Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 879: Unreasonable assumption

   A group of European football bigwigs headed by Rummenigge have the idea of ​​this super giants league is not a day or two, it is really that they are uncomfortable with their own small football clubs to share their interests.

But this is not something that can be done just thinking about it. This is a change that may affect the future of the European league pattern. Even their giants have to think carefully. If you are not careful, you may not even be able to keep the title of the giants. Don't talk about making money.

   According to Rummenigge's vision, the European giants' Premier League will not only abandon the existing Champions League system, but even consider leaving their respective domestic leagues completely.

   The direct consequence of this is to force other mid-range teams to abandon the Europa League for their own way and form a transnational next-level league.

Then the European leagues fell apart, and UEFA had no need to exist at all. Oh, no, no, at least there are still national team-level events that can take a share, but everyone knows that the bulk of UEFA’s revenue lies in the Champions League. 4 The annual European Cup is not enough for them!

In order to seek greater benefits, these giants have discussed more than once in private. The first to discuss Zao~ It was only Bayern, Manchester United, Real Madrid and Juventus who were the traditional giants. Later, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona, ​​etc. The giants joined, and now there are more than 10 top giants in the 5 major leagues, which seems to be only one step away from success.

   Florentino stood up to break the silence, but he did not express his opinion, "Rumee, you should first introduce Jason and others about your initial plan? They are new in, I am afraid that I don’t know much."

   After finishing speaking, she smiled kindly at Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng also responded with a smile, just slandering the old fox in his heart, "Weasel gave the rooster a New Year's greetings, absolutely not at ease. He won't look at any Liverpool player again, right?"

His heart was tense, but before he had time to think about it, he heard Rummenigge say, "Look at me, this is my negligence. In fact, before new friends join, we old guys have had many meetings and discussions. The plan is to build a UEFA Champions League consisting of 24 teams. In addition, a play-off game with 8 teams will be set up to further eliminate those clubs with insufficient background and strength.

   After all, playing against domestic underdogs is the same as playing with those fish belly games in the Champions League group stage. It will only reduce attention and reduce broadcast fee income. To be precise, those small **** will **** blood from us! "

Rummenigge’s loud and loud words made Yang Cheng frown. Although it was fleeting, Florentino was keenly grasped and asked, "Jason has any ideas, even if you bring it up, this matter It is a matter of great importance. We must use the wisdom of everyone to succeed.

   Yang Cheng hesitated, his eyes swept across the faces of the big guys, bowed his head and organized some words, and then said, "I think this plan has the biggest flaw~"

   Everyone was shocked, and Rummenigge, as the initiator, looked even more solemn.

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng couldn’t sell it, and said straightforwardly, “Once this league is established, there is no promotion system, how to ensure the enthusiasm of the players? Everyone knows that broadcast income depends on the excitement of the game. Without the motivation to play, how can we play a wonderful game?"

Everyone looked at each other. To tell the truth, the problems raised by Yang Cheng are not so hard to discover. It's just that these big guys are immersed in beautiful fantasy at the same time, subconsciously ignoring these drawbacks, and even thinking that the competition can be organized first. Finding that it can be solved slowly, this is what the so-called wise man must have lost.

   But now, Yang Cheng has directly pointed out the cruelty that everyone has to face up to the predicament, and let these social elites calm down and rationally think about whether the European Super League has the possibility of success.

The initiator Rummenigge thought the most, and he retorted after a little thought, "The problem jason raised really needs to be solved, but in the short term, every club and player will do their best to face the only champion. At that time, every game will be a game of giants, which will definitely raise the ratings to the highest, and we will also be able to sustain it."

   Several big men were moved by Rummenigge's words, and nodded in agreement.

But Yang Cheng said again, "Well, let's use the reason of championship to suspend players' enthusiasm. What about player mobility? There are only a few stars, and there are only two superstars, Melo. How do we formulate the transfer system? In order to compete for the championship, each team must invest their lives to buy players, while adding fresh blood to keep the freshness, otherwise the audience will be tired after two days, but who wants to give their stars to others Club?"

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Yang Cheng added, "Moreover, in my opinion, sometimes football does not necessarily have to be exciting only with strong dialogues. Games such as abuse, upset, dark horses, etc. will be more appreciated. Sex makes the fans more excited, and uncertainty is the charm of football."

Rummenigge opened his mouth and wanted to continue to refute Yang Cheng, but Yang Cheng didn't give him a chance at all. "Finally, I think we offend UEFA and the football associations of all countries at one time. It is not a wise thing. After all, many players have to return to China to play in the national team. The World Cup is the supreme glory in the hearts of every player. Once the national football associations ask for help from FIFA, FIFA directly prohibits players in our team from participating in the World Cup. I'm afraid the players will riot directly."

Yang Cheng’s words were not used to scare people. Yang Cheng had heard similar news in his previous life. FIFA jumped out directly to support the national football associations and refused to participate in the World Cup. As for whether it was successful in the end, Yang Cheng didn't know, but it was probably choking.

   This giant Super League has moved too many people's cheeses. Even if they are not as strong as you, they win because of the crowds. They beat the master with random punches, and their arms will never be stretched in the thighs.

   So Yang Cheng is not optimistic about this plan at all.

   Of course, if everyone sat down and figured out a plan that would satisfy most people's interests, he wouldn't mind participating in it. After all, he would still make more money.

Rummenigge was a little bit depressed. Juventus took the lead in forming the G14 league and finally fell on Barcelona. This traitor chose the Champions League in a critical moment of voting. This led to Juventus’ efforts to waste, and Juventus was unlucky at that time. Going to the phone door, there is no time to clone, otherwise it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

Since then, Rummenigge has taken over the zao~anti-banner, and has contacted various giants from time to time. By the way, he mentioned the re-organization of the giants Super League. After so many years of unremitting efforts, finally With the effect, Yang Cheng wiped out his hard work for so many years in a few words. Rummenigge felt salty in his mouth and almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

Florentino still kept smiling, and the corners of his mouth did not even shake. This skill is really great, "Jason, after you have criticized, you should say something nice? Otherwise, our group gathered here today and it will become a joke. Forever."

Yang Orange lowered his head, kicked a few feet on the turf, and quickly formed an outline in his mind. He raised his head again and said calmly, "Don't say it, I really have a small idea, if we say that our giants are one side, UEFA and the national football associations If we are the other two parties, we have formed a three-legged situation. If we want to break the game, we must draw one party to suppress the other, and try to compete with the other two parties alone. Don't even think about tasks that are almost impossible to complete."

  All the people present were smart people. After a few pots of cold water by Yang Cheng, everyone also recovered their calm. At this time, they calmed down and listened to Yang Cheng's words. Naturally, they quickly followed the rhythm.

   Rummenigge’s eyes renewed their brilliance, "You mean we want to allocate a portion of the benefits to the national football associations or UEFA? Let them agree to the launch of the giants' Premier League plan?"

   Yang Cheng nodded, "It probably means that. According to my idea, if you want to promote the super league, you must retain the rules of football and not directly break the balance, otherwise you will only get temporary glory, not a long-term solution.

   If you want to win over one party and suppress the Who do you think to win? Who is most in our interest to suppress? "

I have dealt with the Yang family a long time ago. I was full of money-making shrewd businessman Florentino. I figured it out, "Of course it is to draw the strong to suppress the weak. Obviously, compared to the dispersion of the national football associations, the European football The League is a stronger side. If we want to win over the national football federations to suppress UEFA, I am afraid it will be a hard fight. Don't forget that FIFA is standing behind UEFA.

But the other way round is different. The national football associations are a mess, and our league has a genetic basis for cooperation with UEFA. The communication between the two parties is smoother. Therefore, as long as we cooperate with UEFA, We can completely avoid the national football associations and ignore their opinions. "

   Yang Cheng slapped his hands. He really convinced the old fox. His mind turned so fast. No wonder he could control Real Madrid, a century-old giant with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

"Yes, we can completely break the barriers between countries. From a geographical point of view, this is completely feasible. After all, 2-3 hours by plane is enough to reach any city where our clubs are located. There is no game a week. The problem will not affect the player's physical strength.

Specifically, we can form several levels of leagues. The first level is composed of our giants, the second level is composed of mid-range clubs from various countries, and the third level is composed of small clubs from the five major leagues and teams from other national leagues. . "


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