Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4195: Indifference in the eyes 2

"He ruined your daughter, ruined your daughter, you just want to forget it? Of course he broke his leg when he came out!" Ye Mother shivered with anger.

"Mom is right, Huangfuye, this matter can't be left as it is, you should go find someone! If you find it, you must avenge Tongtong!" An Xiaonuan's attitude is also very firm.

"Okay, can't I go? Mom, don't get angry. If you are sick, Tongtong will see it and feel sad." Huangfu Ye didn't dare to be disobedient. He thought he could disobey anyway, and they didn't know. Did you look for it carefully?

Huangfu Ye turned around and left. In fact, he was suffering from a headache, and he couldn't see it anymore. It might not be easy to resolve this grievance.

Everyone except him is deeply rooted...

Alas, God will really give him a problem. He only hopes that everyone he loves is safe and happy, but in the end it seems like a knot that can never be solved.

When Tong Tong went to see the baby, Gu Qingxin was guarding her daughter here, she looked a little haggard.

Tong Tong looked at her aunt and felt very distressed.

"Auntie, I'll take a look at the baby." Tong Tong sat down and took a look at the baby. Although the baby had been in a coma, her face was not bad, and she was still ruddy.

This is also one of the reasons why Gu Qingxin did not collapse. Her daughter seemed to be asleep. If her condition were getting worse every day, she would definitely not be able to stand it.

"Tong Tong, how are you?" Gu Qingxin is also very worried about this child. After all, something like that has happened. Even if the video is deleted now, everyone who knows Tong Tong will recognize her.

I'm afraid everyone will look at her wearing colored glasses.

"Auntie, I'm fine, no matter what, I will let myself live well and work hard!" Tong Tong was very optimistic.

"That's good, if you can say that, the aunt will be at ease, and the baby will be at ease."

"Then I still hope that she won't be so relieved, this guy really feels relieved, but sleeps endlessly." Tongtong Tucao baby.

Gu Qingxin was amused by her, yes, she, this baby girl, is really a kind-hearted existence.

"Auntie, go see my mother, I think she needs more comfort than me, I will accompany the baby to whisper for a while." Tong Tong said.

Gu Qingxin didn't have any doubt when she said that, she got up and left.

After she left, Tong Tong immediately came to the baby's side, looked at her face nervously, and looked at her neck, hands, feet...

Tong Tong wanted to see if there was anything unusual about the baby's body, she always felt that maybe she could find the answer in her body.

Tong Tong ran to lock the door, and simply opened the quilt, trying to untie the baby's clothes and take a look.

She only unbuttoned one button and suddenly found that the baby's chest lit up.

Tong Tong was taken aback, but when she went to see it again, there was nothing.

Tong Tong's brows frowned, she reached out and touched the baby's body, there was still nothing unusual, but she was sure that the light just now was not her dizziness, and it lit up like a symbol!

Maybe it is because of this symbol that the baby will go out of his body and go to another place!

Tong Tong looked for a while and didn't see anything, so he buttoned the baby's clothes and covered the quilt. She took the phone and called the baby far away across the ocean to tell her about the situation.

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