Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 882: Against the enemy

Luo Yue stared at Susu in amazement for a long time, confirming that this was not for Yang Cheng to justify, then nodded, "This is the best, I believe that good women know how to advance and retreat. If they are as you said, I will rest assured. It~"

   hesitated for a moment, and tentatively asked, "However, can I know how many women your boss is out there? Of course, if you find it inconvenient, you don’t need to answer~"

   Susu secretly means trouble, how should I answer this question? Not answering is not a disguised explanation that Yang Cheng has many women, but will Luo Yue become angry if he tells the specific numbers?

   Su Su feels so tired, she has suffered more than she usually handles countless briefing documents. Although she is also a woman, she can't help feeling in her heart at this time, "It's hard to support women and villains."

After wandering around for a long time, I finally decided to tell the truth. Anyway, it is very necessary to have a good relationship with Luo Yue. As for Luo Yue to know how to deal with the boss, Su Su can’t control that much. Pray for one more hour for your boss.

  恩恩~ Nothing is important to save your life right now.

Of course, proper concealment is still necessary. You can't hurt Yang Cheng too badly. He cleared his dry throat, and said with a bit of embarrassment, "As far as I know, there should be 3 or 4    positions. I mean long-term. Keep the relationship."

Luo Yue has been mentally prepared for a long time. When people continue to lower the lower limit of their psychological expectations, no matter what the result is, they will feel satisfied. Now that is the case, she has prepared in advance to have 10 or 20 people. Only 3~4 people? Not to mention, it was a big surprise.

   Susu was afraid that Luo Yue would continue to ask who they were. Fortunately, Luo Yue would accept it as soon as he saw him, and did not question the topic again.

Next, pay more attention to Yang Cheng’s personal habits, such as his favorite dress style, favorite cuisines, etc. Naturally, Susu knows everything about it. The two little girls talked about 2 When I was young, I remembered that Nassau was on vacation, not to gossip with closed doors.

   So the second girl put aside the topic, changed into a light vacation dress, and went down to play in the water arm in arm.

  . . . . . .

On the other side, a group of big football players got together again. Yang Cheng’s proposal was approved by everyone. On the basis of this proposal, everyone decided to gradually improve various rules, and then Rummenigge was the representative to contact. UEFA, in the end, at the same time press the national football associations at the same time, anyway, as long as UEFA is willing to agree to cooperate, with this golden body, the attitude of the national football associations is not so important.

Unless countries use the means of zheng, but this possibility is basically zero. After all, the wealthy also represent the face of the country. The greater the influence of the wealthy is a good thing for the country. As for the interests of the Football Association, it is not in the country. Within consideration.

At this time, I don’t know who started the topic first. Everyone chatted and talked about the club’s results in the new season. This is a good time, but it was still kind, and all of a sudden, these giants are in the Champions League. The arena was originally a life and death enemy, and as the owners of the rich clubs, none of these big guys are poor, rich and temperamental, and nothing can be weak.

This is not Yang Cheng's rival to Liverpool, Manchester United owner Glazer family core member Joel Glazer, the reason is that Joel Glazer, a dead bald head, actually said in a joke that Liverpool have been very strong this season. , But still can't beat Manchester United.

   Yang Cheng's petty temper can't be tolerated, so he sprayed it back, "First think of a way to pay off the debt, don't bankrupt Manchester United at that time."

   He is also ruthless enough, he just smashes the other person, there is a good place to not stubborn, but he chooses the other side's wounds, this time is good, two people are considered to be a bridge.

Speaking of the Glazer family is a bit of history in the United States, of course it is not small compared to those big families that have been passed down for a hundred years, and even the history of the Yang family is not as good as the history of the Yang family, but when a junior was exposed to the scars, Joel's face was a bit unbearable. Up.

   Yang Cheng dismissed this. He really didn't take the Glazer family to heart. It was not a level at all. This level of competition is not about fighting for ages. Whoever is older can win, it still has to fight hard.

   Speaking of the Glazer family's beauty, it is not bad, not to mention the light of Jewish ancestry, and it was also regarded as a side hegemon.

But the reason why the Glazer family has not grown into a top predator is because this family has a unique business experience. They never stick to the rules, let alone develop an industry patiently. Simply put, they just do whatever industry makes money. what.

At first, after World War II, the American music and dance rose to peace, and the post-war baby boom spurred the rapid discovery of the real estate industry. So the ancestors of the Glazer family entered the real estate industry while maintaining the family watch industry. They benefited from nursing homes and RV camps. Because of the rapid accumulation of real estate, a family business was established.

Later, the family’s investment became bolder and bolder. Taking advantage of the Gulf War, they bought the old Busch oil company that was on the verge of bankruptcy so that the Busch family made a lot of money, but lost the charity. Resources, the oil company’s business went from bad to worse. Later, it was a miraculous success to transform into the seafood business. Although the profit is not comparable to that of the oil company, it also made money, which is not easy!

In the mid-1990s, the family business was completely handed over to the younger generations due to the death of the older generation of patrons. These younger generations had no intention of running businesses. At that time, it was in the midst of the nation’s sports boom. The flaky team Tampa Bay Buccaneers, although they are swollen, were also worth $200 million that year. It must be said that the Glazer family is still quite powerful.

However, I don’t know if it inherited the stingy genes of our ancestors. After acquiring the team, the Glazer family didn’t invest a penny. Instead, they successfully "persuaded" the local ZF to build a new stadium for the team and let the team out of thin air. The value increased by more than one billion.

However, sports clubs ultimately rely on performance. No performance is worthless. But the Glazer family still didn’t invest any money. Pai Yao was ashamed to work with them, but the Glazer family is not stupid, knowing that it’s not worth not to invest. There may be achievements, but they are not willing to pay, what should be done? Look for a bank, use the newly built stadium as collateral to get bank loans to invest in the team.

Not to mention it was really effective. After stumbled into the new millennium, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers broke into the Super Bowl all the way in 2002, and then took the super **** luck and won the Super Bowl championship. Relying on this championship, the ball The market value of the team has soared to 1 billion, and the Glazer family hasn't invested almost a penny from start to finish!

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