Inexorably in Love

Chapter 2214: If you can't break up, then get a divorce! 6

"What? She drove out by herself? Why didn't you stop her!" Ye Yunsu asked angrily.

Several bodyguards glanced at each other and said, "We stopped, but couldn't stop it. Don't worry, Jiuye followed with someone to protect the young lady."

"Xiao Jiu." Ye Yusu immediately took out her cell phone and called Xiao Jiu.

She walked out while talking on the phone, and a blue sports car drove in front of her like a gallop, Ye Yusu quickly backed away, frowning and looking at the car that should belong to Lan Lihuo.

The car door was pushed open. When Ye Yusu saw Lan Lihuo coming down from the car, she was surprised for a few seconds. Even Xiao Jiu on the other side of the phone was talking to her, but she did not respond.

"Hello? Sister Su Su? Hello?"

"Hey, Xiao Jiu, where did you go? Where are you?"

From a distance, Lan Lihuo saw that Yeopiao's originally raised belly had become very flat now.

"Ye Yunsu! You cruel woman! What did you do to my son!" Lan Liehuo walked over, trying to catch her.

Ye Yusu immediately backed away. She looked at the excited man in front of her and suddenly wanted to laugh. She just faintly replied, "Nothing!"

"Nothing? You killed my son!" Lan Lihuo clenched his fist and creaked.

Ye Yusu looked at him uncomfortably, and wanted to tell him that the child was gone, but she couldn't say a word when she saw him questioning him angrily.

It turned out that this is how he viewed her...

"Lan Liehuo, why are you standing here and accusing me? You haven't had a phone call since you left. What do you think of me? What do you think of that child?" Ye Yunsu always wanted to ask this sentence. She was going crazy.

Seeing that the two people were very excited, the bodyguard was afraid that they would fight, so he hurried over and wanted to explain to Lan Lihuo about Ye Papaver's miscarriage.

"Young Master Lan, Miss Ye is..."

"Get out!" Lan Liehuo felt uncomfortable, turned around and punched the opponent in the face.

The bodyguard was knocked to the ground by him. Ye Yusu looked at the bleeding bodyguard and slapped Lan Lihuo's face with a slap. Her eyes were red and her chest was violently ups and downs, "You should be the one to go! Get out! Give me. Get out of here, get out of my sight! I never want to see you as a scumbag in my life!"

After shouting excitedly, she turned and ran towards the parking lot.

If she stayed with him for a second, he would explode.

"Stop for me and speak clearly!" Lan Lihuo chased her, and Ye Yusu turned around and slapped her again.

Lan Lihuo would endure her slap without dodge.

He grabbed her, "Where do you want to go now! You can't go anywhere until the child's question is clear!"

"I'm in a hurry right now, and there's nothing to tell you." Ye Yingsu shook him off hard, stopped the car that the bodyguard was driving, and got in.

"Ye Yunsu, in your heart, am I really that bad? Why are you killing my child!" Lan Lihuo barked the car window and roared.

"Fuck you M, **** me!" Ye Yusu was really going to be mad at him, and drove out in the car.

"Sh-it!" Lan Liehuo fisted in the air angrily, thinking of his missing child, he felt that his chest was tight and he was about to explode!

"Sao Lan, actually..." The bodyguard wanted to explain again.

"Turn me to Ye Yusu. She killed my child. I won't forgive her unless she kowtows to me!"

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