Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 982: ‘Chinese Light’

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In fact, the Yang family was recruited by wasp people back then, and both Yang Yuanshan and Yang Sen, who were young at the time, were shaken, but to be honest, Yang Yuanshan did not have much ambition to get involved in ZZ, and it was this hesitation that Zhao Jiajie was the first to board. .

This delay lasted for several decades, so that the Yang family tried to intervene in the zheng world several times and ended up in failure. At most, it was to win over a few congressmen to help solve some minor problems.

Someone asked Yang Yuanshan, do you regret the hesitation? Yang Yuanshan’s answer is affirmative, he doesn’t regret it at all. Although he has money, he will naturally look down on his social status. It’s like a person in the entertainment circle who plays and guides him. The same goes for businessmen. After the boss of Country Z gets rich, he usually Everyone will find a way to get the name of a member of the Zheng Association. The same is true for Americans. This kind of social system almost forms the qian rule.

However, the Jewish consortium not only did not enjoy the superiority of the system, but also suffered from discrimination. When it failed to help its own people become high-ranking officials, they changed to support spokespersons to become parliamentarians and high-ranking officials. At that time, newspapers were still the core of the media, but most newspapers and periodicals controlled it. In the hands of wasp, the Jews managed to control several newspapers, including the New York Times.

To grab food in the wasp area is to kill yourself, so the Jews keenly discovered radio and television, which were still new at the time. Although new things have just appeared, they actually have a great impact on people. The most important thing is that they have not Controlled by the wasp family.

Therefore, the Jews are not afraid of risks, boldly invest, and monopolize the radio and television industry in a timely manner. They have become an important ZZ force in New York and even the United States. Of course, they not only donate a lot to the zheng customers, but also actively participate in public welfare activities, to a certain extent. Said that this is much better than the wasp industrial consortium that forced the workers to have no food but to choose to jump off the building.

Even though these activities allow Jews to influence ZZ to protect themselves to a certain extent, their social image has not improved much. On the contrary, under the clever guidance of WASP, many people feel that Jews like to manipulate ZZ through bribery, so they dissatisfied with ZF. Also transferred to them, the good deeds done by the Jews are also selectively forgotten, and their images are still vampires with sharp noses and sharp fangs.

The Jews naturally wanted to find opportunities to change this passive situation, and soon the opportunity came. Roosevelt, who came to power after the Great Depression, drastically reformed the American financial system, which touched the interests of the original big banks. WASP's big banks began to give President Roosevelt made a stumbling block, and the Jewish community seized the opportunity to resolutely support the new zheng and became the backbone of the Donkey Party in one fell swoop. Roosevelt was determined to support the Jewish consortium to deal with WASP on Wall Street. Traditional forces.

In the 1910s, the "we group" successfully abolished the central bank controlled by MG and his son-in-law, John Rockefeller Jr., and allowed himself to build the famous Federal Reserve Board.

Although the big banks of wasp such as MG are also important contributors to the Fed, in the future the chairman of the Fed is usually appointed by "our group". At the beginning, people from other ethnic groups were secretly assigned to do it. Later, they simply pushed the Jews directly and served as the Fed. Jews accounted for 29% of the chairpersons. Up to now, Jews have firmly held the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve for two consecutive terms. This has played a decisive role in the Jews' fight against wasp.

And wasp knows that he has no advantage in the financial industry, so he simply did not waste his energy and devoted all his energy to the penetration of Congress. Mickey McConnell is an important piece that wasp placed in Congress.

Yang Cheng's eyes floated in the direction of Mickey McConnell from time to time. He found that Mickey McConnell's expression was very serious today, even nervous. Zhao Xiaolan was violently interrupted when he tried to talk to her husband several times. , Could it be a conflict?

"What are you looking at?" Yang Sen couldn't help but ask when Yang Cheng started to look absently after eating.

Yang Orange whispered, "The situation of the Zhao family is not right~"

Yang Sen glanced back when he heard this. Indeed, compared to the harmonious atmosphere of other tables, the Zhao family did not seem to be eating, but rather like a serious family meeting. Everyone was not smirking, and the dishes on the table were almost nothing. Moved.

However, Yang Sen's curiosity was not so heavy. After a few glances, he turned his gaze back, and didn't let Yang Cheng look at it. "Okay, why are you so curious about people's housework?"

Yang Cheng disagrees, family affairs? Not necessarily, but he didn't even bother to argue, and all the puzzles will be solved after the meal is over.

The banquet lasted for nearly an hour, during which the famous pianist Lang Lang also performed a piece of "My Motherland", which is also a routine belongs to the correct kind of ZZ. Now the country Z has risen and the country is strong. Regardless of whether these Chinese are willing to admit, the promotion of their status abroad is inseparable from the motherland, so everyone is also willing to make a show. Hello, me, everyone, there is no need for inner narrowness and money make life difficult for.

When the waiter started to clean up the mess and served the dessert and fruit plate, the door of the banquet hall was closed tightly and Zhao Xiaolan re-entered the stage. This time, her face did not have the enthusiastic smile before, instead she was replaced by a solemn face. .

"All of you compatriots here, I believe you must be very puzzled when receiving the invitation tonight, why did the Zhao family suddenly come up with such a banquet, what is the purpose?"

Zhao Xiaolan deliberately paused, whipping everyone's appetites, and continued, "We Chinese have been silent for too long. No, maybe because of our humility in our bones, the outside world mistakenly believes that we Chinese are good bullies."

A sonorous and powerful voice echoed throughout the banquet hall. At this moment, Zhao Xiaolan showed her unbelievable aura to the fullest, "But I don’t think this is a traditional virtue worth keeping. We couldn’t make a sound in the past for various reasons. , But now we should stand up to change this situation, we must make a voice that belongs to the Chinese!"

Yang Cheng listened to Zhao Xiaolan's generous Chen Ang's speech with no expression on his face. There was no turbulence in his heart. What he could say in front of so many people was not nutritious. Listening to it was happy, but he really lost.

After another period of useless nonsense, Zhao Xiaolan finally introduced the topic, "We Chinese elites need to unite for the benefit of all of us Chinese and fight for our right to speak. For this reason, I propose to set up an organization called "Chinese Light", this will be a flag for our Chinese in America, and the flag is with me!"

. m.

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