Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 959: Debin VIP!

   "I think at this time, there should be nothing you can't say, right?" Yang Cheng couldn't see any emotion on her face.

   Gareth Lopez nodded without the strength, lowered his head, a mixture of saliva and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

   "Who did the mission to assassinate me?" Yang Cheng suddenly asked in a cold voice.

   Hansen grabbed Gareth’s curly hair and pulled back, forcibly raised his head, and sternly, "Say!"

   Gareth was obviously confused and replied subconsciously, "I don't know, I don't know~"

   Yang Cheng frowned, without Hansen's reminder, knowing that this time is not suitable to continue the interrogation. If you accidentally play someone to death, you will lose out.

   turned around and left the interrogation room, frowning and muttering, "C~I~A, C~I~A."

   He couldn't figure it out, if it was really C~I~A's instructions, why would they assassinate themselves? Think you are a spy? It seems that there is only one reason that makes sense!

Wait, Yang Cheng stood still, like a lightning strike. He seemed to guess something. Just now Gareth said that the clown organization is very interested in the assets of the Yang family. If the entire plan is supported by C~I~A, Can I think that C~I~A covets its own property? Or is it that someone at a higher level decided to cut wool?

   This is not a speculation, is C~I~A rich? of course! Every year, the huge funding of C~I~A is enough to bring down more than 80% of the countries in the world, and to maintain such a powerful intelligence agency to operate, the US ZF is also a headache;

  C~I~A is short of money? The answer is missing! Very lacking! Intervening in other countries’ zheng changes, planning revolutions everywhere, and supporting agents in various operations, no amount of funds are enough for them to spend, but the annual Congressional appropriation is a fixed amount, and it is reduced year by year, facing a huge funding gap. The extra cost can only be done by yourself. Congress keeps one eye closed. Don’t ask them for money anyway. C~I~A loves how to play and how to play. Of course, if it is discovered by the media, then you have to ask for more blessings. Up.

   Then where does C~I~A make money? Quite simply, in this world, oil, weapons, and duo products are the three most traded products in the market, and the United States has an absolute advantage in manipulating them. At the same time, the US dollar is also the most important currency for trading such products.

Among them, du~products are the most profitable products among them. Whoever can secretly manipulate the du~product market can obtain infinite benefits. Whoever can not be governed by the law and use state machinery to manufacture and sell du~products will do so. Obviously, there is only one answer to get the most benefit, and that is C~I~A. Even F~B~I can't do it, but C~I~A can.

Many people don’t know that after the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Afghanistan immediately became the world’s first major producer of Hailuo. According to United Nations statistics, the production of Hailuo in Afghanistan has increased significantly since 2002, and it was only produced in Afghanistan in 2014. Made an appointment.

   Then these du products are exported overseas, which is far from enough to supply the entire market, and will always be in short supply. Only the majority of consumption in Canada and Europe comes from Afghanistan.

  Don't trust the media, thinking that it is the terrorist organization adding a crime to the crime book. Those Tali classes holding AKs in the sky, if they have this ability, why go there?

In addition to du products, what C~I~A likes to do most is to send agents who are at home to investigate the rich, especially those who have a dirty start. They are most likely to get the attention of C~I~A, but why should they focus on Yang? Home?

   Could it be that the gold bullion matter was exposed? Yang Cheng doesn’t doubt the ability of C~I~A. As long as they think about it, there is hardly anything in this world that can be hidden from them. Even if you think you’re doing secretly, it’s impossible for anyone to know it, but for C~I~A In other words, it is a bit of trouble at most, and the result is the same.

The allure of gold bullion is the same for any person, organization, or institution, not to mention that it is such a large sum that it can leverage a hundred times leverage. Anyway, the US dollar is not worth anymore. As long as there is gold reserves, the Fed dares to print US dollars. .

   MMP, Yang Cheng feels as if he has been involved in a big chess game, especially when he connects all the incomprehensible things in the past year together, this feeling becomes clearer.

   Yang Cheng returned to the study and took an antique mobile phone. Without disturbing Luo Yue who was reading, he randomly found a bedroom and closed the door, and dialed Richard Debin's number.

   "jason?" Richard Debin's voice waited a long time before it sounded.

   "Is it convenient to talk?" Yang Cheng asked cautiously.

"Wait a minute~" Richard Debin knew that Yang Cheng's call would definitely not be a trivial matter, and that trivial matter would not be called anymore, so he did not dare to delay, hurried back to the office, and said again, "I only have 10 minutes. ~"

   Yang Cheng knows, "I was assassinated before, do you know this?"

   Richard Debin hummed, "I heard about it, but you solved it well, so I didn’t pay attention to it anymore~"

   "This is not the point. The point is that I followed the vine and caught a core high-level clown organization~"

   Richard Debin suddenly raised his voice and asked excitedly, "Did you catch the core members of the clown? Is this true?"

   "Fuck, would I be joking about this kind of thing?" Yang Cheng was a bit irritable because of the speculation that C~I~A was paying attention to, and she didn't care about Richard Debin's attitude.

   "Sorry, I just confirm, if you really catch it, I hope you can hand someone to me." Richard Debin asked.

The clown organization has been in the United States for many years. It has repeatedly assassinated and even sabotaged people of color in the upper class. It has caused trouble for ZF, but for so many years, let alone the core, there are very few shadows of peripheral members. I can see that it is almost impossible to see the end of the dragon. The clown organization is about to become the heart of some people. If Richard Debin can capture the core members of the clown this time, he will definitely get some black or minority people with real power. Grateful, this plays an important role in consolidating his position.

  Richard Debin’s request Yang Cheng could understand, but only after a little thought, he agreed. Anyway, it is useless for him to keep Lopez and his son. It is also good to send it out as a favor.

   "Yes, this is not a problem. The important thing is that I suspect that behind the clown is C~I~A." Yang Cheng said solemnly.

"What are you talking about?" Richard Debin's voice raised a few more tones, unbelievable, even for the experienced him, this is an unimaginable thing, if this is true, reasonable Chad Debin dared to swear to God, C~I~A stabbed the big basket! You must know that the agents of C~I~A are not all whites. Blacks and minorities also occupy a considerable proportion. Once things are exposed, infighting is inevitable!

   Richard Debin can no longer take care of the gaffe, and he asked again, "Jason, do you have evidence? I need concrete evidence~"

   Yang Cheng said with a sullen face, "Evidence? Does the clown's core personally admit it as evidence? Of course we have tortured, and he won't speak without punishment!"

"You send people to me right now, no, no, I'm going to find you, damn, wait, let me think, I can't leave America, so I will send someone to England to find you now." Richard Debin's mind was a little messy, and his words were incoherent. There was no way. The news Yang Cheng brought to him was like a muffled thunder, which blew on his head. It's not strange if he is not dizzy!

Yang Cheng frowned, "Your people? Do you have armed forces? Sorry, I still doubt your people. If the clown really has the support of C~I~A, the news that has fallen into my hands now Leak, can your people fight against the elite agents of C~I~A?"

   Richard Debin took a deep breath, "I will send my personal bodyguards, they are from the Secret Service."

   Yang Cheng furrowed his brows deeper, "Secret Service? Their strength is reflected in the protection of important personnel, and how do you ensure that your people will not communicate with the bureau and leak news?"

The U.S. Secret Service is affiliated to the Department of Homeland Security. It has been more than 100 years since its establishment. C~I~A are only the sons of the Secret Service. But when C~I~A was founded that year, many people were recruited from various confidential departments in the United States. , The Secret Service is naturally the focus of recruitment, and the two agencies have no conflict of interest, so they are not antagonistic, but the relationship is good.

   The Secret Service was not founded to protect dignitaries, but to combat financial crimes. It still shoulders this mission today. It currently has nearly 7,000 employees worldwide and has overseas offices in various major countries and regions.

There are two types of Secret Service agents. One is called plainclothes agents. Normally, these people will wear a very conservative black suit, but it is not limited. According to the mission requirements, the range of clothing can vary from Tuxedo to casual jeans.

The main jurisdiction of the Secret Service is to prevent and investigate the forgery of U.S. dollars and Treasury bonds and other bills, and to protect the president, vice president-elect and vice president-elect, former president-elect and their Spouse, candidates for general and vice presidents determined within 120 days before the general election, children and grandchildren under 16 years of the current and former generals, visiting foreign heads of state and ZF heads of state and their spouses, general orders Designated individuals and national special security incidents designated by the Department of Homeland Security.

  Of course, the most important task is to block bullets for the boss, but the actual strength of the hands is quite different from that of C~I~A. It is precisely because of this that Yang Cheng questioned it.

   Richard Debin also understands Yang Cheng’s concerns, "Then what do you say? Their mouths are very strict. You can rest assured that I will use my name as a guarantee."

   Yang Cheng decided decisively, "I will let my people personally **** him. You arrange the handover location and try to stay away from Langley as far as possible. I don't want to be handed over on the site of C~I~A. That is tantamount to death."

After all, Richard Debin is not the person in charge of the vital organization. He does not have so many safe houses and no violent action team to do dirty work for him, but finding a relatively confidential foothold is not a big deal for the Donkey Party’s No. 3 figure. The big question, "I know, I will arrange the place, you will send someone to leave now."

   After a pause, he lowered his voice and reminded, "Jason, if I can be sure of the truth of the matter, then you have to be careful, don't go back to the United States for now, do you understand what I mean?"

  :. :

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