Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4513:

"Zu'er, let me be your family from now on." Summer suddenly turned around and said seriously.

He doesn't know how he feels about this girl. He only knows that now he loves her very much, and he wants to give her a home.

At the very least, he had never had such feelings for any girl he had ever met.

"But it's okay for the two of us, how should we be family members?" Zuer asked, looking at him crookedly.

"In addition to the blood relationship of the family, there is another important component that you overlooked, that is the husband and wife relationship!" After Xia Xia finished speaking, he was surprised. What did he want to do?

Why do you want to tell Zuer this?

"Then what?" Zuer asked.

"Then...then...we can help the couple and form a new family." Xia Tian said.

"No!" Zuer resolutely refused.

"No? Why?" Summer can always be bombed by her.

"Not why, just don't." Zuer shook his head.

"Have you been married? Have you ever had a husband?" Xia Xia frowned and looked at her and asked.

"No, but the master said, I am his." Zuer said.

"What kind of ghost master are you? How can the master and the apprentice be in a subordinate relationship? This is not right, it is perverse." Xia Tian said angrily.

"What do you mean?" Zuer asked.

Xia Xia suddenly remembered that Zu'er had said that her master had also seen her body.

This made Xia Xia come to a conclusion that her master is abnormal!

Xia Xia will never allow Zuer to return to her master again.

"Ethnic ethics is a relationship that must be observed between relatives, and also between masters and apprentices. If something is crossed, it is inconsistent with ethics and will be cast aside by the world."


Zuer seems to understand but not understand.

"Forget it, you stupid girl, I can't explain it clearly to you, so just remember it, that's not right."

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly in a word, it must be understood by those who live in this world.

However, she has lived on an island since she was born. She has only seen the master and his entourage, and no one has taught her. Of course she does not understand.

He felt it was a miracle that she could live like this.

"Zu'er, do you still want to catch me?" Xia Xia suddenly asked.

When Zuer was asked these words again, he was stunned.

"Do you know what they did to catch me back?"

"do not know."


"Bang!" With a sound, the thing in Zu'er's hand fell to the ground.

"What did you say?" Zuer looked at him blankly.

"I didn't lie to you, what I said is true, your master asked you to arrest me and go back, he must be trying to kill me." Summer said.

"No." Zuer shook his head.

"What's wrong? Can't bear to let me die? Then don't you want to catch me."


Zuer looked at him silently.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this issue, let's go back to cook and eat, and then... and... rest."

Xia Xia picked up what had been dropped by Zu'er and took a step forward.

Xia Xia didn't want to scare Zuer, but what he said was the truth.

What can the people in these organizations do to arrest people, isn't it just killing?

Or used to threaten the benefits.

But looking at Zu'er's appearance, she should feel sorry for herself. Thinking of this, Xia feels more relieved.

After Zuer listened to him, he was completely confused.

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