution~"

   At the stall of such a fiancee who was thinking of her best friend, Yang Cheng was also helpless, and raised her hand to say forgiveness, "Okay, okay, let me find a way, don't worry~"


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