Inexorably in Love

Chapter 3111: I swear i didn't touch her 5

"How long has she been away?"

"I don't know. I found out that it has been two hours. I didn't answer calls or send messages." Mo Ruo said crying.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingxin looked at A Chu's face and looked at him worriedly.

"Mrs. Jing is gone." A Chu has hung up the phone, with worry on his face.

"your mom."


"Then look for it, she is not familiar with Mingcheng, maybe she is lost."

"No, this matter should have something to do with Huo Jinlin. I will send someone to find it. You can rest."

"I'll go find it with you." Gu Qingxin insisted that that person is his mother after all.

Seeing her insistence, A Chu didn't say any more, this time he brought her sportswear and sneakers, and took her out of Beiyuan.

A Chu didn't know where to find someone. Mo Ruo called two calls midway. Gu Qing listened to the little girl's cry and confirmed one more thing. The man got another peach blossom debt.

Although, he himself may not know that other girls like him...

Finally, A Chu found Jing Rou by the sea.

Jing Rou was sitting on the beach in a daze, and A Chu and Gu Qingxin walked over together.

Jing Rou turned her head when she heard the sound. When she saw the two people approaching her, she was stunned for a while, and then she was excited. She immediately stood up, but because of an injury on her foot, she almost fell.

A Chu quickly stepped forward to support her and asked, "How is it?"

"It's okay, my foot is hurt a bit." Jing Rou looked at him tenderly.

"Go to the hospital to see."

"No, I just twisted it. It's really okay. I want to stay here for a while...Can you accompany me?" Jing Rou looked at him carefully, for fear that he would refuse.

"Uh... there is a medicine box in the car, I'll get it." Gu Qingxin turned around to get the medicine box.

"I'll get it. You stay with Mrs. Jing." Achu would rather call her Mrs. Jing than Mrs. Huo again.

"Okay." Gu Qingxin walked over to support Jing Rou and said, "Sit down first."

"You and him... have a good relationship?" Jing Rou could see that A Chu cared about this girl.

"Uh... Yeah..." Gu Qingxin nodded awkwardly, strictly speaking, this is her own mother-in-law.

As soon as Gu Qingxin sat down with Jing Rou, A Chu ran back carrying the medicine box. He knelt down and looked at Jing Rou's ankle.


"It didn't hurt the bones, it's not a major event." Jing Rou was very uncomfortable watching A Chu find the medicine and plan to spray her.

Today, A Chu didn't wear a mask, and saw her with her true face. She looked at him and her tears flowed. Now she is completely sure that he... is her own child.

Because... he and his biological father... are very similar!

Especially the contours of the face are exactly the same as the man when he was young.

"Take it easy, Auntie is crying in pain." Gu Qingxin reminded A Chu.

A Chu's body stiffened, he raised his head to look at Jing Rou, "You have to bear it, it's better to rub it."

"It's okay, I'm okay." Jing Rou shook her head repeatedly, clearly her son was in front of her, but she didn't even dare to recognize it.

A Chu sprayed her a few times, rubbed it a few times, then put it down, and said, "Although it didn't hurt the bones, you still have to take a break."

"I see." Jing Rou nodded.

"I'll take you back." A Chu looked at her blankly.

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