Inexorably in Love

Chapter 2666: What is Yuanjialuzhai 7

Huangfu Ye felt that the matter must have not gone away this time, "As for how Bei Mingjue found that place, I still think it was the kid Ye Qi who did it. Apart from him, almost no one knows where it is!"

"If the airy person is Ye Qi, who is the person reporting the news? I guess it is Ye Qi!" Bai Jingqing looked at Bei Minghan.

"Second brother, you don’t have to confuse your eldest brother. Ye Qi has already rebelled. Don’t hope for him anymore. If we guess wrong, or even if he reported this time, he would have something bigger in case. What about the conspiracy? Anyway... I don’t agree to believe in Ye Qi any more!” Huangfu Ye insisted on his point of view!

"I don't mean that I still believe him. It's just a matter of fact. It's a fact that he rebelled. We definitely can't believe him anymore!" Bai Jingqing also looked at Bei Minghan.

"Oh, this kind of attitude is right, the traitor will be black all his life!" Huangfuye was very depressed.

The discussion between the two was quite intense, but Bei Minghan kept silent. When both of them looked at him, Bei Minghan looked at Bai Jingqing and said, "Xin'er's arm is injured. Go and take a look."

"Injured? Is it serious? Okay, I'll take a look right away!" Bai Jingqing quickly went upstairs.

"Big brother, what about us?"

"Go to Fourth Brother to see the situation." Bei Minghan glanced at the upper window of a certain upstairs again, and got in the car and left.

Along the way, Bei Minghan was quite silent. When Huangfu saw that he was not in the right mood at night, he occasionally said a few words to him, but Bei Minghan basically did not respond.

Huangfuye knew that his eldest brother had been under great pressure recently, and he had been feeling uncomfortable about his adoring sister. He looked so distressed!

However, the girl who loves her is really stubborn this time, why is she not willing to reconcile with her brother?

It seems that something must be done...

Huangfu Ye looked at Bei Minghan's appearance, his eyes deep...

When Bei Minghan and Huangfu arrived at Beiming Imperial Residence at night, there was still a mess outside with blood everywhere.

Lieyan sent additional people to guard around the villa. Seeing that Bei Minghan's car had arrived, he quickly ran over, "Sixth Master!"

"How is the situation?" Bei Minghan asked.

"Originally, I caught a few live mouths, but... they all committed suicide." The flames answered truthfully.

"Suicide? How could they have a chance to commit suicide?" Huangfu Ye Jing asked.

"These people put poison in their mouths. Not long after they were caught, they all bit the poison capsules in their mouths and committed suicide."

"I'm going... this is fine too!" Huangfuye was shocked. It seems that Bei Mingjue is really crazy this time. In order to sit in this presidential position, he can waste lives at will.

When Bei Mingyu saw Bei Minghan came and walked out, Jian Haixun followed him, and kept asking, "Why do you run for president like a gang! Is my safety guaranteed? You are together just to escape marriage, not to kill your life~~"

"Sixth brother, let's talk about what's going in." Bei Mingyu ignored Jian Haixun.

Jian Haixun saw Bei Minghan and turned around and ran. She didn't know why, she was not afraid of Bei Minghan, but this Bei Minghan really made her feel very stressed!

She didn't want to see him at all!

Huangfu Ye looked at Jian Haixun in surprise, fucking, how could there be a beautiful girl here in the Fourth Young Master!

After the group went in, they went to the living room, analyzed today's situation, and re-planned the next thing.

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