Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 897: Match day (2)

History is inertia. After Yang Cheng became the owner of the team last season, every time he went to watch the game, he would pay a huge winning bonus. This also gave the team a mental inertia, and the boss would have a bonus. Take, of course, everything must be based on victory.

This match’s opponent, Southampton, said he was not strong in the Premier League, but let’s say it is weak. Sometimes he can stage a good show of a dark horse counterattack. But for Liverpool, who is aiming for various championships this season, Southampton Dayton shouldn't be a stumbling block, victory is a matter of course, or Ian El would not blatantly ask for money from the boss.

However, the money spent these days is a bit fierce. Yang Cheng feels that he needs to control it, but it is not easy to save the face of his subordinates, so she pretended to be angry and said, “I’m ashamed to ask me for a bonus if I call Southampton? You can't play football if you give a bonus?"

Ian Al was dumbfounded, this approach was wrong. During the pre-match meeting in the afternoon, the players learned that the big boss would come to watch the game. They all joked and guessed how much cash reward Yang Cheng would give out, Ian Al also felt that Yang Cheng, who had always been generous, should not hesitate to motivate him with bonuses, but what is the situation now? Scolded? The boss is angry? He was panicked.

   After a few beats to achieve the goal, Yang Cheng only relieved, "You should put your mind on playing football. Even this time, you still follow the old rules, 1 million pounds, how to allocate it is up to you."

   Ian El hurriedly said that he was self-blaming. Today is indeed Meng Lang, and it is not an important game. How could he ask for bonuses from the boss? It stands to reason that he should save money for the boss from the perspective of the boss.

   Damn it! unwise! Ian El kept cursing himself in his heart.

   The box was quiet for a while, although the thick glass curtain wall did not stop the enthusiastic shouts of the 60,000 Red Army fans.

   10 minutes before the start of the game, Ian El answered the phone and left the embarrassing box. The goalkeeper Recosta and his friend brought in.

   "Mr. Yang, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing recently?" As soon as he entered the door, Recosta showed his style as a guest and greeted Yang Cheng cordially.

Following Recosta came in, there was also a white man with blond hair and blue eyes. He looked a bit Germanic. He shouldn't be British. Yang Cheng glanced across the white man and guessed in his heart. , Without a pause, said to Recosta, "I'm having a good time, how are you? I heard that your affairs are going well?"

   Recosta smiled and nodded, "Everything is going well. By the way, let me introduce you. This is a friend I just met, Norwegian Air Co-founder and CEO Bjornjos."

   Yang Cheng's eyes flickered. Sure enough, it turned out to be a descendant of Viking pirates. To be precise, the Vikings are also descendants of the Germanic people, including the current Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, and Icelanders, all of Germanic descent.

   Nowadays, Germans are generally defined as Germans and Swiss and Austrians who belong to the German family.

   But when the center of Europe was still in ancient Rome, the Germans were regarded as barbarians in the north. Later, when the center of Europe moved northward, they really entered the stage of history.

   The Germans traveled to Scandinavia via Denmark, expelling the original nomadic Sami people, and became the Nordic people today. Most of them are actually descended from the Germans of the Old World.

Among them, Iceland has always been considered to retain pure Germanic ancestry due to its geographical location on a lone sea and island. Of course, now that the traffic is so developed, it is inevitable that some "hybrid", such as Celts-also It's the Britons.

  The perspective returned to the Chairman’s box at Anfield. After hearing Recosta’s introduction, Yang Cheng confirmed his guess in his heart, and at the same time was a little surprised. What did he do with the CEO of Norwegian Airways when he came to the door?

Bjornjos carried the unique domineering Viking pirates. Even when facing Yang Cheng, whose wealth was several times his own, his strong style did not show any restraint. He stretched out his big hand and shook Yang Cheng's hand. The bone hurts, but Yang Cheng knows that he didn't mean it. The greater the strength of these Germanic descendants, when shaking hands, proves that the other party respects you more.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Yang, can I call you jason? Many years ago, I had a conversation with your father at a party in New York. Your father is an excellent entrepreneur. I admire him very much." Bjornjo Said.

When Yang Cheng heard it, she was still an acquaintance, grinning, "Of course, my friends call me that. I didn't expect that we still have such a fate. Please sit down and have a drink? I came to the stadium to relax. Too cautious~"

   The following sentence was addressed to the assistants behind the two. Each of the two brought a few entourages. Of course Yang Cheng would not drive them out, anyway, the box was big enough.

   asked for a glass of Scotch whiskey than Joenjos, and Recosta prefers the gorgeousness brought by red wine.

   Yang Cheng accompanied Bjorn and whiskey. The three of them had just seated, in the middle of the court, with the referee's whistle, the game officially began.

The three of them didn’t rush into the topic, but talked about football. Bjorn couldn’t hide his excitement and pointed to the players on the field. “I also watch the Premier League often. Although I have no interest in the British, I can’t. Don’t admit it, the Premier League is indeed the top football league in the world. It is more intense than other leagues. It is more than one grade stronger. If the Premier League teams are not too expensive, I would also like to buy one to play."

   Lei Costa smirked a few times and did not answer, why did you answer? Do you think you hate the British?

Yang Cheng doesn’t know much about Jon, but Norwegian Air is one of the many well-known companies in Norway. As the founder of Norwegian Air, it’s not bad for money, but Premier League teams are just like those supercars. Some people who seem to be rich can't afford it.

At this time, the situation on the court suddenly changed. After the first few minutes of testing, the Red Army players could no longer stand the chance to perform in front of the big boss and launched a crazy offensive. The midfielder was organized by Coutinho, and the whole line was down. , Directly pressed Southampton within 30 meters of his own half-court. The scene was just like a training game. One side was responsible for the offense and the other was responsible for the defense, and no one could cross the boundary.

After a few minutes of frantic attack, Yang Cheng suddenly jumped up from the sofa. Even the wine glass was slammed to the floor, and the expensive alcohol was spilled on the handmade carpet. It didn't hurt at all, because the team scored a goal and it took less than 10 minutes to open the game. He got a fantastic start. As the owner of the team, nothing can make him more happy than a goal.

The goal was for the head forward Harry Kane. After receiving Salah's accurate pass from the bottom, he played all the qualities a center should have, tightly leaned against the opposing center back, stopped the ball in his chest and turned around. Pulling up the right leg is a volley, the action is done in one go, the ball is watched by the Southampton goalkeeper into the net, and the score on the court becomes 1:0.

   The atmosphere at Anfield rose to its apex in an instant, and 60,000 people cheered at the same time as a small earthquake, but no one cared that the earth was shaking. The team scored a goal. At this stall, no one can stop them from celebrating.

Yang Cheng ran out of the box and shouted in the outdoor auditorium. The fans in the front rows spotted Yang Cheng and immediately screamed and applauded. This was a tribute to their generous club owner, without a large sum of money. Investment is definitely not in exchange for hope for the rise of the Red Army.

   Lei Costa and Bjornjos also ignored the reservations, rushed out of the box with Yang Cheng, shouting at the stadium, at this moment, even if you are the supreme leader of a country, you can't escape the charm of football.

   The competition will continue, and the celebration will not last, and everyone has a hunch that the next celebration will not be too late.

Yang Cheng waved his arms a few more times, and then turned back to the box with unsatisfactory talent, and clapped his hands with Ian El. He called Harry Kane into the team during the winter break last year. This deal was done right now. He hopes that Messi will come to Anfield as soon as possible. He can't wait to see Liverpool's prosperity.

   "Ian, no matter what method you use, Messi's father must agree to join Messi."

In the past two days, Ian El personally flew to Barcelona to lobby Messi’s people around him, including his father and wife, as well as close relatives and friends. All were infected by Ian El’s “enthusiasm”. Messi’s wife Antonella and father Jorge, almost all of his friends were persuaded, and promised to make “correct” suggestions to Messi at the “appropriate” time.

   As for Antonella, I am also a little excited, because Ian El proposed that as long as Messi goes to the UK, Liverpool will help Antonella open a branded shoe store in London, and even further develop to New York and Los Angeles.

   But although she loves her career, she loves her husband even more. Moreover, with Messi’s ability to attract money, she is not short of money. Opening a shop is nothing more than spending her spare time. Therefore, she did not agree to it, but just said to consider it.

Compared with Antonella, Messi’s father is more rigid and has a rather stubborn personality. He is both greedy for the pound and very cautious. In a conversation with Ian Air, he expressed concern about the fierce rivalry in the Premier League. West suffered a serious injury, it is very likely to bid farewell to football in advance, is it worth it? Rather than taking risks, it would be better to die in Barcelona. The money is a little bit less, but it doesn't affect their family much.

However, Ian Ayr knows that he is moved by reason, and I hope Jorge can consider the future of his grandson. The education level in the UK is far better than Spain. With the financial support of Messi, the children’s future should be broader. Should not be limited to the Latin world, English is the mainstream language in today's world!

Sure enough, this sentence made Jorge's rather firm heart suddenly shaken. After cultivating his son to become a talent, the old antique Jorge’s greatest wish for the rest of his life is to make his grandson achieve greater great deeds, Ian Al scratched his itchy very well.

  :. :

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