Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4640:

After Yao Chongguang heard this, he only felt a little dizzy and his heart throbbed. He immediately rushed to the railing and looked down. There were several crew members struggling below, and there was no shadow of a baby.

Yao Chongguang did not hesitate to jump into the sea to find the baby, but he did not see the baby for more than an hour.


One month later.

Inside a vineyard in country Z.

The manor is full of grapes of various varieties, hung on the trees, looking particularly attractive.

A spacious and bright room.

The baby's eyelashes trembled and slowly opened his eyes.

What caught my eye was the unfamiliar gorgeous roof. The baby only felt the pain of a needle stick in her head, and she quickly raised her head to cover her head.

"Woke up... she really woke up!"

With a scream, the baby looked in the direction of the sound source and saw a girl in a maid's uniform screaming and running out.

Before the baby tried to stop her, his hand froze in the air.

The baby has a splitting headache and can only lie here and stay motionless.

She remembers that she was shot in the arm and fell into the sea. Later, she didn't know where she was washed, so she could only swim away by herself, but where could she swim in the vast sea? Fortunately, she met a driftwood and started drifting while holding the driftwood...

Finally, still fainted...

Is she rescued?

The baby turned to look at the sunshine outside, and suddenly felt very cordial, so good, she saw the sunshine again!

There was a rush of footsteps, and the baby turned his head and saw a man and a woman walk in first, followed by the little girl who had just screamed.

The two walked to the bed, looked at the **** the bed, looked at each other again, and then looked at the baby nervously.

Babe knew that these two people should be their own saviors, and sat up hard.

"Little girl, lie down quickly, don't move around... You have been in a coma for a month, it is really great to wake up." The woman began to speak.

The baby was shocked, and he had fallen asleep for a month!

Oh my God, the family was so anxious to find her.

"Thank you..." The baby said, his voice was similar to that of a male duck, and he was so dumb.

"Xiao Lan, Shui..." the woman said immediately.

"Yes, madam." Xiaolan immediately went to pour a glass of water for the baby.

The baby smiled and said, "Thank you."

She drank the water first, feeling a little more comfortable in her throat, and said, "Thank you for your life-saving grace. No matter what conditions you offer, I will agree."

"Really!" A look of surprise flashed in the woman's eyes.


what happened? Are they waiting for themselves here?

Really have something to do by yourself?

"Of course! I say my words, and my life-saving grace is greater than the sky. I should repay you." said the baby.

No matter what you say, you must realize it.

The man on the side pulled the woman a bit, and he smiled and said, "Little girl, I picked you up on the sea when I was going to deliver the wine."

"Oh, I see."

"How does your arm feel?"

The baby moved his injured arm and said, "Much better."

"Then you take a rest first, and wait for your body to recover." As the man said, he took the woman and left.

Only Xiaolan was left in the room waiting for the baby.

The baby went to the bathroom. She took a bath and rinsed again. She found that she was very clean. It seemed that the family took good care of her.

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