Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 970: 4 am call

   "Then Mr. Ito, your assessment task is related to the land we are developing?" Yang Cheng asked.

   Ito hesitated. Originally, he didn't want to explain his mission, but looking at Yang Cheng's reluctant posture, if he doesn't explain clearly, it will cause conflicts, and it will be troublesome to mess with himself at the critical moment.

   But he looked at Luo Yue and Situ Yanran, obviously he didn't want more people to know about it.

  " Don’t worry, Mr. Ito, the two of them, one is my fiancée and the other is my sister, you don’t have to worry about leaking secrets.

   And I have no interest in your family assessment. I just want to make sure that there will be no friction between us. This is not a good thing for you and me. "

Ito nodded, "Mr. Yang is right. I am narrow-minded. In fact, the assessment task of the Ito family is to expand emerging fields. This emerging field does not refer to emerging industries in the general sense, but refers to our family's rare The field to be involved in."

   Yang Cheng understands that the Ito family intends to use the opportunity of the family's children to expand their business. This is in line with the usual style of the small RB.

   "So you took a fancy to the resort project as a tourist terminal?"

Ito smiled and shook his head, "How could it be that if it's just a resort is not worth my fight, I can't say it specifically, but please rest assured that you and Miss Situ don't want to invade the two, let alone in the critical period of family assessment. To provoke strong enemies, we RB admire the strong, and Mr. Yang is the strong among the strong. If I have the opportunity, I would like to follow you to learn one or two.

   This passage Ito suddenly changed to Z text, and he said it quite authentically, even some more formal or even sounding literary words can be easily understood.

   Ito showed good things like this, and Yang Cheng didn't want to continue to make trouble, but he decided to check this Ito Koji after he went back to see what medicine he sold in his gourd.

   Watching Ito and his friends leave the cafe, Yang Cheng's smile that had been maintained was pulled down, "Yan Ran, you said that Ito met Paris before? What happened?"

Situ Yanran didn’t know. So, she only felt that Yang Cheng had driven away the disgusting person. She was happy. He didn’t think much about it, and replied without thinking, “I just watched them leave together. It doesn’t look like they just met. Relationship."

   Yang Cheng thoughtfully, "Is it related to the Hilton family?"

   shook his head and was too lazy to waste brain cells. As long as this guy doesn't make trouble for himself, what he likes to do, he can't control.

   After drinking coffee, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue bid farewell to Situ Yanran, asked for a car for a ride on the island, returned to Honolulu at night, and lived directly in Luo Yue’s boudoir.

  . . . . . .

   At four o'clock in the morning, Yang Cheng was sleeping soundly while holding the nephrite jade lady. Nokia's classic ringtone awakened him instantly. He didn't dare to delay a second. He picked up the phone and went to the bathroom, afraid of waking Luo Yue.

   connected to Richard Debin's phone and asked directly, "I hope you can bring good news by waking me up at four in the morning."

   Richard Debin didn’t even think about joking, every word contained endless anger, “If it’s good news, I won’t wake you up at this time. Unfortunately, we are in big trouble.”

   Yang Cheng's sleepiness was suddenly thrown out of the clouds, "What's the situation?"

   "I let people use Veritaserum, the latest product, no one can stay awake under the effect of Veritaserum."

Yang Cheng smacked his tongue. It seemed that Richard Debin was really cruel. He even used high technology. However, the poor Lopez and his son, who survived Yang Cheng's torture, finally fell to Veritaserum. It's a sad reminder of a pair of idiot father and son!

   But Yang Cheng didn't care, and asked directly, "Really related to C~I~A?"

Richard Debin affirmed, "Yes, and the relationship is very close. Unfortunately, Gareth doesn't know much about it. He only knows that the CIA has facilitated the clown organization as early as the 1990s, and even assassinated several times. The action played a role in fueling the flames. In return, the clown organization has also repeatedly solved their inconvenient goals for C~I~A.

   It is not accidental to choose you as the assassination, but C~I~A provided a generous reward! "

   Yang Cheng was shocked, "C~I~A is really going to kill me?"

Richard Debin sighed, "Yes, the last time Kari singled out C~I~A, C~I~A suffered a big loss. They couldn't get revenge on F~B~I. Treat you as the initiator."

   Yang Cheng yelled, "I X his ancestor for the eighteenth generation~"

"Don't worry, I can contact C~I~A to help you explain clearly. Choosing to assassinate is to vent your anger and save your face. Now that the action has failed, they may not be entangled. After all, you are not an ordinary person. , If you really want to find them and launch a counterattack, their life will not be easier." Richard Debin said with relief.

   However, Yang Cheng didn't even listen, "Richard, do you believe this? When did C~I~A give up? They have been with them for more than ten years!"

   "This~ you are not the same as Ben Laden, he is a deadly enemy, you are a misunderstanding."

   Yang Cheng walked in place in the bathroom angrily, "What else did Gareth say?"

   Richard hesitated for a He also explained the tasks that C~I~A sent them to perform before. Several of them were members of Congress, all of whom were ethnic minorities. "

   Yang Cheng wondered, "How could C~I~A target minorities? At least half of the Langley headquarters are minorities. Are they crazy?"

Richard Debin didn't understand, "This issue needs to be investigated. After all, Gareth is not the main contact with C~I~A. He doesn't know much. The news is the result of his own investigation. "

   Yang Cheng said in deep thought, "I see, you can deal with Lopez and his son, they are useless."

   "It has been processed. In fact, large doses of Veritaserum cause brain death, and no one can be an exception."

   "All right, then I'll hang up."

   Richard Debin stopped, "Wait, jason, I remind you that the general election is coming soon, and it is not suitable to go against C~I~A now."

   Yang Cheng took a deep breath and spit it out heavily, "Relax, I know the severity, I've written down this grudge, but how can you guarantee that they will not continue to trouble me?"

   Richard Debin hesitated for a moment, "I can't guarantee, but John Brennan is ours, at least in his tenure there shouldn't be similar things again."

Yang Cheng sneered, "Really? As the chief of C~I~A, John Brennan didn't know that C~I~A had issued an order to assassinate me to the clown organization? Don't you say that he has been emptied! "

  :. :

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