In order to support Deng Ye's love career, the leadership specifically allowed him to get off work on time, while two married men, Chen Handong and Lu Zhanke, were ruthlessly left to continue working overtime.

Deng Ye drove for three hours, and it was almost nine o'clock when he arrived at Tong Zhixin's house. At this time, Tong Zhixin usually put on makeup and picked out clothes, and then went out for fishing around ten o'clock, but this time When he pushed the door in the first time, he found that Tong Zhixin was actually packing his luggage, as if he was going on a long trip.

Deng Ye's heart skipped a beat. He stood aside and watched silently for a while and then asked, "Where are you going?"

Tong Zhixin closed the suitcase, then reached out to pull the zipper, but there were too many things in the suitcase, and it was very difficult to pull it. At this time, Deng Ye squatted down, squeezed Tong Zhixin aside, then pulled the suitcase and helped She zipped it up.

Tong Zhixin didn't know what she was thinking when she saw that Deng Ye was caring enough to help her stand up her suitcase.

Deng Ye stood up, looked at Tong Zhixin and asked again, and then Tong Zhixin said: "Go to the United States."

Deng Ye asked: "Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

Tong Zhixin said: "I suddenly wanted to go."

"Then if I don't come back today, won't I be able to see you when I come tomorrow?" Deng Ye's voice was particularly low, as if he was brewing something.

Tong Zhixin turned her head uncomfortably and said nothing.

In fact, there was an earlier flight, but she didn't choose it. Instead, she chose the later one. She vaguely felt that she was waiting for Deng Ye to come and give him an explanation. However, she would not say these words.

"Speak." The air pressure on Deng Ye's face was obviously lower.

Tong Zhixin said indifferently: "Why should I tell you who you are to me? I can go wherever I want without having to report to anyone."

Deng Ye clamped Tong Zhixin's shoulders, forcing her to face him: "What did you just say? Say it again."

"I..." Tong Zhixin raised her head to look at Deng Ye. Even harsher words were already coming to her lips and she couldn't help but say them the next second. But when she met his eyes, she thought about what he had done to her these days. She couldn't say those words because she didn't know that when she said those words, the only person who cared about her without asking the reason or wanting anything in return would leave. If even he gave up, she would probably fall back into that hell again. She finally climbed out of hell a little bit, and finally enjoyed a little bit of light and warmth. How could she be willing to do this? give up?

"Huh?" Deng Ye asked again with a straight face.

"I... I just have an academic problem that I can't solve, so I want to go to the United States and find my mentor Han Boyuan. Only he can solve this problem." Tong Zhixin explained for the first time and finished. Then he said with a look of reluctance, "I have been studying psychology and hypnosis for so long, and there has never been any problem that can't trouble me. This is really the first time in my life."

Deng Ye raised his eyebrows in surprise, not because of the second half of the sentence, but because of the first half. In fact, he was already prepared to beat Tong Zhixin to death for not explaining, but he didn't expect that she actually explained? This was really completely beyond his expectation, so, unknowingly, did she begin to change slowly?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile. Then he stopped holding Tong Zhixin's shoulders and comforted him: "There are always more answers than questions. Don't worry."

Tong Zhixin was keenly aware of Deng Ye's snickering, and couldn't help but roll her eyes and said: "You are so ridiculous, how can I not be anxious? If this problem is not solved for a day, I will not be able to sleep for a day. This is simply... Challenge my IQ!"

"You can call him. It happens to be daytime over there right now." Deng Ye said.

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? I've called many, but no one answered the phone. I called the doctor who went with Professor Han, but they said they haven't seen Professor Han since last night. Professor, I think something might have happened, so I have to go and see for myself." Tong Zhixin continued, "If everything goes well, I will be back with Professor Han and the others in two days, but if If something really happens, it might be delayed for a while."

"It's best if nothing happens, but if something happens, don't show off. Although you are powerful, you are still a girl. You can just leave such things to men to stand upright." Deng Ye couldn't help but be concerned again. Get up, Tong Zhixin doesn't know how much she will suffer from her stubborn temper.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Although he said it with disdain, he was actually quietly happy in his heart.

Looking at the suitcase standing aside, Tong Zhixin added: "I originally wanted to take a taxi to the airport. Now that you are here, you can drive me there and save me the taxi fare."

"Okay, have you brought your passport and air tickets? Don't forget anything." Deng Ye warned carefully.

"I've brought everything with me a long time ago. It's not the first time to go abroad." Tong Zhixin picked up her coat and put it on, and said, "Let's go quickly, don't miss the plane."

"Where are the water, electricity and gas? Have they been turned off?"


Seeing Tong Zhixin's look, he knew it was okay. Deng Ye couldn't help but feel a little helpless: "You said you don't know how many days to go. How dangerous is it if you don't turn off the gas, water and electricity? What if something happens?"

Tong Zhixin was a little annoyed by the nagging. As she hurriedly turned off the main switch, she couldn't help but said back: "Why are you more nagging than the neighborhood committee aunt? Mother-in-law, if you don't bother me, I'll be annoyed."

Seeing that she complied, Deng Ye stopped nagging, picked up her suitcase and walked out. Tong Zhixin followed behind, turned off the lights and locked the door, and then the two of them got into the car together.

The car windows were open, the night breeze was blowing, and it was especially cool. Different from the hustle and bustle during the day, there were fewer vehicles at night, so it seemed extra quiet. Tong Zhixin also felt an unprecedented peace of mind. She didn't know what she thought of, and she suddenly whispered Laugh out loud.

Deng Ye turned to look at her, and then asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"I remember the way you were on edge with me when we first met." And now, the person who hated her so much actually drove her to the airport in the middle of the night, so this kind of thing, fate, really makes people completely confused. Can't guess.

She couldn't help but asked curiously: "It was the first time we met at that time, and I didn't offend you. Why do you hate me so much?"

Speaking of their first meeting, Deng Ye couldn't help but laugh, because he felt that Tong Zhixin's hypnosis techniques at that time were really unskilled. First, he would deliberately seduce others with her beauty, and then he would quickly take advantage of them when they were distracted. He performed hypnosis, but later he discovered that she was just a hard-spoken and soft-hearted guy. Like a hedgehog, she put up hard thorns on the surface to protect herself, but in fact she was softer and more fragile than anyone else on the inside.

It's just that she won't show this kind of weakness and vulnerability to others easily.

"You can't tell for sure about the rim of your eyes. Maybe the sun was too dazzling that day, so I couldn't even look at you." Deng Ye explained calmly.

"Then why do you like me now?" Tong Zhixin asked persistently.

Maybe it’s because of that inexplicable kiss, maybe it’s because seeing her in white clothes is so beautiful, maybe it’s because of that sentence that it’ll be fine as long as you still love her, or maybe it’s because of something that even he himself doesn’t know. The reason is that he has completely changed his opinion of her, but he will not say these words. He only said without meaning: "When did I like you? I still don't like you now."

"..." At this moment, Tong Zhixin was afraid of killing a stray dog, "Since you don't like me anymore, why did you come to see me off? You knew I was leaving and you hurriedly taught me a lesson. For a moment, could it be that I understood it wrong?"

She was used to duplicity, and she never thought that others could also be duplicitous. Then she accidentally took Deng Ye's words seriously, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Deng Ye blushed slightly, but fortunately the night was too dark for Tong Zhixin to see clearly. He said with an upright face, "I'm afraid that you will go out to cause harm to others again. If you don't turn over the harm to the state, you will be strictly monitored. Don’t let up for a second.”

If Deng Ye hadn't been duplicitous at this moment, and Tong Zhixin was as careless and unreliable as before, then she wouldn't have to feel the subtle pain of having her heart torn apart at this moment. However, for something like love, it must be the right time, the right place, and the right person. Otherwise, one thing will cause completely opposite chemical effects.

Tong Zhixin felt as if her heart had been torn open, and the night breeze blew into her heart through that crack. It was cold and cool. She curled her lips and started to say those self-destructive words again. : "Who said that I can seduce men even if I go abroad, and the men abroad are tall and handsome? What can you do to me? Do you want to go with me?"

Deng Ye's face sank slightly and he said, "You know it's impossible."

The country has clear regulations that active-duty soldiers cannot go abroad except for official duties. Even if he wanted to go abroad with Tong Zhixin, it was impossible.

Tong Zhixin smiled even happier: "Great, I can finally get rid of this big trouble like you and have fun."

If it hadn't been for getting on the highway, Deng Ye would have stopped the car immediately and beat up this ungrateful woman. How dare she say such a thing in front of him?

He glanced at her angrily and said, "Didn't you go to your tutor to solve academic problems? Why are you still in the mood to go out and have fun?"

Tong Zhixin said provocatively: "There is no conflict at all. We solve problems during the day and go out to have fun at night."

"Okay, very good." Deng Ye sneered, and then started to look for opportunities to park the car. He must let her know the consequences of provoking her!

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