Inexorably in Love

Chapter 3527: Buy one get one free, I also earned 4

He was like an uncontrolled beast, he hugged her in two steps, bowed his head and kissed...

All this is not premeditated, it is all instinct!

Instinctively want to plunder, instinctively want to tear it apart.

Gu Qingxin's eyes widened, she pushed him, beat him, bit him, scolded him, and finally cried so hard...

In the end she stopped resisting, just crying...

Zhan Suifeng's reason was pulled back by the cry, and his thoughts returned a little bit, what he saw was a miserable little face with tears on his face.

"I scared you?" Zhan Suifeng stared at her.

"Let go of me, let me go, don't do this, don't do this!" Gu Qingxin kept repeating these words with her hands in her hands, just like mechanically.

"Didn't you say it's very comfortable?" Zhan Suifeng is not a person who likes to talk, but he always makes an exception to her.

"You let me go, don't touch me, don't do this to me, I will die, I will really die." Gu Qingxin couldn't hear anything now, and kept repeating this sentence.

In the end, Zhan Suifeng let her go, and Gu Qingxin quickly pulled over and covered herself.

There are some dark marks on her body, which he made. Gu Qingxin's skin is too tender and will be blue when touched, let alone being treated so rudely by him.

Gu Qingxin was still crying, Zhan Suifeng stood under the bed looking at her, the bath in his eyes slowly faded, his eyes became extraordinarily cold.


"Say...say...what?" Gu Qingxin sobbed, because she cried so hard, she finally started to hiccup.

"Why do you die if I touch you!" Zhan Suifeng asked.


"Say! I'll continue without saying!"

"I have said that I have a husband. How can I face my husband again if you treat me like this? And...I'm pregnant, and I'm a pregnant woman now!" Gu Qingxin simply said everything.

Zhan Suifeng dumb, pregnant woman? She turned out to be a pregnant woman?

Unconsciously looked at her lower abdomen, where is a child?

"Zhan Suifeng, I don't know how much you spent to buy me. I will pay you back, or double it ten times. I beg you to let me go!" Gu Qing looked at him pleadingly.

"Just give up on this, since I bought you, you are my one! Any husband is a thing of the past! You better stop thinking about it!"

Having said that, Zhan Suifeng looked at her lower abdomen again, "As for the child in the belly, buy one get one free, I still earn!"

Gu Qingxin looked at him like a monster, "Do you mind if I am not a virgin! Or do you mind if I have a husband? But I am pregnant with a child!"

"All said one get one free. It's a good deal to buy you." Zhan followed the wind and walked towards the bathroom. He also had to take a bath.

"Zhan Suifeng, can you be more rational! Let me go!"

"Since you were bought by me, life is my person and death is my death. If you want to leave again, I will break your leg!" Zhan Suifeng picked up the clothes on the ground and threw them to Gu accurately. Envy body.

He went in to take a bath, and Gu Qingxin quickly put the clothes on with the buttons tightly buttoned up. After putting on the clothes, she seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed on the big bed.

Gu Qing angered herself to calm down, she bit her lip firmly, not to make herself weaker, she must be strong!

She could see that although Zhan Suifeng wanted to get himself, he was not the kind of irrational person!

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