Inexorably in Love

Chapter 3012: They all said I was a junior 5

Huangfuye simply stepped on the accelerator and accelerated again...

The big truck wiped his rear end dangerously, Huangfu Ye Meng breathed a sigh of relief, but now the problem is more serious, his speed has reached two hundred and sixty, and he can't drop it at all.

Huangfu went to look for the mobile phone at night, but the mobile phone was dropped by him just now. Although the appearance was not broken, he couldn't make a call anymore.

Huangfuye is really going to be killed by himself!

He almost ran into the car in front of him again. He quickly stabilized his mind and drove seriously while looking for a way to escape.

Huangfu Ye wanted to go to the river in front. If he got there, he drove the car into the river and jumped off by himself. There should be no problem.

Fortunately, he was more mindful and checked in advance to see if the car door could be opened. It turned out that his car door was also passive.

Huangfuye's heart was cold for a while, it was over, this time it was really over, what should he do?

The roads are all blocked, and now there is only one road left, running out of gas, but... his car is always full of gas!

In order not to hurt the innocent, Huangfuye drove the car out of the city. It didn't take long before he found that there was a car following him, and the speed was extremely fast. Huangfuye had understood that this was a premeditated murder!

Some people want to put themselves to death!

Haha, since they want to play, let him play with these people!

The big deal is a life, he really is not afraid...

But thinking of Tongtong, Huangfuye regretted that he thought so again. He died, what should Tongtong do?

Looking at his mother and Shen Yundai being very good to her now, he can guarantee that if he really dies, Tongtong's life will be miserable!

Huangfu scolded Ye Ye, ‘Fuck! ’

He can only respond randomly, hoping to have his life back today.

Those cars were getting faster and faster, and they directly **** with Huangfuye's car. As soon as the opponent hit the steering wheel, they slammed into Huangfuye's car.

Huangfu Ye was swayed a few times when he was hit, and he slammed into the opponent without hesitation.

The other party didn't seem to expect that he would do the same, and he didn't dare to act rashly and became more careful, but he had been chasing after him, and the car behind suddenly rammed into his car.

Had it not been for the quality of Huangfuye's car, he would have gone to see Yan Wang long ago.

Huangfu Ye was injured, he didn't dare to face the opponent anymore, he could only try his best to protect himself and deal with the opponent.

Bai Jingqing rushed to save Huangfu Ye immediately after he got the news. He didn't know who had given him the news, but he knew that he wanted to save Huangfu Ye.

Ye Qi had already rushed to save Huangfu Ye when he gave Bai Jingqing news, and he rushed over here as soon as he got the news.

Nangongtian began to attack the people around the young master, and Huangfuye was the first one.

Ye Qi really admired the old man now, too foresight, and sent herself to be an undercover agent beside him.

Huangfuye's car had been hit by the opponent's car on all sides. Just when he thought he was bound to die, suddenly a **** cross-country car rushed over and smashed two cars away for him.

Huangfu Ye got a gap and quickly got out, he was finally relieved.

Ye Qi slammed into it again, and directly smashed another car off the highway.

The other party took out the artillery and began to attack the two. Huangfu drove the car and dodged from left to right. The car was shook and jumped...

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