Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 875: Investigate (2)

   According to Cary’s preliminary investigation, among the engineers who can participate in the design of the eavesdropping Trojan software, only three of them can get the complete information. The remaining hackers all share part of the design tasks, and not much is known.

   Therefore, after the investigation started, Kari listed the three as the primary suspects, especially one of the software engineers who had worked in the bureau for more than 30 years. Kari believed that he was the most suspect.

You know, with the leak of the eavesdropping plan, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange immediately stated that this is the most comprehensive collection of secret files of US spies ever made public to the world. This matter made C~I~A officials very serious. Embarrassing, but it also proves one thing from the side. People who can get such detailed information are by no means ordinary people. They are either high-ranking officials or trusted elderly people.

   Among the three people suspected by Kari, there is an eligible subject. The suspected information leak is the software engineer Joshua Schulte who has been working in the bureau for 30 years.

As early as 2007~08, Joshua was transferred to work in a secret department. Cary had reason to suspect that this department was the confidential department responsible for monitoring. His previous work at C~I~A was to design malicious Trojan horse software. , In order to break into computers used by terrorist suspects and other targets.

Cary’s suspicions are more than that. According to the survey of travel records, this Joshua has to go to an apartment in Manhattan, New York to stay for a month every year. It is doubtful that he rarely goes out during this period, except for a few occasions. When he went out to buy daily necessities and food for long-term storage, he closed himself in the apartment for the rest of the time. Even if he was a dark hacker, he would not hide his behavior in this way.

   There is not much time in Kali now. The Secretary-General only gave him one week of investigation time. There was not enough time to screen the investigation one by one. Only the person with the most suspicious points was selected as the main force of the investigation.

Therefore, after seeing his team members, Cary directly issued an order. Vincent led the team to New York. With the assistance of colleagues in the New York branch, he secretly investigated Joshua’s apartment in Manhattan, and if he could find Joshua from it. For the leaked evidence, his credit is secured.

   At this time, Kari didn’t care about F~B~I. Everything was in accordance with the principles of the law. No matter what, as long as the evidence was obtained, the process became less important in the face of tight time.

Fortunately, this time God reduced his luck to Cary. When Vincent searched Joshua’s apartment, he found confidential information from the computer, mobile phone and other electronic devices he left in the apartment. There are secret documents from C~I~A, and some confidential documents involving the country and the global (N~S~A).

  Kari was overjoyed when he got the news, and while secretly sighing that he was lucky, he also applied to the bureau to restrict Joshua’s departure immediately.

Seeing that Kari had searched for clues so quickly, Comey temporarily put aside his prejudices and cooperated fully, because this case also involved N~S~A. The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. The two naturally unite and prepare to give C~I~ A tripped, ordered C~I~A to hand over, and directly confiscated his passport, prohibiting Joshua from leaving the United States by any formal means and absconding.

Vincent soon handed over the electronic equipment found in Joshua’s apartment to professionals for inspection, and found that the crime involved in this person is probably more than just leaking secrets, because the F~B~I person is still in Texas in Joshua. Se sentiment materials were found in the server established during the university students, and traces of transmission were found, many of which were underage girls.

Now C~I~A don’t even want to keep him. Of course, C~I~A is not even ready to take action to protect Joshua. C~I~A's senior management hated him so much that they didn’t kill him directly. It has consumed a lot of perseverance, let alone propose to protect him.

   Joshua saw the situation unfavorably and reacted very quickly, so he directly found a lawyer to defend himself, which made the three guard dogs who wanted to execute him secretly helpless. The intervention of a lawyer means that everything has to go through the process.

   Now, Kari was a little bit blind. After all, his process of obtaining the "evidence" was not so glorious. He went to court and might be regarded as invalid evidence.

The lawyer Joshua was looking for was a little bit capable. To seize this, he went after him. As a last resort, F~B~I could only agree to Schulte’s release on condition that he was not allowed to leave New York City. Relatives live together and cannot use computers.

   However, violent agencies are violent agencies after all. When they are determined to kill a person, even with the so-called "constitutional" protection, there is no use for Luan. Joshua is already a dead person.

   And Joshua knows too much C~I~A confidential information, and it is a disaster to keep it. Once it is used by hostile forces, the harm caused will definitely be more serious than this leak.

   Therefore, on the second day after he returned home on bail, Joshua was discovered by relatives and died suddenly in his bathroom due to a heart problem. He was taking a comfortable bath when he died.

After investigating the scene, Jing Fang quickly concluded that the cause of Joshua’s death was an accident. Although the time of his death was very strange, Jing Fang was clearly notified, and he was not prepared to investigate in detail and did not give it. The crime of committing suicide is quite interesting.

When Joshua died, C~I~A gave a long sigh of relief. N~S~A saw that the person was dead and didn't bother to pursue the investigation. Anyway, their documents were not leaked, so they were not so angry. Naturally, they will not hold on to this matter anymore, although they really want to continue to stumble C~I~A, whoever makes C~I~A rob them of funds every year, and Joshua’s death has also reached For the purpose of James Comey's disgusting C~I~A, after the incident subsided, the old opponents would naturally step down to take responsibility for this leak and act as a scapegoat.

   In the whole thing, only Kari was unhappy. Because the case was hurriedly concluded, his credit was naturally reduced infinitely, and the case no longer exists. How can credit be given? Not to mention the opportunity to be promoted to make a fortune.

   Okay, Comey saw his abilities, and Richard Debin said in his back. Although the credit was not as great as expected, it is certain that he will take a new step in the next adjustment.

The leaked case was silently resolved internally, and the outside world was still noisy, but ordinary people could not report too much attention after all. It was noisy for two days. It was also distracted by various gossip news in the entertainment and sports circles. Occasionally, someone criticized a few words on the Internet, but did not make much noise.

However, Yang Cheng faintly guessed that Assange was going to be out of luck. This time he had offended C~I~A. If he let him off easily, C~I~A would lose face in the global press. As for how to retaliate against Yang Cheng, I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be possible to directly send someone to sneak into the Dashi Pavilion to assassinate it. Such a simple and rude method can easily aggravate the sentiments of the people in this information age. But with the nickname of "Fighter of Justice", it is a hero who is not afraid of power in many people's hearts. By then, C~I~A may not end well.

   But Yang Cheng soon didn't have the mood to entangle Assange's life and death, because his team Liverpool is facing a great scandal.

   The cause of the incident was the FIFA corruption case that shocked the world in the middle of this year.

According to FIFA’s original plan, FIFA will hold a meeting at the end of May this year. At this meeting, the new leader of FIFA will be elected. The candidates are Blatt, Van Prak, and Ali Hussein. And Figo.

   It turns out that I don’t know why. Before the conference, Figo and Van Prak withdrew one after another. Blatter’s rival was only Prince Ali.

Compared with Blatt, who has been the chairman of FIFA for 17 years, Prince Ali appears to be quite immature in all aspects. Apart from his own financial advantages, there is no point that can be significantly stronger than Blatt, so at that time six intercontinental There are five Continental Football Confederations supporting Blatter's election, and Blatter's re-election seems unstoppable.

However, there are always variables in what is planned. On the eve of the FIFA General Assembly, the Swiss police suddenly arrested several FIFA officials, including the Vice-Chairman and Executive Committee of the FIFA Executive Committee. The gangster, of course Blatter is not among them.

In order to clarify the relationship, Blatter then issued an emergency statement stating that he would eliminate corruption and try to regain trust. However, FIFA’s crisis public relations have limited effect, and voices condemning Blatter are flooding. Obviously there is a backing. Pushing hands.

At that time, UEFA President Platini said that if Blatter is elected, UEFA will withdraw from Although there are many doubts, Blatter is still in the FIFA Congress. Elected the FIFA president for the fifth time.

In his speech at the conference, Blatter said with sarcasm that the United States, Britain and other countries set off an "anti-corruption" storm before the general election of FIFA, mainly because the 2018 and 2022 World Cup hosts were Russia and Qatar instead of the United Kingdom and the United States. , This can almost be said to be a declaration of war on the two most powerful countries in the Western world today. Can there be good fruits?

   As expected, after only four days, Blatter suddenly announced his resignation.

   At the emergency press conference announcing his resignation, Blatter said: "Obviously, my new term has not won the support of every member of the football world."

   At the end, he faced the camera and said meaningfully: "For me, the most important thing is that when all this dust settles, football will be the winner."

In fact, on the eve of Blatt’s resignation, some media were fanning the flames, saying that Blatt’s right-hand man, then FIFA Secretary General Walker, led a $10 million transfer transaction in 2008. The money is a "bribery" paid by South Africa to Blatter and other FIFA officials for the 2010 World Cup bid.

   Once the news was revealed at the time, it shocked the world. Everyone realized that FIFA would usher in an unprecedented super storm.


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