Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4774:

She is not only beautiful in appearance, but also in her temperament.

The temperament that is so indifferent to others is more attractive.

Although Zhao Tianyu woke up, his body was still very weak, and he fell asleep again soon.

Now that he was awake, Yang Feng arranged for the plane to take off and leave here.


When the baby got dressed and went downstairs, Lu Tianzun was already waiting for her in the restaurant.

She looked at the food on the table, and she couldn't believe it. Is Lu Tianzun still going to feed himself?

After being slapped severely by himself.

Baby entered the restaurant and glanced at the man sitting on the main seat. The place where he was hit on his face was not dealt with, so the slap print was still very conspicuous.

It is estimated that anyone can see it at a glance.

The baby sat down and said, "Why don't you apply ice to your face, it should be better soon."

"No!" Lu Tianzun said frankly.

"Didn't you call the doctor? The doctor will." The baby frowned depressed.

Does this guy want to keep evidence of the crime? What if someone finds that he hurts him, what if he has to punish him?

"Eat." Lu Tianzun said lightly, and then began to eat.

The baby started to eat too.

After eating, the baby immediately went to the kitchen, looked for ice cubes, put another piece of gauze on it, and walked out.

"You go to lie down on the sofa in the living room, I will help you ice your face first." The baby doesn't want to be punished or locked up by someone.


Lu Tianzun had already planned to go out. Seeing that the little guy looked serious, he was willing to cooperate and went to the living room to lie on the sofa.

The baby was holding ice cubes to help him compress the ice, hoping to make the palm prints on his face fade.

Her expression was very serious and moved carefully on his face, but after applying it for a long time, the effect was not good.

The baby frowned depressed and asked, "What's the matter? Are you very thick-skinned? Why doesn't it work?"

"Isn't it supposed to use eggs?" Lu Tianzun asked.


It seems like...

Mommy seems to use eggs at home.

"Who said that ice cubes are also very good, it must be that you delayed too long, you are too willful, if you ice compress earlier, the effect will be good, wait, I will cook the eggs!" The baby said and got up. left.

Lu Tianzun sat up, looked at the back of her escape, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, this little guy was really interesting.

His life has always been boring, and his life has changed since being broken into by this little guy.

He couldn't imagine what his life would be like if one day, without this little guy by his side.

Lu Tianzun felt his heart hurt when he thought of this.

The baby came back when he cooked the eggs, and started to roll him with the peeled eggs.

After rolling for a while this time, his face was much better, no longer as red as before, the effect was obvious.

"Wow, not bad! As expected, the eggs have to work well."

"Didn't you say that ice cubes are fine?" Lu Tianzun gave her a cold look.

"Yes...Who knows that you are different from normal people."

"I... am I being too kind to you!" Lu Tianzun's gaze swept across her lightly, revealing danger.

The baby immediately raised 200,000 points of vigilance, and his expression became serious, and he no longer had the same hippie smile as before.

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