Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 945: William's discovery (1)

"Listen, William, in fact I am dispensable for this hotel. For me and my cultural tourism company, it can only serve as icing on the cake, but for Carnarvon, this is a life-saving investment. What he now needs to consider is not how to maximize the benefits, but how to draw me in to ensure the success of the investment." Yang Orange said coldly.

He was telling the truth. In fact, if he hadn't been interested in Pharaoh's treasures, he would have turned his face off at this moment. What a **** count is worthless in his eyes.

William patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "Don't get excited, isn't this still in the discussion stage? Maybe Earl Carnarvon is the lion's mouth, but you can lower the price."

Yang Cheng rubbed his head, "What about you? How much do you plan to pay?"

William shrugged, "I didn't think about it. Anyway, I only need 10% of the shares according to the proportion. It depends on the final valuation price you agree to determine how much I pay."

"You really are the life of a prince, and the skill of throwing hands off the shopkeeper is born." Yang Cheng vomited.

William spread his hand, meaning: Is this blame me?

For the time being let go of the topic of shares, Yang Cheng pulled William and said mysteriously, "Don't you think there is a problem with the Carnarvon family?"

William was puzzled, "What's the problem?"

Yang Cheng curled his lips, "Don’t you think it’s abnormal that the Kanavin family can survive? It stands to reason that after World War II, the strength of the Kanavin family should have been weakened long ago, not to mention the fifth generation of Kanavin. The earl also spent large sums of money to support Howard Carter's archaeological career."

William thoughtfully said with a smile, "Are you talking about Tutankhamun's treasure?"

Yang Cheng's noodles didn't change the color, "Yes, I think Earl Carnarvon must have brought back a lot of good things, instead of just replicas in the record. If you change it, you will be willing to only take the reply products? Anyway, I don't believe it. "

William snickered, "I knew you were not in good spirits, but you can also treat you crookedly, show you something good, and come with me."

Yang Cheng was confused and followed the mysterious William to his study. After he carefully closed the door and asked the housekeeper to guard him outside, he took out a file box from the safe behind the desk. Pour out a bunch of color photos including documents.

After all spread out, he said excitedly, “I’ll tell you, after you left Heikelier that day, I returned to Kensington Palace not long after, and then I sent someone to find the information at the moment. It’s not known to the outside world. You read it before you comment. I just want to say, maybe you guessed it right."

Yang Cheng looked at William in surprise, as if he had met him for the first time. Of course, he didn't stop slandering, the chicken thief prince.

However, he was more interested in these materials than when William became a chicken thief. While looking at the color photos that were obviously restored, he listened to William’s words, “I’ll send someone to censor the police over Tutankhamun. After sorting out the data, it turned out that Tutankhamun was not very important in the history of ancient Egypt. He was originally an emperor and pharaoh who could be completely ignored. Aside from the reputation brought to him by the treasure, the only thing worth noting is In his life experience, he was the son of the "alien" pharaoh Akhnaton and his concubine. Because of his father's early death, he became the throne at about 9 years old.

Due to the complete failure of the Akhnaton Reformation, after Tutankhamun became king, the faith in all Egypt has changed from Adon to Amon, and his name has also changed from Tutankhadon to Tutankhamun.

Considering that he was so young at the time, this was obviously the decision of the old priests of Amon. Basically, the young pharaoh was a puppet emperor. When he was about eighteen or nineteen, Tutankhamun died mysteriously. The rumors and controversy that he was murdered have not stopped over the years.

It stands to reason that a puppet emperor who died prematurely should have passed by like a meteor in the long river of history. I don't even know the great books of modern people. But who made him hide treasures that shocked the world in the mausoleum? It is precisely because of this that this young pharaoh has become a symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization more than 3000 years later, and things are unpredictable. "

Yang Cheng didn't want to listen to these long-winded history of Luo Li. He only cared about treasures. Although it was relatively superficial, he really didn't care who Tutankhamun's child was, so he could not help but interrupted, "Hurry up and talk about it~"

William was speechless. He was talking about the rise, but he also knew that this was not the point, so he had to extract one from many documents, "This is about Tutankhamun’s background. If you are interested and have time, you can understand it. It is very interesting. , Now let’s talk about the main point, Tutankhamun’s tomb.

The reason why the pharaohs of ancient Egypt chose this place is because this place has a natural pyramid-shaped mountain. Take a look at this photo. "

William found a colorful photo. In the photo is the entrance to the Valley of the Kings. You can see that several pyramid-shaped peaks and hills are raised on a natural square base. Several pyramid mountains surround a small basin and various depressions in the basin. It was the place where the pharaohs lived.

Yang Cheng looked at the environment in the photo and could probably imagine how majestic and majestic the Valley of the Kings is in reality. William continued, “This place where more than 30 pharaohs were buried was very secretive during the ancient Egyptian period. There were heavy soldiers nearby. Guarded, all craftsmen must be blindfolded when entering and exiting, and can only rely on the clever little donkey to lead in and out.

However, such a big secret cannot be kept for thousands of years. Besides, the feng shui of the natural pyramid mountain is too eye-catching, and it was discovered later, and then it became a paradise for famous archaeologists and tomb robbers. After the large-scale looting, countless treasures were lost, which also led to the opening of Tutankhamun’s mausoleum before people could truly understand ancient Egyptian civilization.

Of course, most of the thousands of rare treasures are now stored in the Egyptian National Museum, such as this golden fan seat. "

William took out another color photo and handed it to Yang Cheng. Yang Chen found that the golden fan seat should have been filled with feathers, because there were small holes for inserting feathers on the side of the semicircle. As for the fan, it was Tutan. The scene where Camon was driving a chariot to hunt an ostrich, which was used by the ancient Egyptian subjects for flattering.

Then William took out a picture of the crown. At that time, the totem of Upper Egypt was an eagle, and the totem of Lower Egypt was a snake. The crown had both an eagle and a snake. It was the overlord who ruled both Upper and Lower Egypt. Yang Orange has a good memory. He had seen the two totems in the castle of Heikelier, because these two patterns were carved on the golden mask of Tutankhamun.

William was not too dry, and continued, “Why is the tomb of Tutankhamun so complete that it has not been discovered? One of the reasons is that the tomb is too small and it is located in the tomb of Ramses VI. Below, the location is relatively hidden.

I compared the tombs of several other pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings. Basically, the longer the pharaoh’s tomb was stolen, the more stolen the pharaoh’s tomb, because according to ancient Egyptian custom, after the pharaoh became the throne, the tomb must be built. It will be very big and deep, and of course it is easy to be discovered. Tutankhamun, who died at the age of eighteen or nineteen, had a small mausoleum with a secret room, and of course it was even harder to be discovered. "

A three-dimensional structure map of the tomb was handed to Yang Cheng. Who else can there be besides Tutankhamun's tomb?

"The small room in the middle is used to put the coffin. Obviously, the picture also draws a coffin in the room, which is very easy to identify. The next secret room leads to other tombs, and the other secret room is full of treasures.

The key to the problem lies in the secret room leading to other tombs. "William's finger pointed on the photo. When it comes to the key point, Yang Cheng pricked his ears up with the excitement in his heart. For fear of missing details, he knew there was a problem with Earl Carnarvon, sure enough!

He slammed his fist surreptitiously and calmed down to listen to William said, "Back then, Howard Carter and his archaeological team first discovered a mysterious stone step hidden in the depths of the grass, and then they followed the stone steps carefully and found After a slope, it was vaguely engraved with the seal of the pharaoh's cemetery in the era of Thebes.

Thebes was the capital of the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom in ancient Egypt from the 21st century BC to the 11th century BC. The pharaohs at that time basically chose to be buried in the Valley of the Kings. After the tomb is sealed, the entrance will be marked with the Thebes pharaoh cemetery seal.

Carter and the others were overjoyed. After cleaning the slope, they vaguely discovered Tutankhamun's name.

Facing the secret tomb of the pharaoh, the world may be Carter and they naturally riveted and worked hard. After clearing the corridor filled with rubble, they found the second tomb door soon. , The seal of the Tomb of Pharaoh Thebes more than three thousand years ago is left intact on this door! "

William found a black and white photo from the mess. The photo should be the gate of Tutankhamun's tomb. The seal of the Pharaoh Thebes cemetery was almost intact on it. The picture shows a jackal and 9 people. slave.

Pointing to the jackal, William explained smoothly, "This jackal is the incarnation of Anubis, the patron saint of Pharaoh's cemetery."

Yang Cheng waved his hand and motioned William to continue saying, "You know what happened afterwards. Carter and the others opened the door and discovered ancient Egyptian treasures that were buried for thousands of years, and they were all made of gold. The workmanship is excellent and the history is added. The added value of the halo can be sold at a good price if you just take it out. As you said, no one can resist this temptation, especially the British noble lords who loved gold jewelry in the past."

I was surprised to hear the ridicule of their royal supporters from William, and the ridicule was very obvious. I just looked down on this kind of behavior, and couldn't help making Yang Cheng laugh. Is William himself an angry youth? Well, this is a joke.


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