Inexorably in Love

Chapter 3425: Is a girl 2

"Su Su is so strong, we must respect her ideas!"

With Susu's character, it is best for others not to interfere with what she decides, and not to think about change.

Bei Minghan also knows her character, but let him let Lan Lihuo just like this, he really thinks it's too cheap that bastard!

You can start with your own bones, what's the difference with animals!

In the evening.

Summer and Babe came back from school and saw that Aunt Su Su came back. Both of them were very happy, but it didn't take long for them to notice that Aunt Su Su had changed a lot.

Although they didn’t like to laugh or talk before, the two little guys knew that Aunt Su Su was in a good mood, but now, Aunt Su Su seems to be very unhappy. When looking at them, it seems that With a bitter pain.

Gu Qingxin felt sorry for her, but she really couldn't do anything except the comfort of words.


After passing through layers of guards, Lan Lihuo broke into the Satan base and saw the baby placed in the incubator.

He held the gun against the only doctor who was still awake, and asked, "Is this child from Yeopiao!"

"..." The doctor didn't know who he was and where he would speak.

"Don't tell me, then die!" Lan Lihuo threatened him.

"You beat me to death, and I won't tell you!"

"I didn't mean you, I mean her!" Lan Lihuo had another gun in his hand and pointed it at the little baby girl. "You want to be honest, you and her have a way out!"

"Who on earth are you!"

"three two……"

"I said, this child belongs to Miss Ye, please let her go, she is just a newborn baby!"

Lan Lihuo heard what he said, only to feel that the dead heart was resurrected again. He raised his hand and knocked the doctor out.

He walked to the incubator, reached out and picked up the little baby inside, staring down at the little one in his arms, his eyes were exceptionally gentle.

The alarm sounded, Lan Lihuo didn't dare to stay anymore, hid the little guy in his arms, and left quickly.

When Caesar got the news, Lan Lihuo had saved the child and left.

He immediately ordered and pursued Lan Lihuo with all his strength.

Lan Lihuo had already left in a stealth plane. He carefully took the little guy out of his arms and put it on the bed prepared by the doctor he brought.

The doctors began to examine the baby.

"How is he?" Lan Lihuo asked nervously.

"Very weak, premature birth leads to incomplete visceral development. It must be raised well, otherwise I am afraid that it will... life-threatening." The doctor answered truthfully.

"Then raise him, he was in a small box when I came out, what's that place!" Lan Liehuo looked at his baby anxiously.

"That's the incubator for premature babies. We don't have it for the time being. We can put him in after we go back."

"Will there be any danger?"

"It should be okay to see how he is now."


Lan Liehuo was talking to the doctor, and the little guy suddenly started crying with a toothless mouth. Lan Lihuo was very distressed and asked nervously, "What's wrong with him? Why is he crying."


The doctor is very speechless, isn't it normal for a newborn baby to cry?

"Baby crying means he has a need. It may be hungry, it may be pulled or urinated, he is uncomfortable, and he needs to change his diaper."

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