Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 997: Lost for 72 hours

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According to the plan made by Eiffel before departure, he will separate the exploration team and the security team from Alexandria, and then meet in the capital Cairo. The two teams will drive along the Nile River all the way south to the important city on the east bank of the Nile. Ke Suo settled down and made the final preparations before leaving.

The Valley of the Kings is located 7 kilometers on the west bank of the Nile River, facing Luxor and other modern cities across the river. There is no soil for human survival in between. It is a large desert area. Of course, in the ancient Egyptian era, it was the bottom of the capital. The location of Bess. For centuries, pharaohs have dug tombs on these cliffs on the west bank of the Nile. At the same time, there are also many huge colonnades and temples. The Valley of the Kings is located not far from the site of Thebes. In an uninhabited limestone canyon.

In the past two centuries, the Valley of the Kings has been the main place for modern Egyptology to conduct exploration. Therefore, there is almost no possibility of confidentiality for exploration operations nearby, and Eiffel has no plans to go straight to the destination and start exploration.

The target location circled by the Earl of Carnarvon is located in the desert. It belongs to the remnants of the Sahara Desert. It has experienced erosion for an unknown number of centuries. There is a long accumulation of yellow sand. Even the scientific researchers who can bear hardships are very It is difficult to survive in the desert for too long, which explains why Thutmose III’s treasure has not been discovered so far.

Eiffel made a lot of preparations before setting off, and even studied the climate change of this desert in the past ten years. Of course, this change mainly refers to the sandstorm. Walking in the desert, there is nothing more terrible than encountering a sandstorm. .

In order to ensure timely contact with Yang Cheng, Eiffel also obtained a military-grade satellite phone and laptop through Hansen’s relationship to facilitate data recording and communication. However, it was less than 24 hours before entering the desert. These preparations were made beforehand. It was ruined.

It has been more than 72 hours since Eiffel and the others lost contact. Yang Cheng was very worried, but did not dare to send a search and rescue team to the desert to search. First, he was worried that the matter would be revealed, and the other was that he would send more people before the matter was cleared. People are just filling them with lives!

Yang Cheng sucked the juice, looking listless, her eyes were empty and there was a depressed breath all over her body.

Hansen bit his scalp and walked over to persuade him again. This is the fourth time he has persuaded him in three days. I don’t know if he can succeed. "Boss, waiting like this is not the answer. Let’s take a look."

Yang Cheng didn't reply, her expression didn't fluctuate, as if she hadn't heard Hansen at all.

Hansen sighed helplessly and did not continue to persuade him. He took a few steps and continued to stand guard with due diligence. He knew that no matter what decision he made, he had to wait for the boss to think it through himself. It is absolutely not allowed to make claims.

In fact, Yang Cheng did not live up to his expectations. After lying on the beach for another hour, Yang Cheng stood up abruptly, his eyes regained his vigor, and he took off his sunglasses and threw them on the recliner. He turned to Hansen. Crisply said, "With all the staff and equipment, let's go to Egypt!"

Hansen was stunned. He thought that Yang Cheng had figured out that he was going to send someone to search and rescue, but he really didn't expect that Yang Cheng wanted to take the risk personally. This was not okay. For a moment, Hansen's cold sweat fell off and sent someone. Going to be responsible for his brothers does not mean that he is willing to let Yang Cheng come to the scene in person, where everything is unknown, this is the most terrifying.

No matter what he thinks and how emotionally he acts, his first task is to ensure the safety of Yang Cheng. This is the premise of everything. Even if Eiffel and his party are all dead, he will be sad for a few days at most, but if something happens to Yang Cheng, then He doesn't know what his future will look like anymore.

"Boss, this is absolutely not possible. I am responsible for your safety. If you are not at ease, I can go there in person. At least let me figure out what caused Eiffel and his party to have no news. I don’t know this. One point, the boss must not take risks with his body." Hansen stepped forward to Yang Cheng and said to Yang Cheng very solemnly.

Yang Cheng just smiled and patted Hansen on the shoulder, "Don't be nervous, I won't be so stupid to make fun of my life, but I have to go to Egypt. Only when I get to the scene can I make a decision right away. "

Hansen still wanted to persuade, but Yang Cheng waved his hand to interrupt impatiently, "Okay, you don’t have to persuade me, I’m determined, hurry up to prepare, remember to bring Craig Harrison, he is rich Desert combat experience, and often perform latent missions, I believe he can bring us extra protection."

Seeing Yang Cheng's firm eyes, Hansen felt that he had made a big mistake, and he shouldn't persuade Yang Cheng to save people at all. It's fine now. I don't know if people can be rescued, so don't put the boss in.

This is the end of the matter, and everything else is nonsense. I can only make full preparations. Hansen gritted his teeth and swears that this trip will never let Yang Cheng present any danger.

Looking at Hansen's desolate back, Yang Cheng let out a laugh, and said in her heart, "Isn't it on the execution ground?"

Although he also has hidden worries or a faint fear of the unknown, Yang Cheng will not stop going because he is afraid. He has a hunch that a very exciting story will happen during this trip.

After more than half a day of preparation, Hawaii time is approaching late at night, but Yangcheng’s Jason is busy. The ground crew is helping with the final check before takeoff. The crew is also confirming the route with the airport and cooperating with maintenance technicians. Check, confirm the oil level, etc.

Yang Cheng’s Jason model is Dassault Falcon 7X, with a maximum range of 5950 nautical miles, which is 11,000 kilometers. The route from Hawaii to Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is more than 16,000 kilometers. It is impossible to fly directly without landing. And Yang Cheng also emphasized the speed, so the economic cruise will not be too long. According to the captain’s plan, the Jason landed in Dallas midway to refuel, and then took off and arrived in Cairo without stopping. The whole journey would take nearly 20 times. Hours, this will be a long journey.

Sitting on the plane for a while, Shirley, the private flight attendant, came over with a kind smile to ask Yang Cheng for instructions, "Boss, the takeoff preparations are complete, can we take off?"

Yang Orange looked at Hansen, who was on the plane last, and confirmed, "Are you all equipped?"

Hansen patted the bulging position around his waist, where he was equipped with a gun. "It's still a little short of the need to go to Egypt to purchase, but the main equipment is complete, the boss can rest assured.

Yang Cheng didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, "Then take off~"

. . . . . .

Nearly 20 hours of uninterrupted flight, whether it is for aircraft or for people, is not a big test.

This is the first time Yang Cheng has come to Egypt in two lifetimes with a piece, and it is also the first time he has been in Cairo, which is known as the largest city in the Arab world and Africa.

To be honest, Yang Cheng was a little disappointed. Before he came, he had always maintained a high level of excitement about the mystery of Egypt and the yearning for the ancient pharaohs, so that after tossing and turning for a long time, he barely fell asleep. After the fascinating blue Mediterranean came to Egypt, he found that the purity under his eyes was missing, replaced by the hazy yellow, his heart was half cold.

Through the porthole, he saw almost invisible green yellow sand. As for the civilized landscape, you can’t even see the outline. To put it mildly, even in the sky above the Loess Plateau, there is at least the surging Yellow River. Sigh, but what about Egypt? Sigh the sand?

'Ugh. . . 'Amidst the endless sighs of Yang Orange, the Jason landed at Cairo International Airport without a trace. The bright champagne gold became less noticeable against the endless desert in the distance. Here, people are concerned about everything with yellow. The stuff has long been tired.

Of course, there is still some curiosity. Although it is a big African city, private jets are really rare. Of course, there are also many small private jets of some African warlords, but top models like Yang Cheng are absolutely rare. Anyway, the possession of private jets in Africa is indeed Some passengers who are bored and look over through the glass curtain wall of the terminal are also wondering which idle egg hurts. The local tyrant came to this unlucky place in Africa?

The Jason was still taxiing on the runway, and Yang Cheng finally had a color other than yellow in her eyes. Not far away, the silver terminal building glowing with metallic luster under the sun made Yang Cheng feel extra cordial.

The hangar was applied in advance for temporary parking, and the Jason entered the hangar without any twists and turns, avoiding the torture of wind and sand.

In addition to Hansen and Andrew, Yang Cheng also brought 20 additional bodyguards. The large group took the business jet of his own leasing company before landing. Yang Cheng got on a modified luxury Hummer and waited quietly. , All the bodyguards gathered to board the car separately, and a convoy of 6 Hummers quickly drove out of the airport and galloped towards the center of Cairo in the southwest.

After leaving the airport, the sight visible to the naked eye, apart from the usual yellow, is the towering mosque minaret, which is a symbol of Egyptian civilization.

The airport is not too far from the city center. Yang Cheng is estimated to be only more than 10 kilometers away. There are not many vehicles, and the convoy drove unimpeded into this great city on the Nile River.

The greatness of Cairo lies in the ancient Egyptian civilization that has been inherited for thousands of years. It does not lie in the greatness of the city itself. Compared with other metropolises in the world, Cairo's backwardness in all aspects is obvious!

When the convoy drove into the city, he couldn’t believe that this was Cairo, with countless great titles. It was dusty and littered. It could only be described by the words “dirty, messy, and messy”. What kind of decent buildings, sand-colored low-rise houses are everywhere, and the density is so high that it is easy for people with intensive phobias to get sick, let alone decent trees and flowers.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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