Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4621:

"Master Bai, I'm so sorry. This gentleman plans to buy my house at a high price. You know that it is not easy to get a good price now, so I plan to sell it. You guys, prepare to move." Said caringly.

"You are talking about selling now, where shall we move?" The second senior brother was unhappy and said angrily.

"Then I don't care, this house is mine, but you pay the rent once a year, and you haven't paid it in full!" said the landlord.

"Then we also have a contract." The brother on the side stood up.

"What's the matter with the contract? The house is mine with the contract, and the old lady says that she has to sell it! What can you do with me?" The landlord slammed.

"We bought this house in a hurry before giving you a high price. It was sold today, and I will move in tomorrow. These people must be cleared today." The man in the suit said.

"Well, you guys who are stinky martial arts practitioners, have you heard me? I'll limit you to get out of here before dark!" The landlord had looked down on the martial arts practitioners and was not polite.


Several people looked at the master, and the landlord suddenly smiled, "By the way, the rent was due to be paid last month. You have been delayed for a month, and you want to occupy space if you have no money! Are you really a bully?"

"What? Master, you didn't pay the rent?"

The brothers looked at the master.

"Forget it, look at you poor, I don't want the rent for that month, you just go away." The landlord waved his hand like he was driving a fly.

Master Bai's face is a bit ugly. After all, he has lived such an old age, but he has been humiliated because of the money.

"My rent is ready! I can hand it to you today."

"I said, Master Bai, you just pawned the rent collected by your wife’s dowry? I see you, don’t hold on to it. Why do you raise such a bunch of **** and drag yourself down? With your skill, there is definitely no problem supporting yourself."

After listening to the brothers, they only felt hot on their faces. Indeed, because of their martial arts practice, they have no ability to make money at all.

Baby has been listening to the conversations of several people, looking at the shameful expressions of the master and the seniors, and the landlord's meanness, she now understands that the master does not even have money to pay the rent.

However, in addition to the tuition for the first month, the master never confiscated her tuition again.

She sighed. According to the temper of the master, she would rather sell the wife's dowry than make the students sad.

What's more, many of these seniors were adopted by their masters, and some of them have poor family conditions and the masters do not charge tuition.

Baby listened to the landlord who was still there talking non-stop, took out the phone and sent a message out.

"Okay, you can sign the contract today, and the house is ours!"

The other party is obviously very satisfied here.

"Hold on!" The baby suddenly stopped them.

The baby came out from behind. She was wearing a white robes and her long hair tied into a ponytail, revealing a pure and unparalleled face. Her appearance made everyone shine.

This girl is so pretty.

It's like a daffodil.

"Xiao Bei, there is nothing wrong with you here, so go in first." Master Bai saw that he was his most precious little apprentice, and immediately spoke.

Baby changed her name to Mingbei for convenience.

Everyone kindly called her Xiaobei.

"Master, it's okay... Auntie, you can't drive us away!"

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