Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4014: Rescue 1

Mother Lu was so embarrassed by her daughter-in-law that she was half to death, pointing to the direction of the baby's departure and cursed, "What is this thing, dare to talk to me like this, what kind of thing is she!"

Lin Rouer's heart had already blossomed with joy, but her face was distressed. She nervously persuaded Lu mother, "Auntie, you should calm down and don't get angry."

Lu Moxiu's eyes stared at the girl who left, his eyes were terrifying.

"I'm leaving now, eat slowly." Lu Mochen suddenly stood up and left quickly.

Lin Rouer was even happier watching this arrangement. She looked at Lu Moxiu worriedly in her dress, "Brother Xiu, don't be angry. I think Miss Ning was just confused for a while. She didn't deliberately contradict her aunt, she was unfilial. ."

"She did it on purpose, Ash, to divorce her and leave immediately!" Lu Mu angrily covered his chest.

"What's the divorce? You know what a shit, Ah Xiu, don't listen to you, this marriage can't be divorced! I think this Ning Bao is different from the original, you two can live a good life." Father Lu said. Greeting everyone for dinner.

Lin Rou'er heard Father Lu's words, her hands clenched into a fist, her nails pinched into the flesh, can't she leave her? Then what should she do, she has been waiting for more than a year, she really doesn't want to wait anymore, she doesn't want to wait anymore for a day.

"I'll leave first, eat slowly." Lu Moxiu also stood up.

When he moved, Lin Rouer stood up immediately, "Brother Xiu, I will go with you."

Lu Moxiu didn't speak, and Lin Rouer left with him behind him. Father Lu didn't care, and continued to greet everyone for dinner.

Lin Rouer caught up with Lu Moxiu, he got into the car, and she quickly pulled away from the passenger seat and sat in.

Lin Rouer looked at Lu Moxiu nervously, and said, "Brother Xiu, are you angry? Don't be too angry, you know Ning Bao is so rude and rude, without any tutoring! She was not for a man before. Is it ugly? Did you forget? When she was found, she was in the same bed with that man. She said she didn't sleep, but who knows, she is just like that..."

"Rou'er, are your legs all healed?" Lu Moxiu asked her.


Lin Rou'er was taken aback, and she nodded nervously, "It's almost healed, but it still hurts after a long time. I can't live without a wheelchair temporarily."

"Then take a good rest, don't leave any sequelae." Lu Moxiu didn't know why, when he heard her say bad things about the baby, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

"My leg was also hit by Ning Bao. She almost killed me in order not to let me be with you." Lin Rouer quickly reminded that she wanted Lu Moxiu to remember how many unforgivable things the woman had done. thing.

Lu Moxiu said nothing, and drove away.

"Brother Xiu, where are you going now?" Lin Rouer asked softly.

"Send you home first." Lu Moxiu said coldly.

"I want to be with you, I don't want to go home, you won't go home anyway, will you?" Lin Rouer asked tentatively.

"I'm going back tonight, she doesn't give my mother face so much, I want to go back and teach her a lesson." Lu Moxiu said.


Lin Rouer was shocked, whether he wanted to teach Ning Bao when he went back, or he wanted to go back and wait for the woman.

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