Inexorably in Love

Chapter 3992: Whose funeral 3

I came back today to see what she was doing again!

After eating, the baby immediately left the dining table and went back to the room.

After she washed, she was about to go to bed and the bedroom door was opened.

The baby looked at the man who walked in casually and said, "Lu Moxiu, did you go to the wrong place? This is my room!"

"This was my room before you came!" Lu Moxiu said.


"Okay, I'll let you, I'll go to the guest room right away!" The baby went to get a piece of clothing and immediately went out.

Lu Moxiu's brows frowned, and he couldn't believe it. This woman used to see him and threw on him, wishing to stick to him all the time, but now she started to avoid him?

Haha, this is a change of routine!

Gardenia watched the baby come downstairs and asked, "Miss, why did you come out?"

"Lu Moxiu wants to sleep in that room, I will sleep in the guest room." The baby said.

"Miss, it's rare for my uncle to come back. Can't you just cultivate relationships with him? Didn't you say that before?"

"Cultivating a fart, I can't hide from him now."


"Where do I sleep."

"The first two are fine."


Gardenia saw that the young lady actually went to the guest room to sleep, and she really felt that the world was mysterious.

"Miss, do you want to have supper?" The appetite of the young lady has increased recently.

"Yes! Get me more, I'm hungry." The baby said without hesitation when he turned around.


When Gardenia came to deliver supper, he asked, "Miss, would you like to bring something to my uncle?"

"Of course not, why should I give it to him, these are not enough for me." The baby glared at her.

Gardenia really couldn't understand her anymore.

"By the way, Gardenia, your lady, oh no, I...what did I do before?" Babe thought that since he came, it would be better to know more about the situation.

And what exactly does this Ningbao do?

"Miss, why did you forget?" Gardenia looked at her incredulously.

"It's not that the dose of the medicine was too big that time. I was really almost stupid. I tell you, you must not tell anyone about this. It will be miserable if you are used by someone who is interested."

"Then, what can I do..."

Gardenia was about to cry, and the baby said, "Okay, don't cry, just tell me what's going on!"

"Miss, you forgot, you were still in school before you married your uncle, but after you got married, you stopped going to school, saying you want to be a husband and a child in your family." Gardenia said.


Husband and child!

What a magical woman.

The point is that her husband won't let him look at him, let alone a son, there is no hair!

The baby had another meal, and when she was full and drank, she went to wash up, and she had to think about what to do next while lying in bed.

Even if she finds a way to go back, she always feels that she has to live a normal life here.

The baby fell asleep when she thought about it. In her dream, she was once again in a thick mist.

Slowly, the dense fog dispersed around, and she saw a scene, it was a funeral!

The baby saw that all her relatives were there. Mommy cried until she almost died. Daddy was crying too. She was a little scared. Is this her funeral?

Is she dead? Is she dead?

no, I can not! Absolutely not!

The baby wanted to rush over to see who was lying in the crystal coffin, but just as she was about to rush over, the baby felt a huge suction **** her away again.

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