Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4318:

"Who is to be disappointed? You framed me yesterday and pushed you down in the swimming pool. If it weren't for my reflection, I would jump down. I don't know what happened yesterday. Not only was it vicious, but also murdered my mother. These crimes were suppressed and I was afraid Ning Bao's reputation will only get worse." The baby looked at her with a sneer.

"Why did I frame you? I slipped on my own feet yesterday and fell accidentally. I was so angry with you that I said some unscrupulous words. As a daughter, you need to be so careless with your mother. Is it?" Ning Mu asked.

"Did you say the opposite? You are an elder, shouldn't the elder care about with the younger generation?" The baby asked back.

"Bold, Ning Bao, you have nothing to do with it. Today I am here to inform you and restore your previous appearance! Otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?" the baby asked.

"You can try it."

"Okay, I'll just recover. Why should I be so angry? Wait a minute, I will recover now."

After the baby smiled and finished speaking, he asked Gardenia to go upstairs together. Gardenia kept standing there and listening, without saying a word. When he went upstairs with the baby, Gardenia turned to look at Ning mother. , A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

When the two of them got upstairs, the baby asked if there were any other clothes from Gardenia?

Gardenia found a few items that she hadn't come and lost. After the baby put them on, she began to apply various cosmetics on her face. Soon, a very funny and ugly face appeared in the mirror.

The baby stood up and asked Gardenia, "How is it? Does it meet that woman's requirements?"

"Miss, why are you compromising? Madam is making trouble unreasonably." Gardenia asked depressedly.

"I don't want to fight with her anymore, it doesn't make sense. Can I wash it off anyway?" The baby said as he picked up a big red lipstick and applied a circle on his mouth.

Finished the finishing touch of this horrible makeup.

Gardenia got goose bumps after seeing it.

After it was melted, the two went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, the baby smiled at Mother Ning, "Are you satisfied with my makeup?"

Mother Ning glanced at her twice and said, "I will remember from now on, no matter what time, it will be like this, and I can't wash it off when sleeping."

"Yes, mother!" The baby smiled sweeter, does this old woman really treat others as a fool?

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Madam Ning got up and left.

After she left, when the baby turned her head, she heard two screams.

It turned out that Lu Xing and Lele came out, and Lele was so frightened that she screamed like people.

"Mommy?" Lu Xing asked tentatively.

"Yes, it's me, today we are going to have a masquerade party, so I will... try on some makeup, hahahaha." The baby laughed awkwardly.

However, it's okay for her not to smile. When she smiles, the grin is so big... even more scary.

Lu Xing and Le Le were all scared away...

The baby started to play and started chasing Lu Xing and Le Le Man House...

"Miss, you go and wash it off, it's ugly." Gardenia demanded.

"No, Gardenia, if you think I'm ugly, why have you never asked me to wash it off before? You helped me transform it." The baby looked at her.

"That's because... you liked it before, but you don't like it now... don't do that." Gardenia replied.

Baby smile...

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