Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 895: Forced favors

  Although the royal medal is not very valuable now, it is still the only channel for common people to the nobility. If there is no baron or knight, how can they be promoted to the real baron noble?

Therefore, even if the medals of honor and quasi-noble titles that can be obtained by giving money are no longer so glorious, there are still many rich and famous people in droves. After all, if you don’t have a few medals in your hand, you are embarrassed to be in the upper class of Britain. Walk around.

   After Xiao Bei finished his grievances, Yang Cheng asked, "What do you want to do?"

   "The influence of the new era media in the UK is increasing day by day. I hope that Jason can help me control public opinion and keep it within a controllable range~" Beckham said truthfully.

   Yang Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't ask for a change in public opinion, otherwise he really didn't know how to refuse and agreed? Stop dreaming, he will never contend with the general trend.

"In the media, I can greet me. My colleagues in the UK should give me this face. But in this case, the best way is for the royal family to come forward. As long as you are awarded the knighthood, all slanders will be self-defeating." Yang Cheng thought that he gave the most appropriate advice.

But Beckham looked embarrassed. Victoria looked at him from the side and said, "He has no face to ask William for help. He didn't know what to think back then. He bought a super expensive sports car on the advice of a friend and asked a friend. He helped to evade the purchase tax. It was because of this incident that the relevant department learned about it, and he was finally disqualified from honoring him."

   Xiaobei looked confused, and Yang Cheng suddenly realized that the disqualification of honors was the fundamental source of the whole thing.

   "If this is the case, it will be difficult. You also know that the royal family values ​​face the most. Tax evasion has once been on the blacklist forever. Even if William doesn't care, he can't intercede for you."

   "I also understand this truth, so I didn't go to William, so I could only come to ask you for help." Beckham was sincere.

"In terms of public opinion, you don’t have to worry. The enthusiasm of the common people comes and goes quickly, and this matter will be forgotten in a few days. Then, take your Xiaoqi to the street to brush up a wave of invincible dad’s personal settings. , I will help you hype, and this will pass." Yang Cheng is so eager to help, isn't it because he has agreed to invest in the Beckhams?

   Their business is based on the image of Beckham, and if Beckham's image is ruined, this **** brand is worth less than 100 million pounds, or 10 million pounds.

Beckham was so grateful that he almost knelt on the ground and cried. After the accident, he found countless media friends, but most of them had a joke mentality, and some were willing to help, but they were not able to control public opinion. Coupled with the loss of business, he has been exhausted and exhausted these days, and he is not far from death.

   Fortunately, he saw the news that Yang Cheng came to the UK, and this sparked a small flame of hope in his heart.

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that when Eriksen Schuberg reported to him a few days ago, he said that he wanted to find an image spokesperson for the leasing company. By the way, he ran a wave of advertisements. Can you choose? The image of the Xiaobei couple in the upper class is still very good. It is different from ordinary entertainment stars who are not treated. Many rich and aristocrats have superficial friendship with the Xiaobei couple.

   He doesn't care about Beckham's recent image crisis, because the customers who can spend at the rental company are not ordinary people.

The most important thing is that sending charcoal in the snow is always more important than icing on the cake. Now Yang Cheng is willing to extend a helping hand to help him solve the crisis, and it is very interesting to send an endorsement to tell other brands that he is still willing to use Beckham. Bei is set.

"By the way, David, we have just established the Cultural Tourism Group. There is an aircraft leasing company that is directly controlled by the company. The CEO of the company wants to find someone to endorse. I think the image of your couple is very suitable. I wonder if you are interested. "Yang Cheng asked.

Beckham doesn’t know what to say. Yang Cheng is a true friend. She shook Yang Cheng’s hand excitedly, "Jason, thank you so much. You don’t know how important this endorsement is to me. If you didn’t say it, this endorsement is for me. After receiving it, the endorsement fee will be waived."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand. As the saying goes, it is good to save people and send the Buddha to the West. Although this sentence is not very appropriate at this time, it means this. How much money can endorsement fees be? The charcoal delivery in the snow must be sent to someone to burn the charcoal to be successful. What's the point of delivering it halfway?

Beckham was able to play in the upper-class society. He was very sloppy with human affection and sophistication. He did not refuse any more. He just seemed to be discussing with his wife. In fact, he was saying to Yang Cheng, "It just so happens that our private jet is still there. There is no affiliate company in California. Since I have this endorsement, it is better to affiliate the plane with the company of Jason, which saves us the trouble. If necessary, I can also rent it out to make some money."

   Yang Cheng secretly said that Xiaobei would be a human being, and he exchanged courtesy. He immediately said, "If you want to rent a plane in the future, rent it from your own company. The discount will be the highest level of VIP treatment. If you have a friend who wants to rent a plane in the future, don't forget to recommend it."

   In just a few words, the two parties reached a cooperation, and they were very satisfied with each other. Yang Cheng succeeded in making the Xiaobei couple owe an adult favor, which might be used sometime in the future.

While the Beckhams have solved their personal and business troubles, they are really happy. Under Carson’s suggestion, a few people drank a little wine and lived in the castle that night. Anyway, there are enough rooms. A luxurious and comfortable, do not worry about sleeping well.

  . . . . . .

   The next day, it rained all night, and the next day was a sunny day. The air was filled with moisture and the fresh fragrance of nature. Looking at it, an endless green at the end and the blue of the North Sea complemented each other, as if it were poetic.

Because there were guests, Yang Cheng didn't greedy his big chuang. At 8 o'clock, she opened her eyes in Anna's gentle wake-up, hugged the maid and fumbled for a while. After getting addicted to hands, she rubbed her sleepy eyes. To the bathroom, he took a shower and walked out refreshingly.

   just ran into the Beckhams and his wife who had just gotten chuang downstairs, and smiled, "Good morning, did you sleep well last night?"

Victoria’s makeup is not as strong as yesterday. She took her husband’s arm and replied, “Thank you, we slept very well. The windows were opened for breakfast. The fresh air made people intoxicated. I want to say sorry to you. We also made various funny suggestions to buy the castle, and now it seems that you have made a famous decision."

   Beckham echoed, "Yes, Jason, it's so cozy here, next to the forest facing the North Sea, I even fell asleep with the sound of the waves last night."

   Yang Cheng smirked, this flattering, the sound of the waves may indeed be heard, but it is definitely not on a stormy night.

The three of them walked slowly to the restaurant. The long table on one side of the restaurant was filled with a dazzling array of delicacies. Yang Cheng and the guests were allowed to choose freely. Just like the buffet, the Xiaobei and his wife also had their own personal servants, so Yang Cheng did not need to take care of it While pointing to Anna to help him get a croissant, he asked Beckham, "What's the plan for today? If there is nothing special, we can go to London to find William to play, and I won't see him someday."

   Beckham and his wife looked at each other, and said regretfully, "I'm sorry Jason, we will leave for London after breakfast. There will be a meeting with the PR team today."

Yang Cheng nodded in understanding, "It's okay, look for another opportunity, you are ready these days, I have contacted the New York headquarters last night, 4D Space will send someone to inspect your company, accompanied by an accountant from PwC , If there is no problem, we will sign the financing contract immediately."

   Xiaobei and his wife were naturally overjoyed, and even the pitch of their speech was a bit higher.

   After the hearty breakfast, the Beckhams reluctantly said goodbye and left by car. Yang Cheng was going to have a look at the newly purchased manor, but he first waited for the yacht designer Carson had reserved.

The designer comes from the British veteran yacht manufacturer Sunseeker. This industry leader brand was acquired by the richest man in country Z in the past few years. In recent years, the country has relied on the Z market to survive the economic downturn and slowly recovered. Glory, Sunseeker’s positioning in the entire yacht market is very It is faster than it is comfortable without it, faster than it is not stable, faster than it is not comfortable, Yang Cheng is for ordering A speedboat for traveling on the Thames has relatively low requirements, and Sunseeker's yacht is sufficient to meet his requirements.

"Dear Mr. Yang, I am very pleased to serve you. According to Mr. Carson’s request, we have prepared 3 alternative models for you. The main product is this Predator 80, which is 24 meters in length and 6 meters in width. With a draft of 2.1 meters, a maximum speed of 45 knots, a long-range cruise capability, and a modular design with a sport fly bridge, the price is only £3.1 million."

   The designer directly showed the data to Yang Cheng, and also attached a detailed picture of the yacht.

   The yacht in the picture has a very aggressive and sharp appearance, but the pearl white color is very good to weaken the aggressiveness. If you only look at the appearance, who knows that this is a speedboat that can run at a speed of 45 knots.

Looking at the interior, the ivory white color is uniformly used. There are three upper, middle and lower decks without flying bridges, one host, two guests and three bedrooms. The sun deck can be equipped with a spa bath, an entertainment living room on the main deck and The kitchen is equipped with auxiliary motor boats and kayaks. As a yacht for commuting, it can be said to be quite luxurious.

The designer added, “Considering that Mr. Yang’s main use of yachts is to travel to and from London, I think this yacht is sufficient for all your needs, and it’s not a problem even to cruise along the coastline of the British Isles. Predator 80 It can resist all winds and waves near the coastline, and the safety factor is absolutely guaranteed."

  :. :

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