Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 978: The Weird Zhao Family

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

"I can't stop if I want to. I can't contact people temporarily. I can only wait for them to contact me before I give the order to stop."

Richard Debin blocked his throat in one breath and almost didn't turn upside down. In the end, he said nothing, and hung up the phone with a cold snort.

Listening to the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Yang Cheng rubbed her nose in a serendipitous manner, which was quite irritating Richard Debin.

Seeing Yang Cheng put down the phone, Luo Yue asked quickly, "What's the situation?"

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's nothing, a bit of a misunderstanding, but the Luo family should not be implicated, you can rest assured."

Suddenly receiving so much information, Yang Cheng's mind was a little confused, and it took a while to sort out his thoughts, and there was no speech*.

. . . . . .

The next morning, perhaps because of the early bedtime yesterday, Yang Cheng got up early, changed a pair of running shoes, and ran along the path outside Luo's house towards the sea under the protection of bodyguards.

On the beautiful beach, the parasols bloom like flowers, the coconut palm trees on the shore sing softly along with the waves, and some indigenous people dance in the water in the morning sun, and start a new day with laughter and laughter.

Yang Cheng kept running, leaving a string of footprints on the beach, running to the end of the beach, sitting on a reef, and panting violently facing the sea.

I don't know how long I have been sitting, but the bodyguard came from behind, seeming to be afraid of disturbing Yang Cheng, but whispered, "Boss, the phone rang."

Yang Cheng turned his head and took the phone, glanced at the caller ID, Hansen’s, and quickly answered, "Boss, Craig Harrison and I are tracking the next target, but they don’t know where they came from. I typed a set of passwords in the direction where we were hiding, which probably meant to stop us from acting. The other party did not act aggressively and should not be malicious."

"I see, it should be Richard Debin's person. You can withdraw. The operation will be temporarily cancelled. Bring Craig Harrison to Hawaii to find me."

Hansen didn't ask why, and faithfully implemented Yang Cheng's orders.

Throwing the phone back to the bodyguard, Yang Cheng stood up and moved her shoulders a few times, "Let’s go back~"

When he returned to Luo's house, Luo Zhenhua just got up and was playing Tai Chi in the yard. He saw Yang Cheng coming back from outside sweating profusely, and asked in surprise, "Get up so early? Going for a run?"

Seeing that Luo Zhenhua's expression was calm, Yang Cheng was not as nervous as yesterday. He was relieved, "Yes, uncle, I went to bed early yesterday. I got up to exercise when the weather outside was good."

Luo Zhenhua said with a smile, "Yes, I will also run with Yueyue in the future, this girl is almost lazy."

Yang Cheng is speechless, and who still talks about her own daughter?

He couldn’t just follow along, so he had to divert the topic euphemistically, “Girls, sleep more and get better skin. By the way, uncle, I received news last night that the Wang family’s affairs are probably related to the Zhao family. We don’t have to Worry too much."

Luo Zhenhua glanced at Yang Cheng unexpectedly, and said thoughtfully, "You are better informed than me, but I just received the call after waking up."

Yang Cheng slandered, "No wonder you look like a okay person."

But he said, "I also learned by accident, I don't know where uncle heard it from?"

"It was the Zhao family who took the initiative to call and explain the situation, probably because they were worried that others would misunderstand that their family would be in trouble."

Yang Cheng suddenly frowned, "Take the initiative to call? Didn't they elaborate? Why did you suddenly attack the Wang family."

Luo Zhenhua shook his head, "The person who called was from the Zhao family, and I don’t know much, but from the information revealed in his words, it should be the Wang family that touched the Zhao family’s core interests, which was revenge. ."

Yang Cheng knew it well. When the two pieces of information were compared, the matter was probably stable. Just as Richard Debin said, the Wang family actually tried to make efforts in the zheng industry and had great ambitions to compete with the Zhao family. Orange doesn't understand. It stands to reason that the Wang family has been faithfully playing the role of the Zhao family's younger brother. Why did they suddenly turn back and try to take the upper hand?

This doesn't make sense at all, and shouldn't this matter be carefully planned and caught the Zhao family by surprise? Once the Wang family's direct line really becomes the governor of California, then the Zhao family will have nowhere to retaliate. How could it be discovered during the planning stage and then caught up by others? This doesn't make sense. Is the Wang family really stupid to such a degree that its strength is not worthy of ambition?

"What are you thinking?" Luo Zhenhua couldn't help asking when Yang Cheng was silent.

Yang Orange shook his head instinctively, "Nothing~"

Luo Zhenhua took a deep look at Yang Cheng and didn't say much. Instead, he talked about another thing. "Just now, the Zhao family called and in addition to explaining the Wang family, they also invited us to the dinner to be held in Los Angeles tomorrow. "

Yang Cheng subconsciously yelled, "Dinner? Are the Zhao family crazy? Just after making such a big move, the dinner will be held the next day, UU reading is to show the outside world muscles?"

"Yeah, I don’t know what they are going to do. I think your family should also receive the invitation letter? It is reported that the targets of their invitation this time are all influential Chinese in the United States, including the literary circle, fashion circle, People from all walks of life such as Zhengzhou, the business community, etc., the Yang family will definitely be invited."

Yang Cheng didn't know, even if he had an invitation, he should send it directly to his father.

But he was secretly speechless. This scale is a bit big. Almost all the Chinese who have made famous names in the United States have been invited. I have to say that he is really curious about the strange behavior of the Zhao family.

Luo Zhenhua didn't know what Yang Cheng was thinking, but he asked, "Do you want to go together tomorrow? Or go back to Los Angeles to meet your parents?"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, just about to say that he is not suitable for returning to the United States now. The phone rang again. When he saw that it was his father's phone, he knew that the matter had not gone away. He reluctantly rushed to Luo Zhenhua to shake the phone. With a smile in his eyes, the phone was connected, "Dad, aren't you telling me to attend the dinner hosted by Zhao's family tomorrow?"

Yang Sen on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback, and said in surprise, "How do you know?"

Yang Cheng covered her forehead, "You don't care how I know, do I have to participate?"

Yang Sen didn’t bother to ask, “If you don’t have anything special, it’s better to come here. The invitation is written with the names of our family of three, and the housekeeper of Zhao’s family specifically called, hoping that we will appreciate it. It's good for you, you'll save face if you don't go."

Yang Cheng sighed, "I see, I am in Hawaii now, will I meet in our manor tomorrow?"

Yang Sen joked, "It turned out to be courteous at the father-in-law's house. No wonder you know. That's right. The Luo family should have also received an invitation. Okay, see you tomorrow and say hello to your father-in-law."

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