Inexorably in Love

Chapter 1135: Stolen 1

Bai Qianqian washed her teeth under the shower for more than an hour. She started brushing her teeth again. The strange smell in her mouth made her feel uncomfortable. She couldn't tell whether it was tears or water on her face.

When Bai Qianqian came out of the bathroom, she stood at the door of the bathroom for a while, then started looking for the ring that Bai Ruiqing had lost.

She suddenly missed Doctor Bai.

She tried to find it, but no, there was nowhere, she couldn't find it.

Bai Qianqian wanted to cry uncomfortably, and finally, she moved the bedside table away and finally found the ring that Bai Ruiqing threw away in anger.

Bai Qianqian carefully put the ring on her finger, she suddenly stood up, opened the cabinet, took a coat, and rushed out of the house.

She drove away in the car, and the white mother called her. She suppressed the collapse and said that her friend had something to do and went out.

She hung up the phone and called Bai Jingqing with trembling fingers.

Bai Jingqing couldn't sleep at all. He didn't know how many nights he hadn't slept. He just couldn't fall asleep. When lying down every day, he couldn't help touching the position beside him.

Sometimes he couldn't help closing his eyes, imagining that she was right beside him, he touched her face, her shoulders, and held her hands...

But opening your eyes is nothing.

The phone rang, he took it, and when he saw the white number, he immediately answered the phone.

"I'm waiting for you in Blue Harbor." Bai Qianqian said and hung up the phone.

Bai Jingqing got up immediately, ran out while putting on his clothes, and drove out of the hospital quickly.

There were hardly any cars on the road at night, and Bai Jingqing's car drove so fast, he really wanted to fly over right away.

When he arrived at Blue Harbor, the white car had already parked there, but he did not see her.

"Qian Qian, where are you? Qian Qian!" Bai Jingqing shouted.

"Doctor Bai." Bai Qianqian walked out from the side.

The moment Bai Jingqing saw her, all the cells in his body seemed to be alive. He could no longer restrain his desire for her, and rushed towards her. Bai Qianqian also rushed towards him, holding them together. , Eagerly found the other's lips and kissed it.

Bai Qianqian pried his lips open. She was even more anxious than Bai Jingqing. Bai Jingqing was a little confused by her. The two of them accidentally fell on the beach. Bai Qianqian pressed him on it and continued to kiss him.

The breath that belonged to Bai Jingqing came, and finally made her feel more comfortable.

"Shallow." Bai Jingqing panted and hugged her waist tightly.

"Call my name again, continue kissing me, don't stop." Bai Qianqian closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling violently.

"What happened?" Bai Jingqing sensed something wrong with her.

Bai Qianqian didn't dare to say, she was afraid that Bai Jingqing would go crazy if she knew it. She could only keep kissing him. Bai Jingqing's heart was hurting, and he started kissing her back fiercely. Bai Jingqing didn't expect Bai Qianqian. It came out of the bath robe, not even the underwear.

After taking a bath, Bai Qianqian took off his wet clothes and came out wearing a bathrobe. Later, she put on a coat and ran out.

Bai Jingqing stroked her, the muscles all over his body trembling with excitement, he couldn't control it anymore...

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