Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 885: untitled

   The gameplay of Texas Hold'em is very simple. It is basically a game where ordinary people can easily figure out the rules of the game within 10 minutes. The specific rules will not be repeated, and I have also written about it in the previous article.

   But if you want to become a master or even a professional WSOP player, you need constant practice and training. Of course, luck is also inseparable. This is why there are few god-level figures like Jordan and Tiger Woods in the Texas Hold'em field.

   On the list tonight, with the exception of Liu Xuan, the only well-known masters who can have more advantages than Liu Xuan are experience. This aspect is indeed Liu Xuan's inherent deficiency. Who made her be born more than ten or twenty years late.

However, Yang Cheng selected her from many contestants because she was a Chinese beauty, and she also valued her fortune in recent years. The record has been steadily rising. This is because other fame and fame only participated in a few times a year. The players in the competition are incomparable.

   Yang Cheng waited for Raham to bring back the good news, but pitiful for the players. Until now, he didn't know that he had become a tool for fun among the big guys.

   Luo Yue came out, and saw Yang Cheng holding a pile of materials looking at it with relish, and couldn't help but be curious. He trot over quietly and jumped onto the sofa, shocking Yang Cheng.

Doingly tugged her little hand to let Luo Yue sit next to him, put the information in Luo Yue's hands, and explained, "There is a Texas Hold'em Invitational tonight. Everyone is going to play it. Can you help me see this person? I am very optimistic about her and hope she will not let us lose too badly tonight."

   Luo Yue glanced, and said with a smile, "I don't know what the level is, but the length is really good!"

   Yang Cheng was stunned, and then smiled bitterly, "Don't be kidding, this looks less than one-tenth of yours, it's strange that I can see her~"

   This **** desire to survive~

   Luo Yue has a very sensible expression on your face, pretending to be old, patted Yang Cheng on the head, "Good ~ offer praise~"

   Yang Cheng was amused, and he reached out and clicked on Luo Yue's little head, "Don't make trouble, help me with the staff, you don't want me to lose too badly, right?"

Luo Yue nodded, but said rather distressed, "Oh, I don't know too much. Although I can play Texas Hold'em, how can I analyze the strength of the players? But looking at Liu Xuan's resume, it is still very beautiful. of."

   Yang Cheng pointed to the thick information on the coffee table, "The resumes of other players are more beautiful, but they do not meet our requirements."

"Oh~ then I can't help you, but just for fun, don't be too serious." Luo Yue's tone is relaxed, and he obviously doesn't understand the seriousness of the matter. Based on Yang Cheng's understanding of those big guys, this game is not there tonight. A few million dollars cannot be solved.

Forget it, it’s useless to think too much. I was about to take a bath and take a nap. I didn’t expect Raham to ran back with a bitter melon face, "Boss, that beauty can’t get in, no matter what I say She is not willing to agree to work for us."

   Yang Cheng frowned, "I don't need her to work for me. I only need her to win the championship tonight. Does she disagree?"

"Yeah, I have said everything, but she just feels that her self-esteem has been insulted, and she would rather retire than help us." Raham looked puzzled. In his opinion, this woman was afraid that her brain was sick. , Do not do business with millions of dollars, but to retain the so-called self-esteem of professional players? It's ridiculous.

According to Raham, Liu Xuan’s family situation is not wealthy, at best, she has no worries about eating and drinking. It was not until she hid from her family to participate in the Texas Hold'em Tournament and received a lot of money, the family’s quality of life improved. , Now facing the opportunity to turn life upside down, but not willing to accept the challenge, this person is really contradictory.

   He was puzzled, Yang Cheng was simply upset, and Raham couldn't handle such a mess, bad review.

   Luo Yue is considerate, pulling Yang Cheng's sleeves and whispering softly, "I'm going to change my clothes and meet the Liu Xuan sister with Mr. Raham."

   Yang Cheng looked at her fiancee in surprise, "Are you going to convince her?"

   Luo Yue followed the way Yang Cheng shrugged in the past, "Try it, maybe we can talk."

"Um~" Yang Cheng hesitated and couldn't make up his mind, but Luo Yue didn't give him a chance to refuse. He went straight to the room and changed his clothes. After coming out, he blinked at Yang Cheng and looked confident, "Wait for my good news. ~"

   Luo Yue did not disappoint Yang Cheng, and even made him a little admired. He didn't expect Luo Yue to have the potential to become a negotiation expert.

   Anyway, at 7 o'clock in the evening, when night was about to fall, Yang Cheng and his party appeared in the du hall, and the strange face Liu Xuan appeared in them.

Yang Cheng didn’t know what the two of them were talking about. Anyway, when he first saw Liu Xuan, there was no resistance or reluctance on his face. Instead, he smiled and held hands with Luo Yue in an extremely intimate gesture. It's really puzzling.

   So, Liu Xuan was sent into the venue. When Yang Cheng and the others went to the second floor to watch the seats, they couldn't help asking Luo Yue, "What are you talking about? It seems that you had a good chat?"

   Luo Yue sold a pass, "This is a dialogue between women, you can wait for a while for Liu Xuan to win the championship and give you a face."

   Yang Cheng laughed, "So confident? You must know that she is not facing a low-level player tonight, but a top player who has been famous for a long time. Any mistake will ruin the entire game."

   Luo Yue is also not sure now, but still retorted stiffly, "Anyway, Sister Liu Xuan said she is determined to win tonight, just wait and see."

Yang Cheng is speechless, this is blind self-confidence. At this time, in the viewing box set up on the second floor, there have been gathered many big men who have met at the golf course in the afternoon, most of them with female companions. Of course, few are wives. , Either a lover or a wife, at this point, rich men all over the world have a virtue.

Saying hello to Abu and the others, Rummenigge clapped his hands and signaled that he had something to say, "Good evening, gentlemen and ladies, I hope you can spend a pleasant evening, and there will be someone to help you place your bets later. There is no limit to the amount of bet, but everyone is just for fun, and it will be bad if you play too much and hurt your feelings."

   Andre Agnelli said eagerly, "Okay, don't be fussy, hurry up and let the game begin. Although we didn't get off the court personally, it was very nervous to participate on the sidelines."

  Florentino held a little blond woman who could be his granddaughter, held up champagne and echoed, "Yes, I think it’s more exciting to play like this, and I have a sense of seeing my team playing on the court~"

   This metaphor is very vivid and caused the first laugh in the box.

Luo Yue is the first time to participate in this kind of activity with Yang Cheng. Wearing a white spinning gown, the V on the neckline is not deep, the deep Mariana Trench is completely invisible, and the large white and smooth clavicle , Is the sapphire necklace that Yang Cheng specially purchased for her. The hair is lightly rolled up, and the whole shape is fresh and generous. It is unique among the coquettish cheap goods with heavy makeup.

   At this moment, I heard Florentino's joke. Although she didn't understand, she still smiled politely, but the little hand holding Yang Cheng became tighter unconsciously.

   Feeling Luo Yue's restraint, Yang Cheng said softly, "Don't be nervous, many of them have less wealth than your husband alone."

Luo Yue covered her mouth and chuckled, and slapped Yang Cheng angrily. There is no such comparison, but she still relaxed with the naked eye. Just now she was afraid of embarrassing Yang Cheng, but Yang Cheng said that, it seemed like the big guy present. Some people are not as strong as him, who dares to be disrespectful to him? Not to mention shame.

   After everyone laughed a few words, Abu took the initiative to provoke the war tonight, "I think it’s better to have more color, otherwise you won’t have fun~"

   Everyone showed a playful look and prepared to watch the show. I didn't expect the war in the Premier League to spread here. Is there anything more interesting than this.

   But they couldn't laugh anymore soon, because the giant clubs on the scene had a lot of deadly enemies. This is a good opportunity to fight deadly enemies. How can the shrewd bosses let it go?

   So the chairman of Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​Juventus and AC Milan, Arsenal and Tottenham, soon formed a situation of catching each other, only Yang Cheng and Abramovich stood firmly together and vowed to **** Glazer.

   "Joel, how do we play?" bit his cigar and asked domineeringly.

   Joel Glazer and his brother Efram faced Yang Cheng and Abu in terms of numbers, but the difference in wealth is more than one level.

In order to prevent Yang Cheng from pulling the du game to an irretrievable level, Joel preemptively said, "If we don't compare with others, who has more chips than our respective players at the end, how about? Each bet 200 Ten thousand, the winner takes everything."

   Yang Cheng and Abu glanced at each other. Obviously, this rule is the fairest to a limited extent, and it is also the most favorable plan for Glazer.

   Abu was a little depressed. He would have stopped letting Joel propose it. Now if he refuses, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face?

Yang Cheng is more clever, set the tone first, wait for the game to start, and then find a way to tempt Glazer to place more bets, his eyes beckoned to Abu, and decisively agreed, "No problem, put the betting funds on the du field. In the third party account."

   Joel is all right, touched a big bald head, smiled triumphantly, "My poker player is Daniel Negrino~"

Yang Cheng was stunned. This old guy has some patience. He was able to **** the trump card of Daniel Negrino from the other big guys. No wonder he looked like he was holding Zhizhu just now. It turned out to be prepared. ~

   Abu started late, but the player he found was not weak, he was a master Van Push from the Netherlands.

   And Yang Cheng is naturally Liu Xuan, and she is also the only female among the contestants today, very identifying.

   But looking at Joel's contemptuous eyes, he obviously felt that Yang Cheng was defeated.

  :. :

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