Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 961: The earl comes

   Heavy rain is raging on the shore of the North Sea, and the wind seems to have stopped, but the rain is getting heavier and harder. It is very likely that the rain in the next few years will be all finished today.

It is 10:30 in the morning, but the sky is dark, heavy rain obscures sight, only the faint sunlight keeps a trace of brightness for the earth through the dark clouds, but this is just the glow of the fireflies and the bright moon, and there is no lighting at all. effect.

In order to welcome the official visit of the Earl and his wife, Beihai Manor began preparations early in the morning. The street lights were turned on early, the lights in the castle were bright, and the uniforms of all the servants had been changed and washed, and they were as new as they were new. The hand-made butler's clothes on Savile Street, a pair of gray sword eyebrows have been carefully treated, and the tail end is more sharp than usual.

Although William, the Duke, came to the manor as a guest in his spare time, but not once was a formal visit, so the castle did not come up with the highest standard treatment, and today, Carson's arrangement is completely according to the past nobles to visit each other. The whole process is arranged. If the weather does not allow it, the afternoon garden picnic or hunting is one of the necessary processes, but today is replaced by the afternoon tea conversation activity.

The Rolls Royce Gust, where Earl Carnarvon was riding, drove lonely into the road in the North Sea Manor. Two rows of roads in both directions were paved with a smooth asphalt road. The illuminated street lights guided the road for the driver, although visibility It's relatively low, but Beihai Manor is full of low-key luxury, because the earl and his wife discovered that the art sculptures placed on both sides of the road and alternately with street lamps were all made by everyone. Some of them can only be seen at auctions. To.

These works of art that should have been carefully preserved in the museum can only be used as roadside decorations in the North Sea Manor. The silent pretence is the most shocking, not only the Earl of Carnarvon, but many people who come to the castle pass by here. After a section of the road, he would subconsciously raise his chest and raise his head, so as not to let himself be shy.

The thing that Rolls-Royce is most proud of is that the carriage is quiet enough. Only quietness can create a sense of elegance. The rain keeps falling outside, but there is no sound in the car. The biggest sound is the ticking of the center console clock. .

Countess Fiona seemed to be in love with the scene, with sadness in her azure blue eyes, looking at the blurry rain scene outside the window, and said quietly, "Hycler was also such a prosperous scene back then. It is really full of vitality everywhere. Rich businessmen are more like nobles than real nobles like us."

It stands to reason that this little scorn can never be said from a population of earls. However, compared to Fiona, as the current owner of the castle of Highcollier, Earl Canaveron is the most sad one. Nowadays, Highclere not only loses the brilliance of the past, but is reduced to a hotel situation, and his master wants to move out of the place where he lived since childhood, which is really good fortune.

At this time, the scenery in front of us changed again. Under the dim rain, the brightly-lit Beihai Manor’s main castle came into view, and the car drove from the asphalt road onto the stone road. Outside the castle gate, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue dressed in costumes. Waiting, the servant held a large black umbrella for the two of them, and did not let a drop of rain wet their clothes.

   Carson also held a big umbrella, and took a few servants to prepare to welcome the Earl and his wife to get out of the car.

   Rolls-Royce made a graceful curve, circled the fountain pool in the circular square, and finally stopped in front of the castle gate, the rear door was just in front of Carson.

   Carson quickly opened the door for the earl, and at the same time he covered the sky with the umbrella, not caring that his back was instantly wet by the heavy rain.

The earl was introduced first, and a maid followed by holding an umbrella for the countess. When the two got out of the car, they simply sorted out the folds of their clothes. Yang Cheng and Luo Yue came forward and smiled calmly, "Welcome earl Your Excellency and Madam are honored to visit Beihai Manor."

Looking across the earl and falling on Fiona, the Countess stretched out her hand, her fingers drooping, Yang Cheng's natural knee was slightly bent, her right hand gently held the fingertips, her lips closed on the back of Fiona's fingers, symbolizing A sexual kiss completed the process of hand-kissing. The good quality made Fiona feel the same kind of breath, smiled, obviously very satisfied with Yang Cheng's movement of bending her legs, which was a respect for her status.

   The kiss gift is only applicable to married women. Luo Yue and Yang Cheng are not yet married, so she doesn't have to take the initiative to let the old man Kanavin take advantage.

  Because the heavy rain is still pouring down, other cumbersome etiquettes are avoided. Both come indoors, and the servants who have been prepared for a long time bring a hot cocoa drink to the kitchen carefully for the whole morning.

Carson led the earl and his wife to the living room, set up a seat with each other, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency the earl and the Countess, please taste this chocolate drink to get out of the cold. This hot chocolate comes from three types of Africa. Different cocoa is made into chocolate through a special incense process, then the chocolate is melted over a low fire and fresh cream and Almas caviar are added, and it is slowly boiled. This is the unique drink of Beihai Manor, other places Can't drink."

Count Carnarvon was unsmiling, but he wouldn’t refuse. Instead, Fiona looked forward to this hot chocolate. After taking a sip, she squinted her eyes to regain the taste. “It’s so delicious. The shiny hot chocolate is packed in a chic style. In the crystal cup, it smells strong, and it tastes very sweet. The taste is pure and silky. It may be because of the unique incense technique, even if you drink more, you won’t feel greasy, just drive away the body. The chill is great."

   The countess’ evaluation is the best compliment for the kitchen’s efforts.

   Luo Yue answered at the right time, "If Madam likes it, I can send a chef from the High Collier Castle to learn later, and good things should be shared."

   The countess shook her head gracefully, "Thank you for your kindness. If you have the opportunity to come to Beihai Manor again, you can taste it again then, presumably you will not welcome me?"

   Yang Cheng knows that Fiona is joking, this is to get closer to the point as soon as possible, he naturally has to cooperate, "Of course not, when the countess comes, she will receive the highest standard reception from Beihai Manor."

   After chatting around the topic of chocolate for a few minutes, Earl Carnarvon changed the subject, "I have thought about it these days and think that the value of the 50 million pounds of Haycolil Castle is still there."

   Yang Cheng secretly said, "So anxious? Really out of money?"

   He didn't answer the conversation, neither admitted nor denied, waiting quietly for the following.

"So, after a few days of deliberation, I hope to invest 50 million pounds in the hotel as a share of the hotel, accounting for 45% of the total share capital. Mr. Yang, you will invest 30 million pounds to occupy 35% and be responsible for the management. His Royal Highness will invest 2000 Ten thousand pounds occupies 20%, only dividends and no voting rights. The voting rights are left to Mr. Yang, but I have a small condition, that is, I hope to withdraw 5 million in cash as a 5% of my 30 million pounds investment. Is the compensation of shares, Mr. Yang still satisfied with this distribution?"

Count Carnarvon’s distribution method sounds like that at first glance. According to his plan, the entire hotel’s share capital is priced at 100 million pounds. He uses the castle, or fixed assets, to buy only 45% of the shares because he doesn’t need it. Undertake management responsibilities, and take the initiative to sell 5% of the shares for An Yangcheng's heart.

   While Yang Cheng invested 30 million pounds, he could actually control 55% of the voting rights and firmly control the management voice of the hotel. William had no voting rights and only enjoyed dividends. Doesn't it sound fair?

But for Yang Cheng, this plan is too ridiculous. First of all, this hotel is not worth 100 million pounds. Even the added value of Shanghai Collier Castle is not worth 100 million pounds. He had already expressed him to William before. His attitude, but I didn’t expect that Earl Carnarvon would come to persuade him personally;

  Secondly, the actual value of 30 million pounds in cash is much higher than the value of a castle that has a valuation name but cannot exchange so much cash;

  Finally, what the **** is it withdrawing 5 million pounds? This is not company financing. It is a thousand words and ten thousand. Even if Earl Carnarvon really wants to raise funds, he must first establish a company, right? What's more, financing must be approved by investors. Otherwise, why should we withdraw 5 million pounds?

   The previous evaluation of Yang Cheng in front of William is really Carnarvon is a self-righteous, aristocratic scum who retains the bad habits of aristocracy, and is full of pride and prejudice in his bones.

   Why does he want 5 million pounds? Is the research on the golden mask at a critical juncture and investment must be increased?

Well, I have to say that Eiffel’s inferences are quite brainwashed. Although Yang Cheng pondered over and over again, she felt that it was a bit unreliable to forcibly associate the mask with aliens, but like some square dance divine comedies, you know it’s broken. The song is not nutritious and vulgar, but it can reverberate in your mind. As long as you listen to it once, you can't forget the magical melody.

Yang Cheng didn't show any disdain, but calmly said, "To be honest, I am not satisfied with this distribution plan. If this is your bottom line, I don't think we need to talk about it anymore. A castle hotel. That's all, for my cultural tourism group, it is just the icing on the cake. If necessary, I can buy an abandoned castle for a lower price or even a carrot to modify it. There is no need to bind Haycolir Castle.

  Don’t tell me about the historical background and significance. There are hundreds of castles in the British Isles, which one has no history? As long as I want to, I can use the media group to add color to this period of history, and even a remake of "Downton Abbey" for this. "

Yang Cheng’s beating has really lost the face of the earls and his wife. There is a meaning inside and out of his words-your castle is not valuable, at least it is not irreplaceable for me, and I have 10,000 ways to destroy it. The reputation of Haycolir Castle has accumulated over the years, so please recognize the reality.

  :. :

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