Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 990: American Hooligan

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"Relax, our Zhao family is not a domineering and greedy family. My father told us to be humans since we were young. I have never forgotten it, nor can I forget it!"

Simply comforted the little sister, Zhao Xiaolan looked at Yang Cheng again, "Xiao Yang, you can rest assured that the terms you just discussed with An Qi will not change, and the previous cooperation will continue, but I want to talk to you and the Yang family. Talk about another cooperation."

Yang Cheng didn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that Zhao Xiaolan would say something that made him depressed to death.

Calmly said, "I wish to hear the details~"

Zhao Xiaolan behaved very directly, without any hypocritical humility, "The Zhao family helped reconcile the conflict with the Yang family and C~I~A in exchange for the qualification to buy a stake in Yuanshan Capital."

Yang Cheng frowned subconsciously, neither agreed nor rejected, but remained silent, but in his heart he was thinking whether this meant the Zhao family or the forces behind them.

In fact, Yuanshan Capital has been able to go to this day and is still in the hands of the Chinese family. It has been able to prove some problems. Without the support of one party behind it, it is far from possible to achieve as it is today. To some extent, This is similar to the result of the marriage between Zhao's daughter and wasp.

Of course, the forces behind Yuanshan Capital are too complicated. There are Jewish investments, such as Goldman Sachs, and wasp shareholders, such as MG Stanley. The two forces have formed a clever balance on the board of Yuanshan Capital, because they It is difficult to have a tacit cooperation, which reflects the power of Yang Sen as a major shareholder. No matter which power wants to use Yuanshan Capital to achieve its goals, it needs to obtain the support of Yang Sen.

Now that the Zhao family proposes to buy shares, it naturally means that the wasp wants to break the balance, and the Jews have the upper hand under the Yuanshan Capital. If the Yang family agrees, will the Jews give up?

Then again, if you just adjust the contradiction between the Yang family and C~I~A, you have to break the current balance. It doesn't seem worthwhile.

However, C~I~A's behavior of touching porcelain is really disgusting. This is the same as the extortion of UBS after the US financial crisis. Going deeper, Switzerland deserves it. Who did the Yang family provoke?

In the past, in order to build a global banking center, Switzerland did not hesitate to become a capital transfer station for anti-ZF elements, criminals, and terrorists in various countries. It is a veritable tax haven. 50% of the world’s capital is transferred in Switzerland, and there is a lot of wealth hiding there. At 32 trillion U.S. dollars, it has long been a thorn in the eyes of ZF in various countries, that is, other countries do not have the hegemony of the United States, otherwise they would have merged with Switzerland.

Switzerland’s help and abuse aroused global public outrage, but until 2008, despite witnessing the continuous loss of large amounts of tax and wealth, the United States, including the United States, was almost helpless in this “tax haven”.

At least on the face of it. After all, everyone still has to face it. First, the reason for a "tax haven" seems to be very good. Private property is inviolable. It is a bounden duty to keep private wealth secret. Forcing banks to disclose private account information is unreasonable. It's not legal; secondly, which client doesn't have any "private money", and Switzerland is really suitable for "hiding money". If there is such a comfortable place to hide money, will they take the initiative to destroy it? Isn't that asking for trouble?

However, Switzerland was unlucky when it met the big gangster of the United States, and it happened to catch up with the big gangster and had no money. Then don’t blame the big gangster for staring at the “fat fat” of Switzerland, but its own “weak and weak” like a one. Fatty lamb.

Then, the Americans become justice messengers who "walk for the heavens," and become heroes who seek "unrighteous wealth" for those taxpayers who have suffered unfair treatment.

At that time, Comrade Guanhai conducted an investigation against UBS, claiming that the United States had lost US$100 billion due to tax evasion abroad.

Immediately afterwards, the U.S. Department of Justice accused UBS Group of assisting 50,000 U.S. residents in hiding billions of dollars in overseas assets, causing the U.S. Taxation Office to lose tens of millions of dollars in taxes, and required UBS Group to provide tax-related bank accounts for these residents. information.

UBS is of course unwilling to "be soft" and refused to submit for various reasons.

The Americans had long anticipated UBS’s resistance. Soon after, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a $780 million fine to UBS on the grounds of assisting U.S. residents in tax evasion, and criminally prosecuted its executives.

Afraid of Switzerland’s dissatisfaction, the big American hooligans threatened UBS. If they do not cooperate, they will not be allowed to conduct business in the United States. The United States is the largest source of customers for UBS. Anyone can give up in order to continue. To develop business in the United States, UBS Group could only pay 780 million US dollars "to buy road money."

Regardless of how high-sounding Americans are talking, this is Chi Guoguo's extortion, just like now against the Yang family, I paid for it, and the ghost knows that you are setting up a stronghold here, you can say that you are not satisfied~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The big deal is that the Yang family is not going to refund this land, but you retreat silently. On the contrary, you blame the Yang family for sabotage. What is it not to touch porcelain?

Anyway, Yang Cheng has been disgusted, even if he occasionally disgusts others, but he is unhappy when he puts it on himself.

As for Zhao Xiaolan’s proposal, Yang Cheng did not respond to it for the time being, and he is not good to call the shots without authorization. After all, this involves Yuanshan Capital, which is the core interest of the Yang family. Even if he is the future heir, even if he has proven the right to call the shots. That can't be easily decided, this matter still has to be handled by Dad.

This is what Yang Cheng said to Zhao Xiaolan, and will give a reply after discussing with Yang Sen, hoping that the Zhao family will allow them to consider it for a few days.

Of course Zhao Xiaolan would not refuse, and she also knew that Yang Cheng did not dare to call the shots in this matter. This was completely different from the cooperation that Zhao Anqi had promised before.

There was no need to continue the conversation. Yang Cheng showed a formulaic smile, nodded to the two sisters of the Zhao family, stepped out of the reception room, and discussed with his father.

After Yang Cheng left, Zhao Xiaolan and Zhao Anqi did not leave in a hurry. The main reason was that Zhao Anqi wanted to leave, but was held back by Zhao Xiaolan.

I saw that Zhao Xiaolan's face was rather weird, and she asked Zhao Anqi, "Sister, this should be the first time you met Yang Cheng?"

Zhao Anqi nodded without knowing why she was holding her elder sister's arm, there is no such thing as a strong woman. She is more than 40 years old, but in front of the eldest sister, she will always be the one who followed her **** and asked for candy when she was a child. sister!

Zhao Xiaolan also spoiled her youngest sister, raised her hand to touch her face, and sighed guiltily, "I have wronged you these years. For the sake of the family, he first married a sick old man, and now married a perverted man. The Zhao family owes you too much."

. m.

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