Inexorably in Love

Chapter 2469: Pain to death 5

Lan Lihuo spoke to her, but Ye Yusu didn't respond at all.

Lan Liehuo stared at her for a while, then tried to give her medicine, but she still didn't react at all.

He looked at her again, his attention seemed to have been focused on his fingers, with no reflection on people and things outside, his brows frowned slightly.

"Su Su." Lan Lihuo picked her up, grabbed her hand, and stopped her from playing.

Ye Yusu raised her head and looked at him, but her eyes didn't waver at all, she was pure like a child.

"Su Su, do you really remember me?"


"Then do you remember Xiao Yi? Your son?"


"Where is Gu Qingxin? Didn't you make the accident because of her? Isn't she important to you too? Remember?"


The way Lan Liehuo looked at her felt distressed to the extreme. He hugged her and said in a mute voice, "It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, as long as you come back!"

Lan Lihuo put on a long skirt for her, fastened the belt around her waist, and turned her around to face the mirror.

He chose a long white dress for her, but I don't know why, but he just thinks this color is especially suitable for her now.

He looked at the girl in the mirror. Her long dress was as pure as water. Her hair was now longer, and her hair was thicker than the waist, and her palm-sized face was embedded in her black hair, making her look even more delicate.

His Susu has not changed, but it has changed again, becoming more beautiful.

Ye Yusu did not lift her head, still playing with her fingers, as if there was only one thing in her world.

Upon seeing this, Lan Lihuo hugged her horizontally and took her downstairs to have breakfast.

No matter what it was, he did it by himself, not allowing anyone to interfere.

After feeding her a meal, Lan Lihuo called a doctor to examine her body.

No matter who did anything to her, she didn't react at all, just focused on her fingers.

"How is she now? Why does she seem to recognize people now and don't speak? Is she hurting her throat?" Lan Liehuo looked back at the woman sitting on the bed, frowning and asked the doctor.

"Master, through the examination I just gave this young lady, there is nothing serious about her body...As for her throat, she refuses to cooperate, and I dare not make a conclusion. As for what you said you don’t recognize... What is the irritation, or the head hurt?" The doctor speculated, because the examination is really no problem at all.

"Can't you check it out? Is there a blood clot in your head compressing your nerves?" Lan Liehuo was extremely worried.

"No, everything is normal for this young lady! There is no blood clot in her brain... and nothing unusual."

"How could this happen?" Lan Liehuo's heart sank quickly. When he was injured, his intelligence deteriorated because of blood clots in his brain oppressing the nerves. Later, when he had an accident, the blood clots scattered and he was normal.

"Then she is like this... Is there any danger? I mean, life..." Lan Lihuo mentioned these two words, and he felt as if a pair of pliers was pinching his neck. He is suffocating.

"Young master, don't worry, this won't be possible. The indicators of the young lady's body are all normal." The doctor squeezed the sweat in his heart for fear that the young master would get angry and curse himself useless.

The strength of the young master, it is estimated that a fist can kill him.

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