Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 980: "Let's 1 group" (2)

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Rothschild's rule of the global financial industry did not last forever. With the two world wars, Europe was in a mess, and the Rothschild family suffered heavy losses.

In addition, the Rothschild family was too closed and insisted on passing on the feudal dogma of not passing on from men to women and passing on from young to young. For fear of family wealth escaping, even the son-in-law could not believe it. In the family, the quality of the children was not high due to the marriage of close relatives. Many boys, when the year just entered the 20th century, because there was no male heir, the Rothschild Bank, which had prospered for more than a century, closed its doors.

The core business closed down, and a large number of talented financial talents that had been gathered before were all taken into the bag by "we". Then the status of the Rothschild family gradually weakened, and now only some insignificant assets and one are left. legend.

However, the reason why we can rise is not that they are stronger or more money than the Rothschild family and the MG family. In addition to some fortune relationships, they also have their unique organizational form.

The development model of the Rothschild family is an "umbrella" model, that is, its own bank is the center, and it radiates outward in the form of investment. All invested companies deal directly with the center to ensure family control. Like the centralized management model of the ancient Z emperor.

The development model of the MG family is very characteristic of WASP. It is like an empire expanding wildly. It first controls some subsidiaries through its own companies, and then these companies continue to spin off their grandchildren companies or acquire and control some grandchildren companies. Spread like branches.

This model obviously develops faster than the umbrella model. Regardless of the "umbrella" model or the "tree" model, there is a core to control the branches, and there are fewer connections between branches, and the phenomenon of mutual shareholding is even greater. It is rare, so it is convenient for the core to control each branch.

But the "we" is a very loose family alliance, unlike the Rothschild family and the MG family that have a core.

Every family in this network, let alone compare with other Rothschilds, is compared with the MG family, they are far worse.

But no matter how powerful Rothschild is, it is only fighting alone, too closed and mysterious, and "we" is a family alliance network, they have marriage and economic relations with each other, the entire network is like a flock of birds and a flock of fish And their network is constantly expanding and absorbing new people. Although there is no big leader to command, the interest relationship is the strongest chain. The entire network can automatically react to the outside world. Every member of each family will involuntarily act collectively. Like the flock of birds on the eve, as long as one of the birds changes its trajectory, the entire flock of birds will change direction accordingly.

Although a single family or even a single person has its own interests, common interests, intertwined relatives, collective identity, and cultural traditions make the entire network's actions very neat, just like a single life body.

If a person or family tries to escape, they will be pressured by the surrounding network members. For example, in the village of Country Z, if a villager in the village is beaten by an outsider, and no one in the village can help, it is very likely You will be faced with criticism from other villagers, and it will be difficult to mix in the village in the future, and even people from ten miles and eight villages will reject him.

This is the case with the "we" group. This network has tentacles all over the United States and even the upper-middle class of Jewish society throughout the world. If a member is not covered by the network, he can't even keep his home.

An important reason why this network has been able to maintain unity is "discrimination." Due to the exclusion and persecution of Jews by other ethnic groups, Jews must choose to group together to protect themselves. If this external pressure disappears, this model will be difficult. Continue to exist, so in many cases, the core members of the Jewish forces will deliberately create some contradictions with the outside world, creating the illusion of being "discriminated", so that their own group of forces can continue to unite.

The existence of wasp just met the "needs" of Jewish forces, but the Jews did not expect that the balance of tacit understanding was broken. The strength of wasp declined due to the loneliness of the industry, but returned to its peak due to the prosperity of the'Internet'.

"Xiao Yang, if your guess is correct, then this banquet tonight might be a Hongmen banquet." Luo Zhenhua was as deeply afraid as Yang Cheng expected.

Yang Sen didn't respond much, he just smiled faintly, "Could the Zhao family dare to kidnap all the Chinese to make wedding dresses for their family? I don't think they have the courage, at most, they will come out to win a good Chinese family for wasp. First, it can split the Chinese community to prevent the Jewish-style newspaper group from happening again; second, it can strengthen its own strength, just like the community ~ ~ The more the younger brother, the greater the momentum."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Dad is right, uncle don't have to worry, we just stay the same and watch the Zhao family's performance quietly, just let it be involved."

Luo Zhenhua smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I may be old, sometimes I think too much."

Yang Cheng didn't dare to respond, and quickly changed the subject and asked Yang Sen, "Should the old man of the Zhao family appear tonight? Is it appropriate for my grandfather not to show up?"

"Your grandfather has retired. Except occasionally attending events held in Texas during these years, he was not interested in other occasions, and your grandfather left us room for maneuver without showing up." Yang Sen put his pocket in his pocket, meaning something. Said referring to.

Yang Cheng pondered and felt that his father was right. Regardless of his grandfather’s retirement, it seemed like nothing to do with cattle and sheep at home, but the weight of the three words Yang Yuanshan was not light. I think his old man walked sideways with these three words. In the world, if the Zhao family announces something important tonight, it will be fine if they are not present. If they are present, they must make a statement. Whether they agree or not, it is not the Yang family's original wish.

It was close to the evening, and everyone except Yang Cheng had finished their styling. Now they were all dressed in dinner attire sitting in the living room and chatting, all standing upright, as if they would wrinkle their clothes when they bow their heads.

Yang Cheng’s styling is very simple. The hair stylist simply repaired the fringe and fixed it. It was not too fancy. The thick eyebrows were drawn with eyebrow pencil a few times, which was even more grim, and the suit was changed. The family custom model, classic black and white matching, the neckline and chest have dark blue dark patterns embroidered with the family logo, looks very elegant, a proper young gentleman.

Finally, with White’s help, he buttoned the cuffs, and finally made two gestures in the mirror before he walked out and snapped his fingers at the people in the living room, "Let’s go~"

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