Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 872: The direction depends on you

   "Instability and low profit are the biggest problems of this program, but the victory is that it can be easily entered, the process is relatively simple, you continue~"

   Yang Cheng's summary is naturally extremely accurate. Wang Lei nodded and said that he was correct, and continued, "Although the other self-employed plan has sufficient protection in terms of profit, it is more or less suppressed by the prices of all parties.

   According to my own understanding, the three major wholesalers in the United States currently account for approximately 85% to 90% of the total pharmaceutical distribution in the United States. Retail pharmacies and pharmaceutical distributors have formed six major business alliances.

   Therefore, the sales team configuration of the American generic drug industry must be relatively streamlined to reduce costs, and there is no need to imitate the sales model of large manufacturers of innovative drugs and hire a large number of sales staff to promote academically to doctors.

   Take the oral dosage form of medicine as an example. It only takes 1-2 senior sales staff to connect with 3 terminal chain pharmacies and 3 wholesalers, because these 6 customers almost monopolize 80% of the oral preparation market.

I have heard that a pharmaceutical company from country Z has switched from an agent sales model to a self-operated sales-based model, which is to adopt the method I said to directly sell its products to mainstream chain pharmacies, large chain hospitals and wholesale The company’s target positioning is very precise. In five years, the company’s output and sales have tripled, and its profits have more than doubled, which is of great reference significance. "

   Yang Cheng raised her brows, "So, the advantages of the self-employment model are still very obvious?"

  Wang Lei nodded but immediately shook his head in denial, "As I said before, the self-employment model does not have absolute advantages, and its drawbacks are also obvious, that is, prices are often suppressed.

   Because of the monopoly, pharmaceutical wholesalers have a greater say in the field of generic drugs and have a dominant price.

Especially for several pharmaceutical wholesale giants, their internal company regulations, if the profit of a certain product does not exceed a certain standard, they will refuse to cooperate with the pharmaceutical company, and the price and discount of the medicine usually follow the purchase of consumers Ability, degree of competition, market capacity to negotiate and negotiate.

In addition to price suppression by wholesalers, competition among pharmaceutical companies is also very fierce. As long as there are multiple companies in the same product field and one is willing to reduce prices, other companies must make a decision whether to stay in this field with "prices". "To win, it is better to turn to new products and fight in the blue ocean market.

  Moreover, there is still a service charging model in the market. Generic drug manufacturers need to pay or provide discounts to achieve expected sales.

   This behavior has seriously affected small and medium enterprises.

   For leading generic drug companies, they make up for price losses by increasing production and improving production efficiency. They can also bargain with wholesalers and retail pharmacies based on their market share.

  The best way for small and medium-sized generic drug factories to survive in the cracks is to develop differentiated products or drugs in subdivisions with less competition. Once Mr. Yang is determined to do it, then at the initial stage, this is the best direction. "

Yang Cheng smiled, "You know, which direction to take depends on your ability. In the face of Manman, I am willing to give you a chance to help you jump out of the swamp today and provide you with a river for you to ride. But it's up to you to swim into the ocean. I can only make sure that you will not drown in the water.

Of course, I am not helping in vain. After listening to you, I found that there is a lot of profit here. I am a businessman and I will not miss the opportunity to make money. And for unnecessary trouble in the future, I must tell the shame. In the front, I can divide your share, but the big end must be held in my own hands. This is a guarantee for the interests of both you and me, and there is no room for negotiation. "

Wang Lei can’t deny that he has moved. This is indeed a good opportunity to change his life, even if it will damage his self-esteem. After all, it is the woman who hugs the thigh of the gold lord, but as long as he succeeds in the future, all this is not counted. what.

   The most important thing is that he knows very well in his heart that if he still shrinks and does not seize this opportunity, Lin Ximan will definitely leave him and stop thinking about a chance to recover.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei's heart became firm again, his eyes staring at Yang Cheng's bright eyes, and he said loudly, "I did it, thank you Mr. Yang for giving me this opportunity, and I already have a draft, I don't think we should Blindly come up with your own model, learn relevant experience from successful people, and slowly embark on the right path.

  Moreover, we should make full use of our Chinese advantages and work closely with the market and companies in Country Z. After all, generic drugs have always been in a state of high competition. The strategy of'price for quantity' is feasible in the short term, but it is not sustainable.

In order to obtain long-term profitability, take advantage of country Z’s raw material cost advantage, and deploy specialty generic drugs with special technical barriers or drugs that are in short supply, and challenge patents, it is possible to enter the domestic generic drug market. Get a good living space. "

Yang Cheng waved a big hand, "You are a professional in this respect, so I won’t be involved. I will leave everything to you. I will only supervise. You will complete a detailed plan as soon as possible and give it to me. I will follow Your plan and budget determine the final investment amount.

   Besides, as I said before, my relationship with the medical center can be fully utilized.

Finally I am here to substitute coffee for wine, I wish you and Manman's lover will eventually get married. Although I don't have much contact with her, she is definitely a good woman. I hope you can cherish it, otherwise Luo Yue must be unhappy. If she is unhappy, I will be unhappy. If I am unhappy, you will never have a good life. Do you understand?

Yang Cheng’s forsythia fight on behalf of her can also be regarded as achieving her goal. It not only supports Lin Ximan, but also gives face to his fiancee. As for whether Wang Lei will lose face because of this, that is not in Yang Cheng’s consideration, a man If he wants to succeed, he won't even be able to resist this bit of hardship, and he deserves to be useless all his life.

Lin Ximan felt ashamed, her beautiful eyes angered, and blamed Yang Cheng for not picking up the emotional matter so clearly. On the other hand, she was grateful to Yang Cheng. No matter how good the relationship between her and Luo Yue was, she was just a girlfriend. After all, she was an outsider, Yang Cheng There is absolutely no need to bother for an outsider. Of course, it would be a different matter to be his lover if he stubbornly hooked up with Yang Cheng.

To be honest, it was not that Lin Ximan had never thought about it, but after all, she was not polluted by the environment and kept the bottom line, and with Yang Cheng's help, Wang Lei's future is boundless, even if she can't reach the height of Yang Cheng, but Good food and clothing will not be a problem for a lifetime, as long as she can always grasp the relationship with Luo Yue and follow her girlfriend's route, can Yang Cheng take care of her?

   It can be said that Lin Ximan has racked his brains for the future. The results are good so far, and his efforts have not been in vain.



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