Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 947: Mask with beard

"The Egyptian Museum also wants face. Will they admit that the real golden mask has been stolen? It's like the Louvre, and they dare not admit that the "Mona Lisa Smile" in the museum is fake now!"

I have to say that Yang Cheng’s words do not give the museum face much, but what he said is the truth. Even in the world’s four major museums, they can’t guarantee that every treasure in their hands is authentic, especially the Louvre. There are more fakes than real ones. After all, most of the Louvre’s collections can’t be found, and half of them are plundered from all over the world. Even if the looted items are fake, you must open your eyes and say that they are true. .

In particular, almost none of the sculptures from Greece is true, which is personally acknowledged by the curator of the Louvre Museum of Sculpture.

William, who also understood this truth, also figured out the key in an instant, spreading his hand out, "Then the problem is solved, now we need to confirm whether the real golden mask is really in the hands of Earl Carnarvon, or in Howard Carter. In the hands of his descendants?"

Yang Cheng suddenly smiled strangely, "William, are you thinking of grabbing hands?"

William replied without changing his face, "What is robbing? I just hope that this kind of handed down treasure can return to people's eyes instead of being dusted in the basement."

Yang Cheng sneered in her heart, "It's so nice, it means it won't be dusted in Kensington Palace?"

He said unceremoniously, "Previously declare that we will join hands, but how will the fruits be distributed?"

William spoke without hesitation, "I only need the golden mask, and everything else is yours."

This is a negotiation. There is no difference in identity in the negotiation field. Yang Cheng has no intention of regressing at all. "It is better to change it. I only need the golden mask, and the rest is yours."

Without giving William a chance to refuse, he said directly, “Don’t forget that your Kensington Palace is also open to the public occasionally. Of course, you can choose to put the mask away every time an outsider comes, as long as you are not too troublesome. , But there will always be mistakes, right? You are not afraid of being spread out?"

William hesitated. Indeed, as the prince of Great Britain, he has different obsessions with all the rare and precious treasures. He has what others do not have. This can reflect the dignity of the prince. Of course, if he gets old one day, maybe not Value these, but now he is still young, isn't he? There is always an impulse.

And Yang Cheng's words happened to be cut, and William worried that this golden mask would provoke unnecessary rights and wrongs to him, and he might become another victim of the'Pharaoh's curse'.

Yang Cheng didn't stop, and said babblingly, "I'm different. I won't be questioned if I get any treasures. Of course, maybe those Egyptian archaeologists and museum professors will come to ask for it. If it were you, you would definitely be scrupulous about the voice of public opinion, but they want to use public opinion to take advantage of me.

After a pause, "Besides, apart from the golden mask, other treasures are as precious, and you can win by quantity."

William seemed to have a headache and said without complaint, "Damn it, you businessmen’s mouth can really convince God, OK, OK, you’re making sense, I admit it, then let’s decide, but you have to agree, as long as I want to see it, you have to let me appreciate it on the spot, and I hope you put the mask on the North Sea Manor, I don’t want it to leave England."

Yang Cheng thought about it for a while, and nodded heavily, "Yes, you often go to Beihai Manor as a guest. This is not a problem, but if one day I don’t live in Beihai Manor, I have to take the mask away. ."

There is nothing to question. The things belong to Yang Cheng, and they can be taken wherever they want. "Of course, I just hope that such a treasure can stay in the UK for a while."

William sat down, he had a sudden meal while he was sorting out the materials, and he patted the table, "I almost forgot. At the beginning of this year, the beard on the golden mask suddenly fell off during cleaning. In order not to affect the upcoming exhibition, the museum Remedy quickly.

However, the effect was not good. The news from inside the museum was that the mask had left terrible adhesion marks due to the use of improper restoration materials. Even more frightening is that the staff rubbed the adhesive on the face of the mask and tried to wipe it off with a knife, leaving scratches, causing irreversible damage to the mask.

It is said that looking through the glass, it is difficult to find anything unusual with the naked eye, but as long as you compare the past high-definition photos, it is not difficult to find that compared with the previous, a layer of light yellow adhesive appeared between the chin and beard of the golden mask. "

Yang Cheng became interested. He knew that William would not mention it for no reason. Could it be that the shocking news that the golden mask in the museum is a fake will be exposed?

"Of course, this is just an excuse that the museum is preparing to clarify. The real reason is not accidentally touched by the cleaning staff. This kind of reason is really naive. Faced with this priceless treasure, every staff member puts up 120% energy to deal with it. , Accidentally? It really doesn't exist.

According to the internal records of the museum, the beard of the golden mask was loose when the tomb of Tutankhamun was excavated in 1922, and was not connected to the main body of the mask. Since the mask was displayed in the museum in 1924, the beard has been as long as 20 The year was displayed separately from the main body. In 1941, the Egyptian cultural relics department considered the completeness and beauty of the cultural relics, and decided to stick the beard back to the mask. The reason for the sudden loosening and falling may be that the adhesive used at the time was a long time. Aging has occurred. "

Yang Cheng squeezed his chin and thought, "In other words, the fakes made by Earl Carnarvon and Spark's Carter weren't perfect, right?"

William nodded, "It can be said, but the answer will only be known when we find the real golden mask."

"What are you waiting for? Do you have a plan?" Yang Cheng asked impatiently.

"I have a simple idea. I will find one day to invite the earl and his wife to Kensington Palace. The reason is very easy to find. If the time is right, I can even leave them overnight at Kensington Palace, leaving you plenty of time. Time to start."

I have to say that William’s plan is rough, but it is feasible. Even if the earls and the couple find that the mask has been stolen after returning, it’s hard to think of William. No one thinks that William, who is expensive as a duke, will be an art thief. Of course, even if the other party doubts, he can't take William.

Yang Cheng waved his hand. Now his mind is a bit messy. He needs a quiet environment to think about the details, and he is not professional, so he has to discuss with Hansen and the others.

"Okay, I'll go first, and give me a copy of your information later, all!"

William did not stay, "No problem, I will organize a meeting with the FA in the future to discuss how Messi should be treated when joining the Premier League family. If necessary, I hope Liverpool can cooperate with the promotion."

Yang Cheng walked out without turning his head back, "You ask Ian El for this matter. I will take care of everything. I'm exhausted."

The gain from the trip to London was not small. Yang Cheng returned to the North Sea Manor with a happy mood and found that Luo Yue was not reading in the room. After asking Carson, he realized that the girl had gone to the dock to check the construction progress.

She really couldn't stop herself, Yang Cheng muttered in her heart.

After returning to the room and changing into comfortable clothes, Carson presented a glass of freshly squeezed juice, which was cool and refreshing.

He went to the doctor to change the dressing and put on clean gauze again. Just about to find something to do to relieve the pain, Hansen found it and said in a low voice, "Boss, Gareth Lopez has appeared."

Yang Cheng was surprised at first, and then exulted, "Really? What are you waiting for? Just take the person down!"

Hansen smiled and nodded, "This person is very cautious, but he will definitely return to the apartment. We will do it the moment he enters."

Yang Cheng snorted, and he did it by surprise. The possibility of failure was extremely low. Yang Cheng was not worried.

He greeted Hansen to the living room, chased Anna and other servants away, and asked, "The last time you went to Hikerlier Castle, did you observe the other party's security situation?"

Hansen pondered for a while, "I didn't observe it carefully, but just glanced at it habitually. The protection measures of the High Kelier Castle are loose on the outside and tight on the inside. The external security seems to be loose and full of loopholes, but the indoor protection The power is very powerful."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Very? I didn't see any bodyguards in the room?"

Hansen laughed, "Boss, this is our profession, but maybe my words are a bit exaggerated, but compared to the security outside the castle, the indoor protection is indeed a few levels higher."

Yang Cheng nodded suddenly, "If this is the case, can you sneak into and bring something out by the way?"

Hansen didn’t ask why. He closed his eyes and quickly thought of several plans in his mind, and finally shook his head regretfully, “There is nothing wrong with sneaking in, but if you want to bring something out, you have to consider the actual situation, such as where the target is. Is there a high-tech anti-theft device? Weight, size, etc. are all areas that need to be considered. No matter what, it is very difficult to do it quietly."

Yang Cheng squeezed her brows into Sichuan, "Is that so? That's not easy."

In fact, when Yang Cheng mentioned Hikerlier Castle, Hansen probably guessed what Yang Cheng wanted-the golden mask!

"I think about it again, you can also think about whether there is a way to get the best of both worlds."

Hansen said embarrassedly, "Boss, if it is an assassination, we have enough ability to complete the task, but fetching things is not the same as assassination, so I suggest whether it is possible to call Eiffel, he should have a better way. "

Yang Cheng slapped his slap, his eyes widened, "You are right, this is also Eiffel's profession, you call him and ask him to arrange for Craig Harrison to come to the UK quickly, he has a task." )

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