Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 911: Legendary Sniper

Hansen's excitement is understandable. The old friend who has not seen him for many years is still well, and it also makes Hansen, an affectionate man, very pleased, but due to his duties, he does not express his emotions too much.

Craig Harrison got on an electric environmentally friendly car at the door, watching the surroundings very vigilantly, so that there are either endless green fields on both sides of the trail, or rows of lush woods. Of course, those who line up in a straight line are not The security team patrolling the regular route was ignored by him.

Neither he nor the bodyguard who drove the car spoke. There was only the sound of electric currents from the environmentally friendly cars on the small road, and the surrounding was quiet.

Along the winding roads, the eco-friendly car took more than 5 minutes to reach the core area of ​​the manor. The majestic castle came into view. The facade of the renovated castle glowed amazingly in the sun, with a spire The momentum is compelling, so that every outsider who comes will not consciously restrain his mind.

The bodyguard parked the car by the garage tens of meters away from the gate of the castle. Hansen was waiting there. When Craig got out of the car and greeted him quickly, he did not dislike Craig’s dirty coat and hugged him. With a big grin, "Craig, you're still the same, you really haven't changed at all."

Craig's vicissitudes of face finally showed a smile, "You have changed a lot. The former poor boy has now turned into a gold collar in a suit and tie."

Hansen laughed and patted his sturdy chest. "Yes, I had a good time. I met a good boss."

After speaking, he waved his hand to let the bodyguard drive down the car. Hansen led Craig into the garage, of course not to appreciate the luxury cars of Yang Cheng, the destination was underground in the garage.

Take the elevator to the second floor of the basement, the sensor lights instantly light up, the area is equal to the garage on the ground, but the decoration is more sci-fi, the center of the huge open space, neatly placed a pile of green military equipment boxes, when the castle is being renovated , Carson helped to collect 70% of the world's mainstream light and heavy weapons, as well as a large number of reserve resources, such as sufficient ammunition and modification workshops. This is the favorite place of bodyguards like Hansen-the weapon depot, none of them.

Craig put down his canvas bag and went to the opposite wall where the sniper rifle was hung. His bright eyes seemed to be a rare treasure, full of love.

Hansen said from behind, "Choose one and try it out."

Craig Harrison was quite moved, but he didn't have a sniper rifle. Instead, he picked up the nearest gun from the stainless steel tabletop. After pulling the bolt to make sure that there were no bullets, he raised the gun and took a shooting position. I tried the feel, and said unexpectedly, "You still have Stechkin?"

The Stechkin submachine pistol, which is the favorite pistol used by the polar bear special forces, is no stranger to snipers. The reason why Stechkin is called a submachine pistol is because it can be used at any time. The holster is assembled as a **** and turned into a submachine gun, which can knock down targets of 200-250 meters. It is equipped with sufficient magazines to help a sniper stand out in an accident. As a top sniper Regal Harrison is no stranger to this gun.

But for ordinary soldiers, this gun is not friendly. It has a high self-weight and is inconvenient to carry, and it has a large recoil and is not suitable for long-term combat use.

Hansen took a few steps forward and smiled with his hips akimbo, "One of our team has played for Alpha."

Craig was surprised. This is not surprising. After a while, he put the gun down and turned to Hansen, "Let's go to work, you know I can't stay in England."

Hansen was not so worried, and patted Craig on the shoulder, "Don't worry, let's meet the boss first, have a cup of coffee, and then talk about work."

Craig frowned slightly. Obviously he didn't like this arrangement. If he could, he would rather hurry to finish the work and take the money and leave. He was not tired after so many years of rest, but out of respect for Hansen. Did not refuse, followed Hansen and walked towards the main castle building. If you are careful, you can find that Craig and Hansen maintain the same pace and rhythm, and even the severity is very similar. If you don’t listen carefully, you don’t know that there is a Two people exist.

Yang Cheng received Carson’s notice a long time ago to entertain Craig Harrison in the back garden. The main reason was that the weather was good today. He also wanted to get some air out. Those who were aggrieved in these days didn’t dare to go out. match!

Surrounded by birds, flowers, and streams, it is easy to get lost in it like the Garden of Eden.

"I finally saw you, Mr. Harrison~" Yang Cheng greeted actively. He deliberately searched for information about Craig Harrison on the Internet. As Hansen said, this legend in the sniper world is worthy of He is so respectful.

Craig Harrison, like other snipers, has a cold and withdrawn personality and is not good at dealing with people, because the people they target hardly end up well.

But in the face of Hansen's boss, and the financial owner who can change the quality of his life, Craig still moved his lips to face, but that was all.

Yang Cheng knew the habits of these people and didn't care at all. He motioned to the other party to sit down. A servant immediately brought coffee. Hansen said to avoid embarrassment. "Boss, Craig took a big risk when he returned to the UK this time. ."

Taking a sip of coffee, Yang Cheng nodded in understanding, "I know, but I still want to have a brief chat with Mr. Harrison. I am very interested in that legendary experience."

Craig finally spoke, his tone was not at all as enthusiastic as Hansen, but even more indifferent, "What do you want to know?"

Yang Cheng showed a friendly smile, "Can you talk about that experience in detail? After so many years, you must have been feeling very uncomfortable? And you should also know that I have a film company under my umbrella. I think Your experience can be written and filmed as a script and passed on forever. Even if it is not convenient for you to show up, your greatness cannot be overwhelmed."

Craig Harrison stared at Yang Cheng blankly, not knowing how to respond. People have selfish desires, especially those who must walk on the edge of darkness, hoping that his name can be recorded in history. After being eulogized by posterity, Yang Cheng knew very well what this kind of people needed, so he pinpointed his context.

Hansen also helped to persuade a few words. Craig finally loosened his attitude. He took a sip of coffee, and his cheeks half covered by his beard appeared in memories. "That was in November 2009, when I told him The comrades patrolled the mountains in southern Afghanistan in a reconnaissance vehicle.

Suddenly a burst of intensive gunfire came from behind, and the field commander of my unit was in an ambush. The situation was quite dangerous. My teammates and I calmly looked around the ground and discovered that we were on a ridge at the time, and the Taliban was terrifying. The elements were hidden in a fortification in the distance. The two militants each armed a PKM machine gun and slashed at the commander's chariot.

So I set up the sniper rifle and started aiming. The weather was perfect that day. There was no wind, the climate was mild, and the visibility was very high. There were hardly any obstacles preventing the bullet from flying. I stood up the biped of the sniper rifle in my hand. The assistant reported various information to me. At that time, the distance between the two sides had exceeded the maximum range of the L115A3 sniper rifle, but my first bullet hit the opponent’s machine gunner’s abdomen. He fell straight, motionless, and the second bullet. He also fell to the ground instantly when he hit the opposing gunman's side. "

Hansen looked surprised. Although he probably had heard of the situation at the time, he and the person personally described it as completely different things. He echoed, "The L115A3 British army has the longest range and strongest firepower sniper rifle so far, bullet caliber. 8.59mm, the bullet flying speed is about 3 times the speed of sound, but the effective range is only 1500 meters, and it can accurately hit the target 2400 meters away. In addition to the indispensable luck, there is also a strong sniper. Anyway, let me change it. It hits the body. It is estimated that I can hit a stone 1 meter away from the target.

Craig continued, "When the good news came out, it happened that our troops were battered by a legendary Taliban I still remember the unknown sniper at 5 I have been tracking our troops for the past month and have shot and killed 7 British soldiers including a sniper. The British sniper who was shot was also on a mission to hunt down the Taliban sniper. Three of the seven British soldiers killed were our combat elites. When I succeeded in shooting 2400 meters away, the Taliban sniper suspended all operations.

Of course, I was violently retaliated afterwards, and I was attacked by ambushes several times.

In the most dangerous time, my group was ambushed by Taliban while traveling by car. One bullet passed through the helmet, and two bullets passed through my right ear and penetrated my chest. The strap, fortunately, I was not injured.

A few days later, my car was hit by a bomb again. Both of my hands were broken. I was forced to return to the UK for treatment. Although I had a cast for one and a half months, I returned to the front line and still frightened all terrorists. "

Yang Cheng clapped his hands with emotion, "Now I am more sure that if this story can be presented on the big screen, it will definitely make Craig Harrison a great legend that is passed down by people."

Craig Harrison’s face was a little bit painful, and he seemed to be struggling, “I’m afraid it’s not that easy. Although I’m officially discharged from the army and my personal information has been exposed long ago, can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China allow you to use this experience? I don’t know about shooting movies. From my personal point of view, I am willing."

Yang Orange slapped his thigh, "That's enough, as long as you personally want to, I have countless ways to convince the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Craig Harrison smiled bitterly. "I know that this is how my information was exposed."

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