Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4112: My heart is suddenly warm 1

Baby saw that all dark blood flowing out of the little star's body...

The baby was shocked to see, and his mood became even more heavy.

After another two days, the baby went home first, and she had to go back to see Lele.

Babe received a call from the orphanage and asked her how little Xingxing is now. They want to come to the hospital to see the child.

The baby is not there now, she doesn't worry about letting others see him, so she asks them to come over this afternoon.

The baby has an intuition that the orphanage is willing to take the initiative to call, fearing that something will happen, because she can see that the orphanage is not friendly to Little Xingxing, and it is for him to wait for death.

At noon, the baby didn’t eat the meal and rushed to the hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, she saw that the people from the orphanage had already arrived. Lu Mochen was there with him. There was also a middle-aged couple who had been watching Little Star. But that look was like looking at an animal, which made the baby very disgusted.

"Dean, you came so early, didn't you make an appointment at two o'clock?" The baby came in and came to the little Xing Xing to hug him.

Little Xingxing is very dependent on the baby now, and when he sees her, he immediately crawls into her arms, because he knows that she is the only one who does not dislike herself.

"I have a particularly big piece of good news, so I came here early. The couple plan to adopt Little Xingxing." The dean said.

The baby glanced at the couple, they were fairly clean and decent, but the look made people feel disliked.

"Really? What do these two do? Why do you adopt Little Xingxing, do you have children of your own?" The baby looked at the two people and asked directly.

"President, who is she? We have negotiated these questions. I don't need to answer you. Let's go through the adoption procedures now."

The man looked worried.

"Yes." The dean nodded.

"What's okay! Little Xingxing is still ill and needs to be hospitalized. You just take him away and don't treat him!" The baby was really angry and shouted at several people like an explosion.

"Ms. Ning, even if you donated a few books to our orphanage, you are not qualified to ask about the orphanage. These two are husband and wife and have no children. The normal adoption procedures are done. Of course, I can let them adopt this child. Ms. Ning, if you want to adopt Little Star, you can, provided that you meet the conditions! We will take him away immediately!"

Little Xingxing was so scared that he hugged the baby, his tears fell, and he should not leave this sister.

"The child is still sick, I am the attending doctor here, and I will not let you take the child away!" Lu Mochen looked at several people displeased and said.

"If you don't let us take it away, then we can only call the police."

"I said this lady, you look good on your clothes, this child is so ugly, what do you want him to do? Give it to us, you want the child to be born by yourself." The man said he wanted to come over and grab the child. .

"Don't come here, I adopt Little Star!" said the baby.

"Miss Ning, you are not qualified as an adopter." The dean was embarrassed.

"Who says I am not in compliance, I am married and have no children, in compliance!"

"Adoption is a matter for the husband and wife, does your husband agree?" the dean continued to ask.


"Look, your husband will definitely not agree. Which man doesn't want his children?"

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