Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 888: Superstar Economy (2)

   In addition to the game-day revenue and broadcast revenue sharing, the greatest value the superstar can bring to the team is the commercial level.

   For example, jersey sponsorship. Because of Ronaldo’s joining, Juventus’s commercial revenue has doubled. Juventus originally lags behind other European super giants in terms of merchandise sales and sponsorship.

   Like the top ones, Manchester United, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Bayern Munich all have commercial revenues of around 300 million euros, while Juventus has only 120 million, which is close to one-third of Bayern.

  Only looking at the value of the jersey, this gap will be even more obvious.

   Juventus’s main jersey sponsor, Jeep, has a sponsorship fee of 17 million euros per season, and the jersey supplier Adidas pays Juventus 23 million per season. These two items add up to only 40 million euros.

And the total value of the jerseys of Manchester United, Barcelona and Real Madrid are 150 million, 140 million and 100 million respectively. This is not the case of the latest contract, and Ronaldo’s superstar has unique commercial value. It is conservatively estimated that After Ronaldo joins in the next two to three seasons, Juventus will increase the business revenue of 75 million euros to 100 million.

On the first day he joined, Ronaldo’s jerseys sold more than 500,000 pieces within 24 hours, and a genuine Juventus No. 7 fan jersey sold for 97.45 euros on the club’s official website. The version is Euro.

If calculated according to this number, it is the most conservative estimate that Ronaldo’s jersey brought the team 50 million euros in revenue on the first day. This year Liverpool’s performance has just improved, but the jersey sales have not increased significantly. , Ian Al, who has been committed to increasing the team’s commercial income, has pulled his hair for this reason, and is almost overwhelmed. It is because the team lacks iconic star stars. Kane has hope, but his style of play is indeed lacking. Highlights, it is difficult to carry this task. . .

What's more, the joining of players like Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi can not only increase the confidence of the club to negotiate with various sponsors, but also attract more attention from sponsors from other countries. The increase in potential commercial value is difficult to be specific with numbers. Expression.

The most important thing is the impact on the brand value of the team. Take Ronaldo as an example. Although the Juventus club as a whole cannot directly cash out the money in the stock market, signing Ronaldo will undoubtedly make the Juventus brand more valuable. .

The increase in stock price is certain. It is reflected in the market value. Juventus has increased sharply from 650-700 million euros to about 900 million euros in just one week. Even if Liverpool is not listed, if Messi can join, it will affect the overall market value. There is no doubt about the role of promotion. By then, Yang Orange will benefit more. Apart from anything else, Liverpool does not need to use its own funds to invest in funds, just get a bank loan. The higher the market value, the loan can be made. The higher the quota.

In summary, Andre Agnelli’s intentions for Ronaldo have completely aroused Yang Cheng’s interest in stealing Messi. It is true that Ronaldo’s positive role in Juventus as a whole makes him greedy. If he is replaced by Messi, It must be indispensable. Don't forget that Ronaldo at that time has already slipped from the peak. Although he can still give a wonderful performance, he is no longer the boy who chased on the bicycle.

But now both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are at their peak. Compared with the 30-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo, the 28-year-old Messi has more obvious advantages, and the profit harvesting period will be two years longer. Of course, the difficulty of buying is also proportionally increased. .

   As I said before, if you want to win Messi successfully, you must not start with him first. Messi is a man of affection. As long as the club does not abandon his ideas, he is definitely not willing to leave the mother team where he has played for his life.

   Then how can you shake him? One is to lure people around; the other is to start from the club, let them create barriers first.

   And the second step must be taken first. If this step is successful, the first step will become natural.

So, while everyone’s attention was on Florentino and Andre Agnelli, Yang Cheng took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Ian El. At the same time, he sent it to Egypt in New York. Di, let him arrange the coordination of public opinion.

   Compared to Eddie’s unknown, Ian Al can be called ecstatic over there. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the boss will finally do something to Messi.

  According to Yang Cheng's meaning, first let out the news, saying that Liverpool boss Yang Cheng and Barcelona chairman Bartomeu suspected that they had a secret meeting to discuss Messi transfer matters.

   There are tens of thousands of these out of nothing news every day. If they are sent by ordinary people, they will not even be able to wave a splash, and no one will believe it. After all, there is no evidence.

   But the next day, the Toutiao app sent overwhelming gossip news. The news was written in a decent way, and it was accompanied by a secret photo of Yang Cheng and Bartomeu meeting, which was actually taken by Yang Cheng's bodyguard.

   This is good. One stone stirred up waves. Originally, there were only photos, and it didn't necessarily point the finger at Messi. Why can't the two teams be so many stars? What's more, what if the two clubs talk about cooperation?

   But the problem lies in the news written by the editor. The analysis is reasonable and reasonable. First, it is pointed out that ordinary cooperation or player trading does not require the big boss Yang Cheng to come forward in person. Second, if it is normal cooperation, why go to the Bahamas to meet secretly? You can find a hotel or coffee shop to talk about;

   Finally, the editor pointed out that someone familiar with the matter broke the news and happened to hear the conversation between Yang Cheng and Bartomeu. The content was about Messi’s transfer to Liverpool.

   This is great, the article is so true that even the hardest Barcelona fans can't help but let alone Messi himself.

Bartomeu was still "on vacation" in the Bahamas at this time. There was a lot of delay in receiving the news. It was only when the CEO of Barcelona called him that he was stunned and found that he seemed to have been shaved. Back to the United States, I can't even see the shadow, ask me a wool?

   Later, Liverpool’s official Twitter and Facebook also sent out ambiguous words on related news hotspots, "Maybe there is a surprise?"

   Is this an official announcement in disguise? Acknowledge the truth of the matter?

Although Barcelona was caught off guard and had not had time to make an official statement, it was the default in the eyes of the excited fans. There is no doubt that the anger of the fans directly burned to the management, and some of the fans even found Barto. Meu’s house was furious at everything in his house, blaming Bartomeu as a shame to Barcelona. What kind of brain could make the decision to sell the world’s first person at the peak?

   What's more, the anger burned to Country Z, saying that this was a kidnapping by the people of Country Z.

   The Nth time innocent people from Z country lie down with guns!

However, what everyone does not know is that Yang Cheng is creating a scandal here, and Andre Agnelli is beginning to secretly talk about it. He and Florentino are really interested in Lang's concubine. Zhou Yu is willing to hit Huang Gai one by one. Willing to endure!

   Both of them are about to talk about the substantive stage, but compared to the 117 million euros paid by Juventus in the previous life, now they want to win the 30-year-old Ronaldo, there is no 300 million yuan to avoid.

   What's more, Florentino's psychological price is 400 million euros, and it must be paid in a lump sum.

  . . .

But let's first turn our attention to the du field of Atlantis Resort. After the initial bad luck, Liu Xuan slowly found the rhythm. First, he took the bargaining chip with a perfect flush to save his disadvantage. The momentum is like a broken bamboo, one after another seize the opportunity to make peace, this hand is really beautiful, of course there are factors that everyone despises because she is a woman.

However, after the 4 rounds of the competition, it was not her who had the most chips, but the Rakuma from India. He finally took away the final victory with a wave of 10 consecutive victories and won the grand prize of 1 million US dollars. Also received an additional 2 million US dollars reward.

Yang Cheng didn’t feel sorry, because Liu Xuan’s chips were far better than Daniel Negrino. It may be that he had neglected to practice in the past few years. Daniel was obviously not in the state. Except for the good luck to grab the opening at the beginning, there was no next Bright performance, not only did not win Liu Xuan, even Fanpuxi did not win, it can be said to be a complete defeat.

   Joel Glazer's angry face was blue, but there were too many people on the scene, and he couldn't tolerate it. Besides, he was not ready to regret it. It was worthless to lose face for a mere $2 million!

   Isn't it just 2 million US dollars, Manchester United will earn it back for him.

Stayed in the hotel for one night, and Yang Cheng first sent Luo Yue back to Los Angeles by plane the next morning. She had to work, and then took Susu directly to Liverpool. Messi’s transfer still needs him to handle it personally. It is necessary He can go to Barcelona himself.

On the plane, Yang Cheng tilted all the energy that hadn’t vented all night on Susu. Poor Susu was tossed and almost didn’t get off the plane. Instead, Yang Chengchun breeze appeared at John Lennon Airport triumphantly and talked to Ian Elle. Talking and laughing, did not notice Susu who was staring at him with his eyes behind him.

The iconic chairman car of the Liverpool club appeared on the road. It was immediately passed to friends after being discovered by die-hard fans. It didn’t take long for it to be passed on. The news of Yang Cheng’s return to Liverpool spread among the fans. Now, some top celebrities don't have this treatment, and Yang Cheng enjoys it unknowingly.

  Of course, the reason why everyone is so excited is because Yang Cheng always makes big moves every time he comes to Liverpool. The fans can't help but look forward to it. At this time, Yang Cheng and the Barcelona chairman secretly discussed the Messi transfer scandal yet.

   In the calm and quiet Rolls-Royce carriage, Yang Cheng tilted his legs and looked at the lively streets of Liverpool. He turned and asked, "How are things arranged?"

Ian El could not hide his excitement, "Don't worry, boss, everything is arranged, the wind will spread all over the world soon, and then wait for the photos on the headline app to be released to confirm the authenticity of the scandal. Together with the public opinion GC, save Zhunmei West is suspicious of the club."

   Yang Cheng smiled playfully, "Very well, then you have to seize the opportunity to start with Messi's side to break the deadlock, and then you are afraid that Messi will not agree?"

   Ian El gave the same smile, "Yes, there is no true loyalty in this world. If there is, it's just that the price of betrayal is not enough."

   Yang Cheng gave him a surprised look, "Okay, you, even learned this sentence?"

   Ian El sneered, "It's not like you always listen to the boss, you will remember it slowly~"

   Yang Cheng laughed, "Okay, your smile is really ugly, by the way, how is your uncle?"

   What he asked was Recosta. The Liverpool councillor took the initiative to find Yang Cheng for funding. After careful consideration, Yang Cheng agreed, but he didn't pay much attention afterwards. This was just a piece of chess he played in the UK.

Ian El is not as relaxed as Yang Cheng, and he seems very cautious. Yang Cheng can't take him seriously. After all, he and Recosta are related to each other. If they are not handled well, they will be misunderstood by Yang Cheng. It will be troublesome.

After a good organization of the language, he said, "Uncle Costa successfully entered the eyes of the people of the British Isles through an interview with the Sunday Times. The people have a good impression of him, but it is difficult to get to London. It’s still a bit big, but with the support of £2 million, it seems to me it’s just a matter of time."

   Yang Cheng said, "Don't worry about this, I didn't give him a time limit, as long as he can effectively organize contacts, my money will not be spent~"

   Ian Air nodded and said, "Uncle Costa's local connections in Liverpool are not much to say. The progress in London is also good. He often plays golf with the Mayor of London recently."

Ok? With the Mayor of London? It's kind of interesting, Yang Cheng encouraged, " Let’s talk about the project, are the procedures for Liverpool One completed?"

Speaking of his work, Ian Ayre has a clear slack. "It's done. Uncle Costa moves quickly. At present, the land where Liverpool One is located has been assigned to the club's name, and the design of the football park has been handed over to the design The office, the planning has been completed, and we are waiting for the final design drawings."

   Yang Cheng is very satisfied with Costa's work efficiency. At present, Costa has fulfilled his promises in everything he has promised. At least let Yang Cheng see the possibility of return on investment, which is enough.

   "Very well, the football park project has greatly promoted Liverpool's brand building. As a pilot, Liverpool One must ensure success. Is there financial pressure?"

"The pressure is not great for the time being. Our working capital is enough to pay for the acquisition of this project. Uncle Costa helped us negotiate the terms of the installment payment, so the pressure is not great. When the project starts, the new income will be credited. No delay at all."

   Yang Cheng was noncommittal, "That's still a bit nervous, so let's contact the Royal Bank of Scotland. If it doesn't work, you can borrow less."

Ian El hesitated and said, "If Messi's transfer can really be promoted, it will be a sky-high price. Do we take the opportunity to try the bank's news? This transfer fee is better from a bank loan. ."

   Yang Cheng has his own plans for this. Of course, this uncompromising sale has to be handed over to his own bank. How can it be cheaper for other financial institutions and waved his hand, "You don’t have to worry about the money issue, I have my own consideration~"

  :. :

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