Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 995: Thutmose III treasure?

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It was a silver medical medicine storage cabinet with small brown bottles all inside, with labels on the outside, and various chemical reagents inside, which should be used for experimenting with outer space metals.

Originally, Eiffel just swept past the cabinet, but before he turned and walked out, he suddenly turned his head and knelt down to check the concrete floor carefully.

On the surface, the concrete floor is gray and black, because people have been walking around for a long time, and the ground is not too ash, but it is very smooth. If you don't look closely, you can't find anything unusual.

But Eiffel has been engaged in high-risk occupations over the years and has developed a pair of sharp eyes. When he squatted down, he found that the ground showed two different colors, one bright and one dark, separated by a semi-arc curve. Obviously, this is caused by someone often dragging the cabinet, and there is a door behind the cabinet!

Eiffel quickly came to the conclusion that Count Carnarvon was not at home tonight, and the servants were all concentrated in the servant area on the side of the castle to rest. Almost no one came here in the basement, so he had plenty of time to explore. exactly.

There was no difficulty. Following the traces of the drag, one side of the cabinet was slowly pulled out with gentle force, and wooden hidden doors that were as tall as a person were hidden behind them.

Eiffel didn't take much effort to pry open the door lock and walked along the secret door. There was a voice-activated light inside. With his footsteps lit up, there was a cave behind the door. First, there was a corridor that could only accommodate one person. It is said that the corridor is only 4 to 5 meters long, and then a dark room with an area of ​​only tens of square meters comes into view.

The light in the dark room was a bit dim, but it looked very empty, except for a huge sand table in the middle, there was nothing else, not even a chair.

Eiffel was a little disappointed at first, thinking that this dark room was abandoned, but he came in, and there was no time to waste a look. So he came to this huge sand table and took a closer look. The sand table should show something The terrain of the desert.

Observe carefully. The hills in the middle of the sand table are up and down. Some buildings resembling Egyptian pyramids are strewn on the hills. Small flagpoles are inserted on the pyramids. Some are red flags and some are white flags. There are numbers on the flags. 1-63, one does not fall.

The more Eiffel looked at it, the more familiar it became. He looked at the sand table without blinking for a long time before slamming his forehead. Isn't this the Valley of the Kings of Egypt?

It turns out that this is a complete copy of the topography and landforms of the Valley of the Kings of Egypt and its surroundings on the sand table. The sand table is very beautifully made. Even the Nile River and the Thebes in the east have been copied to the sand table.

If it's just a sand table, even if even a tree is made extremely fine, it is still useless for Eiffel, because Yang Cheng doesn't need it, and what the boss doesn't need is worthless in Eiffel's eyes.

However, this sand table is really valuable, because Eiffel found that between the northeast of the Valley of the Kings and the west bank of the Nile, a part of the area is specially circled with a red line. There is nothing special about that area. It seems It's just a slightly raised hill, with no markings, no landscapes or forests. It is completely barren. So why should this area be circled?

Eiffel couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only pick up the camera and quickly took a batch of photos to ensure that the panorama of the sand table and every detail in it were recorded, and then he began to clean up his traces and exited Haike silently. Leer Castle.

After returning to Beihai Manor, Eiffel didn't rush to find Yang Cheng to ask for credit. Instead, he turned up the information and used Google Maps to find the specially circled place in the sand table.

The east edge of the Valley of the Kings is 7 kilometers away from the west side of the Nile River, and the specifically circled area is located on the north side of the road. If you zoom in on the same scale, the area is an irregular quadrilateral, roughly It covers an area of ​​about 5 hectares, which is about 50,000 square meters, which is equivalent to the area of ​​7 standard football fields.

Judging from the satellite images, there is nothing on this land. Only a sand dune adds a little bit of personality to the barren land. Other than that, this land has no distinctive features.

Eiffel began to wonder, could it be that he had calculated the wrong ratio?

However, he immediately denied his idea. The sand table is so well-made, and the proportions will not be wrong. Then the problem is. In that case, why did Earl Carnarvon want to circle this land?

Eiffel was sure that the dark room should only be known by Carnarvon or a few people, because when he cleared his traces, he found only one obvious footprint. Although it was messy, he was sure that those messy footprints belonged to only one. people.

In Highclere Castle, only Earl Carnarvon can reach any corner.

After studying for several hours, Eiffel suddenly remembered that Yang Cheng had told him the secret of the treasure hidden in the golden mask. His scalp was numb, maybe, probably, maybe, Earl Carnarvon had already found the approximate area of ​​the treasure. .

With inspiration, Eiffel became motivated to study. He began to look up a lot of information on the Internet. When he researched Pharaoh Thutmose III, he finally made a discovery.

Thutmose III, one of the greatest pharaohs of ancient Egypt, is also the most famous generation of pharaohs in the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt for martial arts. In total, Thutmose III is the great-great-grandfather of Pharaoh Tutankhamun , That is, the 6th generation of pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, known as Napoleon of ancient Egypt, which is enough to prove his superior military talent.

Under his leadership, the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt completed the great cause of opening up its territory, and even hit the Euphrates River all the way, allowing the Kingdom of Babylon to pay tribute to him.

As we all know, war is always the most profitable business. Nothing can be more profitable than plundering a country and a dynasty. Thutmose has never stopped fighting in his life, plundering a lot of wealth, and at the same time let ancient Egypt be in his It reached its peak period under the governance of

So where did the plundered wealth go? no one knows! I only know that the wealth of Thutmose III is amazing, how much is it? No one can answer.

However, Eiffel discovered in his research that the tomb of Thutmose III is located in the East Valley of the Valley of the Kings. It was numbered 34, and it was only less than 2 kilometers away from the unnamed place circled by Carnarvon. .

After the tomb of Thutmose III was discovered, all the researchers almost cried, because there was not much left in the tomb. The valuable things had been looted by the tomb robbers long ago, and only the artistic ones were left. The murals are collected by many famous museums in the world.

You must know that the tomb robbers are not groundless. They are all a one-off deal. Naturally, they have to find the most worthwhile target to start. Thutmose III fits this requirement very well.

However, the tomb of Thutmose III is not large, or it is not enough to hold the wealth that he has looted in his lifelong battles. Even if a part of it is left for his descendants, it is still a shocking wealth. After his death Naturally, they would enter the tomb together to be buried, but there was nothing, which is still a mystery to this day.

Of course, since the tomb of Thutmose III was discovered, there have been rumors of secret treasures, but since there is no real evidence, and gradually self-defeating, no one will discuss these infinite legends.

But after studying Eiffel, he felt that the legend was reliable. He guessed that Thutmose III had asked his life’s wealth before his death. Except for part of it was placed in the tomb as a funeral, the rest was hidden by him. Once you get up, you only leave a treasure map or password for future generations. Once the future country encounters a life and death crisis, you can open the treasure to obtain life-saving funds.

As a great military strategist, Thutmose III had every reason to do this. When he fought in other countries, wouldn't he worry about others coming to retaliate? Anyway, I will be worried about changing Even if it is unfounded, you have to be careful.

If so speculated, a shocking treasure about Thutmose III would be reasonable.

So why did Tutankhamun print the map or code of the treasure on the mask by special means? Why not hand it over to your descendants for safekeeping, but take it into the tomb instead?

Eiffel can't answer this question for the time being, but it doesn't matter, the flaws are not concealed. His work has been done very well so far, so there is this call to Yang Cheng.

On the phone, Eiffel couldn't hide his excitement, and quickly narrated his discovery in detail.

At first, Yang Cheng was still upset because Eiffel interrupted her leisure time, but in the end, that little unhappiness disappeared long ago. Eiffel's phone call is definitely a big surprise. Men have dreams of exploring treasures, and Yang Cheng also No exception, even if he doesn’t care much about the wealth of the treasure itself, it is based on the fact that the treasure only exists in the legend. Now when Eiffel tells him that there is a secret treasure somewhere, Yang Cheng Admit that my little heart is beating nonstop.

Thutmose III, one of the greatest pharaohs of ancient Egypt, and the creator of the flourishing dynasty, his wealth is definitely not comparable to that of a short-lived ghost of Tutankhamun, not to mention that according to Eiffel’s speculation, this The treasures here are very likely to be the treasures of national salvation left by Thutmose III to future generations. Can it be worth less? If a few more rare things like golden masks were born, then Yang Cheng would earn him a fortune!

However, not long after he was happy, Eiffel had real problems one after another, like a basin of minus ten degrees of ice water falling from the sky, completely extinguishing the fire of joy he had just ignited. . .

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