Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 973: Lanai Company

The previous owner of Lanai is Larry Ellison, a madman who has a paranoid passion for spending money. As early as after buying Lanai, he madly invested in infrastructure construction and agricultural development on the island. As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took the shade, Yang Cheng obviously got the cheaper one.

After taking over La Nai Island, the hired design company specifically asked whether to cancel the original plan for the development of agriculture, animal husbandry and plantation. Yang Cheng said to the other party with an idiotic look, "You are going to let me be one. Do people bear all the investment costs?"

   The designer who asked about this later was fired. There is no way. Who made him almost offend a top customer with a net worth enough to buy thousands of companies like them.

Lanai Island, which has 141 square kilometers of land, has all the possibilities for development. It not only has pineapple plantations that supply the United States, but also has a large fertile land that can grow a variety of crops. It depends on the export of fruits and food every year. Lanai can reap large taxes.

That’s right, it’s the tax. Both Larry Ellison and Yang Orange are the largest shareholders of this land. Hawaii State ZF only reserved 2% of the shares symbolically. It does not participate in dividends and has no decision-making power. As for David Ellison, who was supposed to be acquired with Yang Cheng, also gave up due to funding problems. That is to say, Yang Cheng independently invested 600 million US dollars and won 98% of Lanai Island. Companies that make money on the land must split a portion of their benefits to major shareholders, otherwise they cannot continue to operate.

Among the two companies that Yang Cheng pays most attention to, one of them is the world's largest pineapple producer-Durr Company. His founder bought the land on this deserted island as early as the 1920s. Pineapple was planted and produced. Later, Larry Ellison bought the entire island and tried several times to reclaim the land through negotiations, but they all ended in failure.

In fact, no matter how stupid the people of Dürr Company are, they will not actively hand over their own lifeblood. Therefore, the pineapple plantation on Lanai is equivalent to a country within a country. Like psoriasis on humans, it has become a piece of the island. Stubborn illness.

   Now Yang Cheng has also taken over this task. Since he completed the equity transaction with Larry Ellison, he has been sending a special person to communicate with Dürr, no matter what, the land should be taken down;

As for the other two resorts opened by Four Seasons Hotel on the island, Four Seasons Hotel is obviously more commercialized than the inflexible Dürr Company, and has great enthusiasm for all the ways to make money, so Yang Yang After the people of Orange came to the door, they responded with the most positive attitude from start to finish, but backed by the richest man in the world and the rich Middle Eastern tyrants, the appetite of Four Seasons Hotel is amazing. Yang Orange doesn't want to succeed without paying a big price. Buy the resort.

However, Yang Cheng is also very hard. Thanks to Larry Ellison, who was not bad at the time, there is a small power company and a water company on the island. All enterprises on the island are supplied by these two companies. Luxury resorts have very strict cost control. The increase in water and electricity prices is bound to reduce the marginal profit ratio, and the other party can’t find reason. Yang Cheng has 10,000 reasons for increasing water and electricity charges. Coupled with the annual "protection fee", these two resorts at Four Seasons Hotel will not make much money.

Recently, because the negotiations have reached a critical stage, the relationship between the two parties is very tense. Four Seasons Hotel has simply suspended the operation of the two resorts, and announced that the hotel will be maintained for equipment and will not be open to the outside world, so that Yangchenglai Island has no place to live .

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue’s mother and daughter got off the plane, and the person in charge on the island drove to pick him up. On the Mercedes-Benz, the person in charge who was nearly 60 years old said to Yang Cheng who was sitting in the co-pilot, "Boss, yourself The renovation process of the holiday estate is very fast and it is expected to be completed before the end of the year."

   It didn't take long because it was based on the original Larry Ellison's manor.

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Well, I won't live on the island in the short term. I told the construction team that there is no need to rush to the project. Quality and quantity are the most important thing."

"Because of the suspension of the Four Seasons Hotel, the number of high-end tourists on the island has dropped sharply. However, this has also unexpectedly stimulated the development of homestays. Many tourists with limited funds will choose to stay in the homes of residents on the island, using self-driving tours or cycling. Traveling on the island, so our tourism income has not decreased, but has increased. This is an unexpected discovery."

The person in charge is Lukacs, a Croatian-American who was a former manager of the Amman Hotel. He met when he received Yang Cheng in the summer, and his ability was recognized by Yang Cheng. After Yang Cheng proposed to manage a small island , Considering repeatedly accepting invitations to join the New Era Cultural Tourism Group, currently in charge of Lanai Island related work.

Yang Cheng was also quite surprised when he heard this. Previously, most of Lanai’s tourists were high-end people, because Lanai was blessed with a private environment. Every year, they would stay here for a week or even a month, and ordinary tourists are not without , But the proportion is relatively small. After all, the prices on the island are still quite expensive, and the most expensive thing is the cost of accommodation. The average person will spend a year's salary on a trip, which is not cost-effective.

   "This is good news, but you have to control the flow of people, and you can't break Lanai's biggest advantage." Yang Cheng reminded.

   Lukács has a wealth of experience in the management of high-end hotels, and benefited from the concept of Amman, he has a strange obsession with privacy and tranquility!

"Of course boss, there is good news. The negotiations with Four Seasons Hotel have made breakthrough progress. Both of us have also proposed an acceptable plan to continue to retain the name of Four Seasons Hotel and retain 40% of the shares by using naming rights. And operating rights, and we will get 60% of the actual revenue and be responsible for the cost of the hotel."

   Yang Cheng frowned, and quickly responded, "40% is too high, my bottom line is 30%."

   Lukács hesitated for a moment, "I know, I will make demands on the members of the negotiating team and try my best to reach it."

   Yang Cheng glanced at him, "It's not a hard work, it's a must."

"Yes, it must be! In addition, the issue about Dürr is relatively complicated. Because of the contract restrictions with the previous owner, Larry Ellison, we cannot use the method of dealing with Four Seasons against Dürr because of the contract period. It’s 99 years, it’s almost the same as a permanent contract, and we have nothing to do."

   "Now that Party A has changed, the contract will naturally be re-signed, and we have no obligation to assume the responsibility of the previous contract."

   "It was originally like this, but there was a special clause in the contract that clearly stated that the contract would not be invalidated by Party A's change, so..." Lukács was also helpless.

   Yang Cheng was upset, Larry Ellison often signed this kind of strange contract with his head, which caused him not to say that he would make others feel better.

   waved his hand, "Then think of another way. Anyway, I don't want Dürr to draw too much blood from Lanai every year."

In his opinion, the reason why Dürr has become the world's largest pineapple producer is entirely due to the climate and land of Lanai, and now all of this should be his own. Why should I be stripped of the benefits? We must know that Dürr's actual annual income is as high as one million US dollars. Even for the local tyrants in the Middle East, several million is not a small amount. Moreover, this income is very stable.

   Of course, then again, if it weren't for the huge gains, the two sides wouldn't argue so fiercely.

   "By the way, the "Jurassic World" crew is shooting at the Garden of the Gods. Are we going to see it live?"

   The Garden of the Gods is a famous attraction in Lanai Island, which is famous all over the world because of its strange surface like the surface of the moon.

   Yang Cheng doesn't matter, she turned around and asked Luo Yue and the others. The two were quite curious about the filming of the crew, so let's take a look.

   Lukács turned around directly and drove towards the northwest. The Garden of the Gods is located at the northwestern tip of Lanai. He drove off the main road and crossed a path full of stones before arriving at the location of the crew.

   The crew closed the road far away. Ordinary tourists cannot enter this area for the time being. As the island owner and the big boss of the crew, naturally, there is no problem of being restricted.

   Fortunately, Lukács drove a Land Rover Discovery for its powerful off-road passability, walking on the rocky roads.

Soon, the mysterious scene like the surface of the moon came into view. The stone roads were lined with large cobblestones and stone towers, stone pillars, stalagmites, and strange landforms formed by weathering for thousands of years. If at dusk, they would appear The most fascinating face, the warm golden afterglow of the sunset shining on the rugged rocks, covering them with mysterious red and purple clothes.

Although it is morning and the marvelous landscape has not appeared, it is better that the weather is clear. When the car is driving over a corner cliff, you can even look at the outline of Oahu. The calm sea is like a sapphire mirror. The most wonderful baptism.

   At this time, Lukács pointed to the front and said, "Boss, the crew is in front, we can't get too close, it will disturb their work."

   Lukács has Eastern European stereotypes, and he is not afraid that this will offend the big boss.

   Of course, Yang Cheng didn't make any calculations. He said, "Then stop, let's go and walk."

   got out of the car first, took the initiative to open the door for her mother-in-law, and waited for Luo Yue to trot over from the other side to take her mother's arm, and then lead the way forward.

Originally, Yang Cheng planned to take a look at the periphery and leave. He didn't intend to disturb the crew, but he didn't expect to see Donna Lande in plain clothes. She seemed to be bringing her assistant to the crew to visit the crew, and they were parking. At that time I noticed Yang Cheng's figure, greeted him from a distance, and said with a smile, "Boss, what a coincidence~"

  :. :

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