Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 915: Increase UK expansion

The United Kingdom is the kingdom of traditional media. This sentence is definitely not just a comment. When the global newspaper industry is lonely, the traditional British newspapers can still guarantee millions of sales. This is enough to explain the problem, and across the world, the Thames and the sun are together. Fei, the sight of the prime minister and the luo woman can only be seen on British newsstands.

From this, it is not difficult to understand why Beckham is so nervous. "The Sun" is indeed famous as a third-page girl. Vulgarity is their proud theme. Only vulgarity can win the favor of the mainstream public. After all, ordinary people We will not consume too much serious ZZ news in a tiring day of leisure life.

   And Murdoch, who has mastered the view of the middle and lower class people, will naturally become the uncrowned king of the United Kingdom. As long as he doesn't nod, you don't want to make a difference in the United Kingdom. The power of the media tycoon is evident.

Now in the United States, New Era Media is at a war with News Corp. Thanks to the development of the US Internet and the convenient power of the Toutiao app, it has caught up with the media empire built by the old Mo for decades. Coupled with the "Los Angeles Times" and "New York Times" double-sided attack, whether in traditional paper media or emerging Internet media, Yang Cheng is not afraid of any opponents. Of course, there are still shortcomings in television media. It takes time to catch up.

But in the UK, Yang Cheng’s advantages are not so obvious. The staid John Bull seems to be far less receptive to new things than the Americans. He has an unusual stubbornness towards tradition and history. The habit of buying newspapers and reading newspapers has not yet been changed. Changes have also caused difficulties for the new era media to expand in the British Isles.

Before, Yang Cheng bit off a small piece of meat from Murdoch, which did not cause fatal damage. Originally, Yang Cheng still felt very satisfied. After all, the United Kingdom is no longer the core of the market. It is enough to occupy a certain share. It is not necessary. Like the frantic annexation of the United States, what a high market share it occupies.

However, Beckham’s incident reminded Yang Cheng that no matter what, Britain is still one of the most developed countries in the world and a member of the five rogues of the United Nations. It will undoubtedly gain the right to speak in the British Isles. Improve the influence of the new era media on a global scale.

   So how to improve the right to speak? Without him, only acquisitions, acquisitions, and re-acquisitions, first raising the market share to the same position as News Corporation, are eligible to compete for the right to speak. Moreover, Lao Mo has manipulated the British public opinion field for so many years, and it is estimated that many people will oppose him. Dissatisfied? He knows how many people he has offended from his several interventions in the election.

  Since the acquisition is to be made, it is natural to start from the core areas. Where is the core of the British media industry? Of course, it is newspapers. British newspapers can be roughly divided into two categories, major newspapers and tabloid newspapers. Now these two newspapers are more about the difference in content than the format.

The so-called big newspapers are more like the guan media of country Z, such as "Renmin Daily", "Nanfang Daily" and so on. They report on ZZ, the economy, and major events. The content is relatively serious and objective. The representatives are naturally the Times and The Guardian and the like.

   tabloids usually have a quartet design. The layout is half the size of the major newspapers. The content is mainly entertainment, art, and sports, and the atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant.

Of course, there is no lower limit of discipline. The "Sun", which focuses on lace news, also belongs to the category of tabloids. Its most famous content is the third edition of every day. It will publish photos of half-luo girls, young and xing, but very image. Popularization, the readers are blue-collar males. It sounds very tri-vulgar, but it can be achieved to the extreme, and only the "Sun" in the world can do it!

"The Sun" has no lower limit. The most representative one is Prince Harry's luo photo incident. At the beginning, the American gossip website TMZ published photos of Prince Harry playing luo in a hotel. The British royal family was very dissatisfied and prohibited it. The British media reprinted these photos.

As a result, the unlimited "Sun" came up with a strange trick, found a reporter named "Harry" of its own, imitated Prince Harry's photo, took a picture and put it on the cover, in order to avoid (yin) avoid ( qi) "Misunderstanding", and specifically noted: This is our own Harry from the Sun! There is no lower limit, and it will be scorned and despised by the upper class in Britain, and it will not help.

But in any case, the "Sun" is the UK's largest-selling newspaper, even twice as much as the "Times". Last year’s monthly sales averaged around 3 million copies. It’s important to know that the British Isles add up. But with a population of more than 60 million, this number is quite impressive.

  If you can win the "Sun", it is naturally the best choice to weaken the enemy's strength and strengthen yourself. Unfortunately, the old silent death will not let it go. For this reason, you will not hesitate to offend the British royal family. Can you sell it? Unless he is going bankrupt;

In addition to the "Sun", there are also the "Daily Mail" and the "Sunday Post" commonly known as "Auntie". These two newspapers are sister newspapers, are self-contained and belong to the same listed group with a market value of 2.3 billion. The pound is hovering around and contributes a steady profit every year. The other party should be unlikely to sell, but it is always possible to be acquired.

Although the two newspapers are compatriots, the editors are separate and independent. The Daily Mail is the second largest newspaper in the UK after The Sun. Although it is a tabloid, it has a clean layout and pays more attention to traditional news values. , Mainly for readers of the middle and lower classes of society. In terms of layout design, Yang Cheng believes that it is more eye-catching than his own "New York Times", while the "Sunday Post" is published every Sunday. The main content includes women, culture and sports. Wait;

Then there is the "Daily Mirror", which also focuses on entertainment news and gossip news, and pays less attention to major economic issues of ZZ. It is considered the originator of tabloid newspapers all over the world. It was founded in 1903 and is now Murdoch news The group cooperated with the "Sun" to sing the white face and the red face, which is basically a routine of giving a sweet date to a stick, basically eliminating the possibility of acquisition;

Then there are the "Metro" and "London Evening Standard", both of which are newspapers distributed free of charge at every subway entrance in London. The "Metro" is published in the evening in the evening. I often hear the uncle shouting there in the afternoon: "Free  Standard! (Free Standard Newspaper.

The two newspapers are aimed at office workers and have more entertainment and art content. It is worth mentioning that the supplements and special articles of the Standard Evening News arrange different sections every day from Monday to Friday, such as food, travel, life, film critics and drama reviews. They are all very popular. People usually don’t throw away the newspapers after reading them. Everyone will consciously put them back to the distribution point for reuse. Of course, if you take them home to wipe your ass, no one will stop them.

   The acquisition value of these two newspapers is too low. If it is not necessary, Yang Cheng will basically not consider it.

The top three newspapers sold in the UK are all tabloids. To say that the biggest selling newspaper is the "Daily Telegraph", of course, its sister newspaper, "The Sunday Telegraph", has nothing to say, but The "Daily Telegraph" is more you in the ZZ position and tends to protect the Shou party, but compared to other newspapers, the "Daily Telegraph" is generally more neutral, and its position is not clear.

Today, the owner of the "Daily Telegraph" is Conrad Black, the chairman of Hollinger in Canada, and one of the world's largest newspaper tycoons. One of the directors of Hollinger is the former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissing. grid.

Speaking of which, the newspaper tycoon and Murdoch had a nasty relationship. Back then, Black’s rapid expansion in the world newspaper industry caused Murdoch’s discomfort. After that, Murdoch openly said: Don’t worry about the daily telegraph. Newspaper, let me deal with it and drive it out of the business circle.

At that time, the "Daily Telegraph" had a circulation of more than 1 million copies and sold for 48 pence; while Murdoch's "Times" had a circulation of only 390,000 copies and sold for 45 pence. The price of The Times dropped to 30 pence at once, and in just six months, the circulation of The Times rose to 500,000 copies.

"The Times" originally had poor economic conditions, and how could it be able to withstand the price reduction. Black initially disagreed, thinking that Murdoch would restore the original price soon, but soon the circulation of "Daily Telegraph" fell below 1 million copies~www The board of directors is faltering, and Black is forced to announce that the price of the newspaper has also been reduced to 30 pence. This has caused a loss of at least 15 million pounds a year.

Murdoch has money. This loss is not in his eyes. But for Black, this is a large sum. However, Murdoch will not stop easily. It is only the next day that the Times will be reduced to At 20 pence, the world was amazed, and the "Daily Telegraph" was enveloped in an atmosphere of despair.

People in the industry know that Murdoch and Black are not on the same scale. At that time, News Corporation operated newspapers, television, movies, satellites, books, advertisements, etc., with annual revenues of 10 billion pounds, while Black’s Hollinger Group The annual revenue is only less than 800 million pounds, more than half of which is provided by the "Daily Telegraph". If the "Daily Telegraph" collapses, the Hollinger Group will almost be finished.

Fortunately, the Hollinger Group raised 100 million pounds through the issuance of bonds, raised more than 80 million pounds through the issuance of promissory notes, and got another 60 million pounds through the issuance of stocks through subsidiaries. With money, two newspaper predators The contest continued. At its most intense time, a newspaper only sold for 5 pence!

Even at this moment, Black calmly withstood Murdoch’s offensive. In the end, Murdoch was finally reluctant to throw away the money for nothing. Two years after the war, the Times increased the price. The Daily Telegraph also immediately followed the price increase, and the thrilling price reduction battle finally came to an end. Now Blake is also one of the best billionaires in the UK.

   It’s just that his recent days don’t seem to have a good time~

  :. :

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