Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4546:

After eating, the baby stayed with Lu Xing for a while. She felt that she was truly benevolent, and there were many things waiting for her at home, she had to go back first.

However, after the baby told Lu Xing that he was leaving, the little guy's face immediately changed, and his tears fell.

The baby looked at him with a bewildered look, feeling like he had done such a heinous thing.

"Lu Xing is injured now. If you have time, come and see him more. If you see him, his injury will heal faster." Lu Moxiu took the opportunity to demand.

Moreover, he especially wanted to see her.

Now Lu Moxiu couldn't see the baby for a while, and his heart was empty. Only when he saw her, his heart was filled.

The baby is so sad to see Lu Xing, he nodded and agreed, "Sister, I will see you tomorrow."

When Lu Xing heard this, he barely stopped his tears and took her hand to send her out.

When the baby left, looking at the father and son standing in front of the villa, the anxious feeling became heavier and heavier, and this time seemed to be more serious than the last time.

Baby covered her chest with her hand, really don't know what's wrong with her?


Babe received Ling Can's call. She asked herself not to think about the father and son for a while, and asked, "Ling Can, have you asked? How is Dongfang Jin's situation now?"

"Where are you now, come to my house, I will tell you in detail." Ling Can said.

"Your house?" Baby frowned.

"Well, I'll send you the address, and you can directly ask your driver to drive you over." Ling Can hung up after speaking.


After receiving the position sent by Ling Can, she gave the position to the driver and asked the driver to drive herself past.

When the baby arrived at Ling Can's mansion, he knew how luxurious the place he lived.

Almost half of the mountain is occupied.

When the baby arrived, he was invited in by the servant.

When the baby arrived in the living room, she asked, "Where is Ling Can? Is he away?"

"His Royal Highness is out, and may be back later." The servant replied.

The baby frowned and took out his cell phone to call Ling Can, but this time, his call couldn't get through!

"What the **** is Ling Can doing?" The baby noticed something was wrong, so the phone couldn't get through.

However, feel at ease when you come, and she will wait for him here first.

Until the evening, Ling Can didn't come back, and the baby was ready to go back first.

"Since Ling Can is not here, I will leave first. You ask him to call me when he comes back." The baby got up to leave.

"Miss, the Second Highness has ordered you to wait for her here, it is better to stay here for one night, and your Highness may be back later." said the servant.

"No, my family will worry about me. Ling Can comes back. You can ask him to call me again."

After the baby finished speaking, the other party didn't stop her and sent her out.

When the baby went back, how did it feel that something was wrong?

But the baby can't tell what is wrong.

She rubbed her aching forehead, why she encountered so many strange things after she came here, should she go home?

After she went back, let's see how Tong Tong planned. If Tong Tong planned to go back, she would go back with Tong Tong first.

It's so strange here.

The place where Ling Can lives is not close to where the baby lives, so when she arrives, it is already early in the morning.

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