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"Donald is a courageous businessman. I believe he will bring this courage in the market to Bai Gong, break the inherent prejudice, and strive for more benefits for us Chinese."

Mickey McConnell sips a ‘we Chinese’. The sense of substitution is really strong, and I have to admit that this trick is really good. Many Chinese may have forgotten his skin color and regard him as their own.

Yang Cheng couldn't stop it, and could only watch the Zhao family tie the Chinese to the wasp warship.

Once the ‘Chinese Light’ was established, Yang Cheng would not believe that if they did not raise funds, where would the collected funds go? It must be an investment bank that voted for wasp.

Since the 1970s, Wall Street investment banks have been roughly divided into two camps, the Jewish consortium and the wasp consortium. The battle and digging between them have never stopped.

The Jewish consortium is naturally led by Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Loeb; the wasp party is mainly based on MG Stanley, First Boston, and Harriman.

Merrill Lynch remains neutral and is known as the "Tianzhujiao" investment bank. It is not waited for by both parties, but has to step up cooperation. Wasp not only only has the banking industry, but also has the right to zheng behind it. It also calls for noble morality. Starting to gain the upper hand, investment projects that are not inflowing are simply not attractive.

However, the Jewish consortium has no arrogance and adheres to the principle of "making money is the last word". They drill when they see the cracks, or drill the cracks if they don’t. They often come up with all kinds of financial innovations, regardless of how your money is. If you get it, just vote for us and you can make money.

Of course, many of these financial innovations are methods to ruin many investors and even induce financial crises, such as derivatives and junk bond portfolios, but these methods can indeed make money. The investment banks of wasp start to disdain almost every time. Later, I was jealous when I saw the frequent profiteering and couldn't hold back it. As a result, I took the last shot and became a fool.

Although most of the time they succeeded in pretending to be a victim and used public opinion and laws to clean up the Jewish bank of the instigator, there was a lot of loss after all.

The financial war between the two sides lasted until the financial crisis in 2008. After the big wave of Wall Street investment banks, there were actually two remaining: Goldman Sachs and MG Stanley, the leaders of the two consortia, and the following shrimps and crabs will die. Goldman Sachs is in a better position than MG Stanley. After all, they passed the risk to the brother company in advance, and recovered their losses through subsequent mergers and acquisitions. In general, they made a small profit.

But another financial power of wasp, representing the old stock **** Buffett, miraculously reversed the life-and-death crisis from the financial crisis, and then took advantage of the downturn in stock prices to expand aggressively. Now most of the monopoly companies in the United States have been infiltrated by him, and he has also Controls almost the entire insurance industry in the United States.

The most terrible thing is that the old stock gods were very foresighted and succeeded in collecting Bill Caps at the price of heirs. After the financial crisis, the old stock gods not only picked up a lot of good goods on Wall Street, but also took advantage of the plunge in the stock price of Goldman Sachs, the leader of the Jewish consortium Internationally acquired 5 billion US dollars of preferred stock.

At this time, the old stock gods can be regarded as holding the lifeblood of the US economy. Although most of his holdings are preferred stocks without management rights, which company would dare not listen to him? He doesn’t have to do anything. As long as he wants to reduce his holdings of the disobedient company’s shares to the media, the company’s stock price is in danger of crashing, and shareholders can eat the management raw. No way, the reputation of the old stock **** is already there. Inciting public opinion

Fortunately, the Buffett people are sophisticated and well versed in the principle of making big moves. Although they are powerful, they are relatively low-key. They like to regard themselves as "the conscience of American business." They always leave room for work, mainly because his children have no intention of business. No one inherited the business empire, otherwise he wouldn't be reconciled to just being a stock **** with a history.

However, it was precisely because he had no successor that all forces maintained goodwill towards him. Everyone was in harmony, and the old stock **** had always had a good relationship with the Jewish consortium.

Graham, his mentor, the grandfather of financial analysis, is a Jew and one of the spiritual leaders of the Wall Street Jewish Consortium. When Buffett just graduated, because he admired the teacher, he thought of the teacher’s company for voluntary work, of course he wanted to squeeze. The thought of joining the Jewish consortium is that although Buffett has a little Jewish ancestry in his body, he is not a pure Jewish descendant, let alone the Hebrew language that Jews are proud of. This greatly limits his presence. The scope of activity in Jewish circles.

However, because of the relationship between the teacher and the old stock gods themselves, the Jews not only do not reject the old stock gods, but also vaguely regard him as half of their own people. They often have commercial interactions with each other, even if the outside world regards the old stock gods as Jews. , The Jewish forces did not come forward to refute, but chose to default.

But Buffett is already old, and I don't know which day he won't work. If he goes to Xitian, Bill Cap will immediately take over the entire economic empire.

Regardless of the appearance of Lid in the outside world, it is approachable and does not have the posture of a wealthy person. However, Lid was also young and vigorous in the past. Microsoft started by relying on a monopoly, but it has always been aggressive in the market and likes to kill its opponents.

Microsoft was also supported by Jewish funds in the early stages of its development. Lid was able to become the world’s richest man and to a certain extent relied on Jewish consortiums to speculate in the stock market. Like the old stock gods, there was a bit of Jewish blood in his bones, but Lid was also high-spirited. The proud lord does not think that his achievements are due to the support of the Jews, but the relationship between everyone is maintained well, as long as the Jews do not demand too much, everyone can still get along with each other in peace.

However, this premise is that the old stock **** is still alive. If the old stock **** travels to the west someday, it is not known whether the relationship between the lid and the Jewish forces can still maintain a stable relationship, or it may fall apart and completely fall into the embrace of wasp.

However, it is only a matter of money to talk about breaking the big sky with the lid. Even if his money is a little bit more, it is enough for both sides to be greedy, but it is not a burning eyebrow and imminent problem.

The most important thing now is that public opinion has once again ignited a demonic trend that believes that Jewish consortia are the chief culprit of the financial crisis. Western society is accustomed to thinking that all financial speculation is controlled by Jewish consortia, and any financial crisis is caused by Jews. The greed caused by wasp and other forces also fanned the flames, causing the middle and lower classes of people to have a high anti-Semitic sentiment, especially on the eve of each big xuan, wasp deliberately raised a wave of anti-Semitism.

Recently, Yang Cheng has noticed that the number of new registered users of Toutiao app has soared, and these newly registered accounts are not normal. They do not have the reading track of ordinary users, as if they were registered specifically to criticize the general tong candidate. same.

This kind of sentiment in society has naturally attracted the attention of the general candidates. Caring about public opinion is what every candidate must do. In other words, the people will say what they like to listen to, and morality is not important. The voters The ballot in your hand is king!

So these candidates, while condemning Jewish bankers on various occasions, attacked their opponents, portraying them as vampires colluding with Jews, and reminding voters not to vote for vampires.

But actually? They will spare no effort to flatter the Jews behind their backs, wishing to kneel and lick their shoes. One of the most typical representatives of these is Mrs. Zipton. As mentioned earlier, she and her husband both survived between the wasp and the Jews. The third-party forces do not have too much dependence on themselves, so they are very dependent on the two forces, which can be said to be a luxuriant wall.

However, it is not the beginning of the choice to be a grassroots. Although Mrs. Zipperton and Zipperton are members of the donkey party, they are both serious wasp. Even if the blood is not considered noble, they will never be adulterated. !

I want to be a young Irish young man with a shallow foundation. In order to be the general manager, he desperately attracted "our group". As a result, the two-term Zipper cabinet appointed 12 members of the Jewish cabinet and was ridiculed as the'Jewish cabinet~www himself lamented: "You have been a general manager, but you find that the decisions are made by others."

Mrs. Zipton, who was suffering from princess disease, was suffocated because of this. She felt that her husband, an Irish descendant, could not make it to the table. He was not even a bit behind their descendants of the British Empire. She vowed to give the Jews a good look, but the first time she competed for xuan I made a big mess and claimed to be inadequately prepared and inexperienced. In fact, I was receiving donations from the Jews and flattering wasp.

After being discovered by the Jews, he was naturally hit by the Jewish forces that firmly controlled the donkey party at the time. They would rather favor a black man in the upper ranks than a disobedient, two-sided woman.

The Jews have been deflated, and the wasp has not benefited. On the one hand, wasp thinks that you have already accepted the Jewish money and you have already stood on the opposite side, and want to eat back the grass? On the other hand, all of wasp’s energy was put on Romney. No matter how you look at it, Romney is a more reliable puppet than Mrs. Zipton. Not only is he richer in qualifications, but his blood is purer than Mrs. Zipton. many.

Romney came from a family of Mormon jiaos. Although Mormonism has a poor reputation in the United States and was once recognized as a cult, it is still the fourth largest jiao sect in the United States with tens of millions of followers. A small force, and at the same time Mormon Jiao is also one of the Protestant religions. Compared to Mrs. Zipper on the wall, wasp is obviously more willing to support the'owner' Romney!

Now that Mrs. Zipperton is making a comeback, the elephant party has no good candidate, so she can only temporarily turn a blind eye to Mrs. Zipperton’s double-sided behavior, and secretly is also seizing the ranks of his own people. Otherwise, I really thought that Mickey McConnell had nothing to do, and came to the Chinese banquet to pass on?

. m.

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