Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 917: 1 large piece of meat missing


   The phone emits faint fluorescence on the ground, and there is an obvious crack on the screen, which may have been caused when it just faded. In the receiver, Luo Yue's voice slowly changed from initial doubt to worry or even panic.

   "Yang Cheng? How are you Yang Cheng? Don't scare me~"

   She didn't know that Yang Cheng was threatened with her life, but the voice from her ear was very clear. First it was the loud noise of Yang Cheng falling, followed by Yang Cheng's painful cry~

At this time, the bodyguards who had been hidden in the corner rushed out. Everyone worked in a tacit understanding of the division of labor. The two went to the window and used clothes to block the line of sight as much as possible, while the others worked together to lift Yang Cheng to the blind spot, caring about Yang. Orange's injury.

At this time, Hansen and Craig, who had been staying underground, also rushed up after receiving the news. Hansen’s face was filled with incomprehension and regret, and of course endless anger. Craig’s face was also unsightly. He was an invited consultant. No matter how beautiful he was, it became nonsense when Yang Cheng was shot. He didn’t care whether he could get the money or not. What he cared about was his reputation. This **** beat him His face is about to suffer unprecedented revenge.

   "Boss, how are you?"

At this time, Yang Cheng's face was extremely pale, with no trace of blood visible at all. The burning sensation on his arms made his mind sober. He had been shot before, and Yang Cheng knew that his life was fine. Most of the arms suffered serious injuries. At this time, he didn't care whether he would become a disabled person in the future, and his mind was full of words of revenge.

Leaning in the arms of a bodyguard, the sweat on his forehead proved his weakness at this time, but he insisted on sitting up, grabbing Hansen, biting his molars and shouting hoarsely, "Hansen, give me When a person finds it, he has to see a person in life or a corpse."

After a short investigation, Hansen found that except for a large piece of meat missing from his arm and a lot of blood, it looked terrifying and should not be life-threatening, so he turned his attention to the gunman, “Don’t worry, boss, they will definitely run away. No more."

Craig was looking for bullet holes to determine the trajectory of the ball while Yang Cheng’s master and servant were speaking. According to the position of the blood drop, he first found the location where Yang Cheng was before. He turned and looked back. It was 5 A brand-new bullet hole was found on the floor of meters away. It was round and black, and it was particularly eye-catching on the neat floor.

Three steps and two steps to the bullet hole, Craig knelt down and leaned over to observe the inclination angle of the circular hole. The bullet did not go down vertically from top to bottom, but passed through Yang Cheng’s arm and then went into the floor. The inside is elliptical, to be precise.

The warhead did not enter the ground too deep. After all, it flew more than 2000 meters and passed through obstacles. Even the bullets fired by anti-material sniper rifles can hardly maintain the killing and destructive power within 1000 meters. Then again, If Yang Cheng might be mashed within 1,000 meters, there is no strength to issue instructions.

   It's a long story, but Craig actually only observed it for less than 10 seconds before he said, "The bullet must have come from the previous office building, and it should be on the upper floors."

Hansen did not question, he immediately took out the walkie-talkie and told the brother who was blocking the door downstairs in the building, "You leave a few people to guard the front and back doors, and the rest of them all go upstairs, and check from the roof to the top floor one by one, boss It's robbed, and life is fine."

   "Yes~" There was a roar from the intercom.

Hansen was worried about the lack of manpower, so he hurriedly transferred a few teams from the manor, including Andrew, who was frustrated. Yang Cheng did not go out these days. I don’t know that the security line is not his specialty, but he was suffocated. It’s as if he’s been hit with blood. He rushed out without waiting for Hansen’s orders. He was driving Yang Cheng’s sports car. Yang Cheng didn’t know, or he had to misunderstand Andrew’s fake self-interest. This guy was staring. Yang Cheng’s sports car is not a day or two.

When everyone rushed out, Hansen remembered calling the doctor. Originally, he was going to call 999, but he was stopped by Carson, blushing and yelling, "Don’t beat that **** 999, wait for them to come to the master’s hand. If you can't keep it, I'll call the royal medical team to come over. No, you send someone to fly a helicopter to pick it up~"

   Fortunately, Yang Cheng rented a helicopter on the apron in advance to facilitate travel when he came to the UK. When he needed to travel, he was piloted by Hansen's people. Now Carson doesn't know how lucky he is for this decision.

   But Carson's current state looks very irritable, like an angry bull who has been stabbed several times in a bullfight, picking up the phone and yelling at that side.

Others did not know that Carson was full of dissatisfaction with Hansen and them. Now that he learned that someone would be disadvantageous to Yang Cheng, he also spent a huge price and energy to protect it. In the end, he couldn't prevent it. He just listened to the bodyguard After narrating the process, if it wasn't for Yang Cheng to move aside half a step alertly, he had already returned to the west by now, and would he call an ambulance?

   Of course, Yang Cheng accidentally broke into the window by his small mistake because he didn't pay attention. It was instinctively ignored by Carson. In his eyes, Yang Cheng is God. Does God make mistakes? Obviously not for the devout people.

In any case, Carson didn’t question why Hansen’s job was not done well at this time. Yang Cheng’s injury is the most important right now. Fortunately, there are a group of kings who survived the battle without knowing how many laps. , The knowledge of battlefield first aid is handy, Hansen personally took care of emergency protective measures.

The first thing to do is to stop the bleeding. The 12.7mm bullet still has strong kinetic energy even after a flight of 2500 meters. Yang Cheng wears a thin white T-shirt, which has no protection at all. At this time, half of the T-shirt is already Stained red by blood, the bullet hit the outside of Yang Cheng’s left upper arm, bringing up a whole piece of meat, and also smashed a brachial artery on the arm. This caused the massive bleeding at this time and the loss of blood. As a result, Yang Cheng looked very weak.

Hansen hurriedly **** the wound with a belt to avoid the risk of life from insufficient blood supply to the heart. The manor is equipped with more complete first-aid supplies. It is difficult for Hansen to perform surgery, but opening the intravenous channel to resist shock and rehydration The work is completed quickly and well, and the rest will have to wait for the doctor to deal with it. If Yang Cheng's life is in danger, he will have to take a shot of adrenaline and never stop his heart.

In fact, if it is to treat this kind of treatment on the battlefield, it will be a lot more rude, such as applying gunpowder to the wound and igniting it with fire, and forcibly roasting the meat to seal the bleeding point. Although it is cruel, it can not take care of so much on the battlefield. , Life-saving is the most important.

   Carson thought thoughtfully. After calling the royal doctor, he contacted the trauma doctor of Shoreson Hospital for emergency treatment. After all, the helicopter would take more than half an hour to go back and forth.

However, Hansen’s first aid measures were quite effective. At least Yang Cheng’s face was no longer as pale as paper, with a trace of blood. Taking advantage of the relief of the injury, Hansen and others carried Yang Cheng back to a bedroom on the first floor. On the bed, Anna and Carson were left to take care of themselves, and the rest went back to the living room. The bodyguards performed their duties, and the hot weapons were also lit up. At this time, who would pay attention to the impact, and just shoot without opening his eyes. Pour, reason? Let's talk about it when Yang Cheng gets better.

Hansen and Craig gathered near the bullet hole, took professional tools, and clamped the bullet with tweezers. Craig swept his eyes and looked dignified. "Fortunately, Mr. Yang moved that step. The bullet should be from the flesh. Scratched outside, but the strong lethality still brought a big piece of flesh and blood."

The golden yellow ammunition that looked like a small cannonball was held in the air by Craig with tweezers, "Sub-MOA ammunition, the other party should use Barrett, and the muffler is installed, and the noise is eliminated indoors. ."

   Hansen slapped the ground, "Damn it, the other party has succeeded~"

   Craig stood up, "Now it's useless to say these things, and quickly find someone to explain to your boss, otherwise your ability will be questioned."

   Hansen smiled bitterly and shook his head, "No, the boss is not an unreasonable person, but you are right. The murderer must be caught as soon as possible, and I will kill him."

   Hansen felt that he had recently gone to recite the words, and everything went Several actions and tasks were not completed beautifully. Although Yang Cheng didn't say anything, he didn't allow himself to fail one after another.

   Craig didn't talk nonsense any more, just stop talking some words, "Let's go, let's go to the scene, so many people surrounded the other party will definitely not run away."

   Hansen sighed, "I know, Andrew has rushed over, and I can feel at ease with him."

   Time set a bit back. Just when Yang Cheng was shot and fell to the ground, the gunman quickly withdrew the barrel of the gun, and said coldly to the young man behind him, "I missed, quickly put the glass on, and we withdraw."

   The young man was taken aback, "failed? What does this mean? Missed? Then there is no refill? We don't have a second chance."

The gunman stomped on the young man’s stomach, "Don’t talk nonsense with me, the bullet hit his arm, the man has disappeared from sight, now hurry up and install the glass, otherwise you and I don’t want to live. Get out."

A sharp look flashed in the young man’s eyes, but after all, there was no attack. He quickly got up from the ground and embedded a square glass on the table that was obviously cut into the hole in the glass curtain wall. After installation, it was very clear from close up. The cutting traces of the glass, but nothing can be seen in the distance, it is still a complete piece of glass.

The gunman took advantage of this time to complete the disassembly of the sniper rifle and cut it into pieces. The original huge exaggerated sniper rifle was scattered in the guitar bag. The two quickly changed their clothes and walked out of the room disguising themselves as an elderly man. The door, before leaving, did not forget to lock the door to create the illusion of no one.

  :. :

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