Inexorably in Love

Chapter 2245: You and I will never see each other forever! 1

"Baby? He doesn't want it anymore! Me? Even if he wants it, he will be great! I won't want a dirty man!" Gu Qingxin looked at her finger, but she was smiling.

The three people looked at her and were very scared, especially Bei Minghan, he could hardly hold it anymore. Had Huangfuye's hands not been behind him to support him, he would have fallen.

Bei Minghan didn't know what Guanyue was doing, and naturally he couldn't think of the meaning in Gu Qingxin's words.

"It's weird... Look at my finger, it seems to be severely injured. I cut it with a single knife... But... I don't feel the pain, it doesn't hurt at all." Gu Qingxin tilted her head. Looking at his fingers, he looked confused.

"Xin'er, you come down first, we won't be parted anymore, you come down quickly, I beg you..." Bei Minghan hated that he couldn't kneel down and beg her immediately. Seeing her like this, he was really going crazy. I wonder if my own ideas and practices are too extreme.

This... is not the result he wants to see.

"Haha~~ Bei Minghan, I didn't ask you to listen to your nonsense, I only wanted to tell you, it's not that you don't want me! But I don't want you anymore! I don't want you completely!" Gu Qing Xin suddenly let go of her hand, her eyes filled with hatred again.

Bei Minghan's face changed drastically. He covered his stomach with his hand. He obviously took the medicine, but his stomach started to hurt again.

Has the medicine expired for him?

"Love, things are not what you think." Bai Jingqing looked at her nervously, she really made him feel fear and fear.

Ye Qi and Ye Yunsu arrived at the same time, and both of them ran over looking at Gu Qingxin who was standing in the dangerous place.

"Can't you take the ring you gave me? I cut off my own flesh with a single knife. Look, it's taken off!" Gu Qingxin raised her hand, with a **** ring on her hand. She suddenly He laughed'chuckled'.

Five people, including Ye Qi and Ye Yunsu who came in a hurry, were all shocked by her. She even cut off her own meat in order to get the ring!

Oh my god, what kind of desperation is this to do?

Gu Qingxin suddenly passed away, raised her hand, and the ring fell into the sea, disappearing without a trace...

Gu Qingxin's body suddenly buckled and almost fell off. The hearts of several people were lifted up like a roller coaster.


"heads up!"


Bei Minghan's blood was surging crazily, and he was pained to the extreme and feared to the extreme, his leg softened, and he knelt on the ground.

"Big Brother." Huangfu Ye quickly helped him up.

"Qingxin, slow down, let's get down first and then talk." Ye Yunsu wanted to get closer.

"Su Su, don't come over, I'll stop after I finish speaking." Gu Qingxin turned around, and immediately backed away when she saw her coming.

"Okay, I won't go over, don't move!" Ye Yusu yelled, holding her hands up, her soul was almost frightened, and Gu Qingxin stepped back and fell into the sea.

"Bei Minghan, I'll say one last word to you! It's my Gu Qingxin who doesn't want you! I don't want to see you again in my life! No! Not only in this life, in the next life, in the next life, forever, never see you again! I won't let you dirty my life again!" Gu Qingxin said earnestly every word.

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